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// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrlichtDevice.h"
#include "IImagePresenter.h"
#include "CVideoModeList.h"
namespace irr
// lots of prototypes:
class ILogger;
class CLogger;
namespace gui
class IGUIEnvironment;
IGUIEnvironment* createGUIEnvironment(io::IFileSystem* fs,
video::IVideoDriver* Driver, IOSOperator* op);
namespace scene
ISceneManager* createSceneManager(video::IVideoDriver* driver,
io::IFileSystem* fs, gui::ICursorControl* cc, gui::IGUIEnvironment *gui);
namespace io
IFileSystem* createFileSystem();
namespace video
IVideoDriver* createSoftwareDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize,
bool fullscreen, io::IFileSystem* io,
video::IImagePresenter* presenter);
IVideoDriver* createSoftwareDriver2(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize,
bool fullscreen, io::IFileSystem* io,
video::IImagePresenter* presenter);
IVideoDriver* createNullDriver(io::IFileSystem* io, const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize);
//! Stub for an Irrlicht Device implementation
class CIrrDeviceStub : public IrrlichtDevice
//! constructor
CIrrDeviceStub(const char* version, IEventReceiver* resv);
//! destructor
virtual ~CIrrDeviceStub();
//! returns the video driver
virtual video::IVideoDriver* getVideoDriver();
//! return file system
virtual io::IFileSystem* getFileSystem();
//! returns the gui environment
virtual gui::IGUIEnvironment* getGUIEnvironment();
//! returns the scene manager
virtual scene::ISceneManager* getSceneManager();
//! \return Returns a pointer to the mouse cursor control interface.
virtual gui::ICursorControl* getCursorControl();
//! \return Returns a pointer to a list with all video modes supported
//! by the gfx adapter.
virtual video::IVideoModeList* getVideoModeList();
//! \return Returns a pointer to the ITimer object. With it the
//! current Time can be received.
virtual ITimer* getTimer();
//! Returns the version of the engine.
virtual const char* getVersion() const;
//! send the event to the right receiver
virtual void postEventFromUser(const SEvent& event);
//! Sets a new event receiver to receive events
virtual void setEventReceiver(IEventReceiver* receiver);
//! Returns poinhter to the current event receiver. Returns 0 if there is none.
virtual IEventReceiver* getEventReceiver();
//! Sets the input receiving scene manager.
/** If set to null, the main scene manager (returned by GetSceneManager()) will receive the input */
virtual void setInputReceivingSceneManager(scene::ISceneManager* sceneManager);
//! \return Returns a pointer to the logger.
virtual ILogger* getLogger();
//! Returns the operation system opertator object.
virtual IOSOperator* getOSOperator();
void createGUIAndScene();
//! checks version of sdk and prints warning if there might be a problem
bool checkVersion(const char* version);
video::IVideoDriver* VideoDriver;
gui::IGUIEnvironment* GUIEnvironment;
scene::ISceneManager* SceneManager;
ITimer* Timer;
gui::ICursorControl* CursorControl;
video::CVideoModeList VideoModeList;
IEventReceiver* UserReceiver;
CLogger* Logger;
IOSOperator* Operator;
io::IFileSystem* FileSystem;
scene::ISceneManager* InputReceivingSceneManager;
} // end namespace irr