
2310 lines
72 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CD3D8Driver.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "S3DVertex.h"
#include "CD3D8Texture.h"
#include "CImage.h"
#include "CD3D8MaterialRenderer.h"
#include "CD3D8ShaderMaterialRenderer.h"
#include "CD3D8NormalMapRenderer.h"
#include "CD3D8ParallaxMapRenderer.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
//! constructor
CD3D8Driver::CD3D8Driver(const core::dimension2d<u32>& screenSize, HWND window,
bool fullscreen, bool stencilbuffer,
io::IFileSystem* io, bool pureSoftware, bool vsync)
: CNullDriver(io, screenSize), CurrentRenderMode(ERM_NONE),
ResetRenderStates(true), Transformation3DChanged(false), StencilBuffer(stencilbuffer),
D3DLibrary(0), pID3D(0), pID3DDevice(0), PrevRenderTarget(0),
WindowId(0), SceneSourceRect(0),
LastVertexType((video::E_VERTEX_TYPE)-1), MaxTextureUnits(0), MaxUserClipPlanes(0),
MaxLightDistance(sqrtf(FLT_MAX)), LastSetLight(-1), DeviceLost(false),
#ifdef _DEBUG
for (u32 i=0; i<MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i)
CurrentTexture[i] = 0;
// create sphere map matrix
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._11 = 0.5f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._12 = 0.0f;
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._13 = 0.0f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._14 = 0.0f;
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._21 = 0.0f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._22 =-0.5f;
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._23 = 0.0f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._24 = 0.0f;
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._31 = 0.0f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._32 = 0.0f;
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._33 = 1.0f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._34 = 0.0f;
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._41 = 0.5f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._42 = 0.5f;
SphereMapMatrixD3D8._43 = 0.0f; SphereMapMatrixD3D8._44 = 1.0f;
core::matrix4 mat;
UnitMatrixD3D8 = *(D3DMATRIX*)((void*)mat.pointer());
// init direct 3d is done in the factory function
//! destructor
// drop d3d8
if (pID3DDevice)
if (pID3D)
void CD3D8Driver::createMaterialRenderers()
// create D3D8 material renderers
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_SOLID(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_SOLID_2_LAYER(pID3DDevice, this));
// add the same renderer for all lightmap types
CD3D8MaterialRenderer_LIGHTMAP* lmr = new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_LIGHTMAP(pID3DDevice, this);
addMaterialRenderer(lmr); // for EMT_LIGHTMAP:
addMaterialRenderer(lmr); // for EMT_LIGHTMAP_ADD:
addMaterialRenderer(lmr); // for EMT_LIGHTMAP_M2:
addMaterialRenderer(lmr); // for EMT_LIGHTMAP_M4:
addMaterialRenderer(lmr); // for EMT_LIGHTMAP_LIGHTING:
addMaterialRenderer(lmr); // for EMT_LIGHTMAP_LIGHTING_M2:
addMaterialRenderer(lmr); // for EMT_LIGHTMAP_LIGHTING_M4:
// add remaining material renderers
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_DETAIL_MAP(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_SPHERE_MAP(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_REFLECTION_2_LAYER(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA(pID3DDevice, this));
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_TRANSPARENT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER(pID3DDevice, this));
// add normal map renderers
s32 tmp = 0;
video::IMaterialRenderer* renderer = 0;
renderer = new CD3D8NormalMapRenderer(pID3DDevice, this, tmp,
renderer = new CD3D8NormalMapRenderer(pID3DDevice, this, tmp,
renderer = new CD3D8NormalMapRenderer(pID3DDevice, this, tmp,
// add parallax map renderers
renderer = new CD3D8ParallaxMapRenderer(pID3DDevice, this, tmp,
renderer = new CD3D8ParallaxMapRenderer(pID3DDevice, this, tmp,
renderer = new CD3D8ParallaxMapRenderer(pID3DDevice, this, tmp,
// add basic 1 texture blending
addAndDropMaterialRenderer(new CD3D8MaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND(pID3DDevice, this));
//! initialises the Direct3D API
bool CD3D8Driver::initDriver(const core::dimension2d<u32>& screenSize,
HWND hwnd, u32 bits, bool fullScreen, bool pureSoftware,
bool highPrecisionFPU, bool vsync, u8 antiAlias)
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
typedef IDirect3D8 * (__stdcall *D3DCREATETYPE)(UINT);
#if defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
D3DCREATETYPE d3dCreate = (D3DCREATETYPE) &Direct3DCreate8;
D3DLibrary = LoadLibrary( "d3d8.dll" );
if (!D3DLibrary)
os::Printer::log("Error, could not load d3d8.dll.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
D3DCREATETYPE d3dCreate = (D3DCREATETYPE) GetProcAddress(D3DLibrary, "Direct3DCreate8");
if (!d3dCreate)
os::Printer::log("Error, could not get proc adress of Direct3DCreate8.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
//just like pID3D = Direct3DCreate8(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
pID3D = (*d3dCreate)(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
if (!pID3D)
os::Printer::log("Error initializing D3D.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
// print device information
if (!FAILED(pID3D->GetAdapterIdentifier(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DENUM_NO_WHQL_LEVEL, &dai)))
char tmp[512];
s32 Product = HIWORD(dai.DriverVersion.HighPart);
s32 Version = LOWORD(dai.DriverVersion.HighPart);
s32 SubVersion = HIWORD(dai.DriverVersion.LowPart);
s32 Build = LOWORD(dai.DriverVersion.LowPart);
sprintf(tmp, "%s %s %d.%d.%d.%d", dai.Description, dai.Driver, Product, Version,
SubVersion, Build);
os::Printer::log(tmp, ELL_INFORMATION);
hr = pID3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3ddm);
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("Error: Could not get Adapter Display mode.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
ZeroMemory(&present, sizeof(present));
present.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
present.Windowed = TRUE;
present.BackBufferFormat = d3ddm.Format;
present.EnableAutoDepthStencil = TRUE;
if (fullScreen)
present.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_FLIP;
present.Windowed = FALSE;
present.BackBufferWidth = screenSize.Width;
present.BackBufferHeight = screenSize.Height;
present.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = D3DPRESENT_RATE_DEFAULT;
present.FullScreen_PresentationInterval = vsync ? D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE : D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
if (bits == 32)
present.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8;
present.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_R5G6B5;
devtype = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;
// enable anti alias if possible and whished
if (antiAlias > 0)
if(antiAlias > 16)
antiAlias = 16;
while(antiAlias > 0)
devtype , present.BackBufferFormat, !fullScreen,
present.MultiSampleType = (D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE)antiAlias;
present.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
os::Printer::log("Anti aliasing disabled because hardware/driver lacks necessary caps.", ELL_WARNING);
// check stencil buffer compatibility
if (StencilBuffer)
present.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D24S8;
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL,
D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if !defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
present.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D24X4S4;
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL,
D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
present.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D15S1;
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL,
D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
os::Printer::log("Device does not support stencilbuffer, disabling stencil buffer.", ELL_WARNING);
StencilBuffer = false;
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDepthStencilMatch(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, present.BackBufferFormat, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
os::Printer::log("Depth-stencil format is not compatible with display format, disabling stencil buffer.", ELL_WARNING);
StencilBuffer = false;
// do not use else here to cope with flag change in previous block
if (!StencilBuffer)
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if !defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
present.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D32;
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL,
D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
present.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D24X8;
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL,
D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
present.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16;
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL,
D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
os::Printer::log("Device does not support required depth buffer.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
present.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16;
if(FAILED(pID3D->CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype,
present.BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL,
D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, present.AutoDepthStencilFormat)))
os::Printer::log("Device does not support required depth buffer.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
// create device
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
DWORD fpuPrecision = 0;
DWORD fpuPrecision = highPrecisionFPU ? D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE : 0;
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
if (pureSoftware)
hr = pID3D->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_REF, hwnd,
fpuPrecision | D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &present, &pID3DDevice);
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("Was not able to create Direct3D8 software device.", ELL_ERROR);
hr = pID3D->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype, hwnd,
fpuPrecision | D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &present, &pID3DDevice);
hr = pID3D->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype, hwnd,
fpuPrecision | D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING , &present, &pID3DDevice);
hr = pID3D->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, devtype, hwnd,
fpuPrecision | D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &present, &pID3DDevice);
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("Was not able to create Direct3D8 device.", ELL_ERROR);
if (!pID3DDevice)
os::Printer::log("Was not able to create Direct3D8 device.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
// get caps
if (StencilBuffer &&
(!(Caps.StencilCaps & D3DSTENCILCAPS_DECRSAT) ||
!(Caps.StencilCaps & D3DSTENCILCAPS_INCRSAT) ||
!(Caps.StencilCaps & D3DSTENCILCAPS_KEEP)))
os::Printer::log("Device not able to use stencil buffer, disabling stencil buffer.", ELL_WARNING);
StencilBuffer = false;
// set default vertex shader
// enable antialiasing
if (antiAlias>0)
// set fog mode
setFog(FogColor, LinearFog, FogStart, FogEnd, FogDensity, PixelFog, RangeFog);
// set exposed data
ExposedData.D3D8.D3D8 = pID3D;
ExposedData.D3D8.D3DDev8 = pID3DDevice;
ExposedData.D3D8.HWnd = hwnd;
ResetRenderStates = true;
// create materials
MaxTextureUnits = core::min_((u32)Caps.MaxSimultaneousTextures, MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES);
MaxUserClipPlanes = (u32)Caps.MaxUserClipPlanes;
// set the renderstates
// so far so good.
return true;
//! applications must call this method before performing any rendering. returns false if failed.
bool CD3D8Driver::beginScene(bool backBuffer, bool zBuffer, SColor color,
void* windowId, core::rect<s32>* sourceRect)
CNullDriver::beginScene(backBuffer, zBuffer, color, windowId, sourceRect);
WindowId = windowId;
SceneSourceRect = sourceRect;
if (!pID3DDevice)
return false;
if (DeviceLost)
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
if(FAILED(hr = pID3DDevice->TestCooperativeLevel()))
hr = pID3DDevice->TestCooperativeLevel();
return false;
if ((hr == D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET) && !reset())
return false;
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
DWORD flags = 0;
if (backBuffer)
if (zBuffer)
if (StencilBuffer)
hr = pID3DDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, flags, color.color, 1.0, 0);
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("Direct3D8 clear failed.", ELL_WARNING);
hr = pID3DDevice->BeginScene();
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("Direct3D8 begin scene failed.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
return true;
//! applications must call this method after performing any rendering. returns false if failed.
bool CD3D8Driver::endScene()
HRESULT hr = pID3DDevice->EndScene();
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("DIRECT3D8 end scene failed.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
RECT* srcRct = 0;
RECT sourceRectData;
if ( SceneSourceRect)
srcRct = &sourceRectData;
sourceRectData.left = SceneSourceRect->UpperLeftCorner.X; = SceneSourceRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
sourceRectData.right = SceneSourceRect->LowerRightCorner.X;
sourceRectData.bottom = SceneSourceRect->LowerRightCorner.Y;
hr = pID3DDevice->Present(srcRct, NULL, (HWND)WindowId, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
return true;
DeviceLost = true;
os::Printer::log("DIRECT3D8 device lost.", ELL_WARNING);
os::Printer::log("DIRECT3D8 present failed.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
//! resets the device
bool CD3D8Driver::reset()
u32 i;
os::Printer::log("Resetting D3D8 device.", ELL_INFORMATION);
for (i=0; i<Textures.size(); ++i)
if (Textures[i].Surface->isRenderTarget())
IDirect3DTexture8* tex = ((CD3D8Texture*)(Textures[i].Surface))->getDX8Texture();
if (tex)
HRESULT hr = pID3DDevice->Reset(&present);
for (i=0; i<Textures.size(); ++i)
if (Textures[i].Surface->isRenderTarget())
if (FAILED(hr))
DeviceLost = true;
os::Printer::log("Resetting failed due to device lost.", ELL_WARNING);
os::Printer::log("Resetting failed.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
DeviceLost = false;
ResetRenderStates = true;
LastVertexType = (E_VERTEX_TYPE)-1;
for (u32 i=0; i<MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i)
CurrentTexture[i] = 0;
setFog(FogColor, LinearFog, FogStart, FogEnd, FogDensity, PixelFog, RangeFog);
return true;
//! queries the features of the driver, returns true if feature is available
bool CD3D8Driver::queryFeature(E_VIDEO_DRIVER_FEATURE feature) const
if (!FeatureEnabled[feature])
return false;
switch (feature)
return true;
return (Caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPMAP) != 0;
return StencilBuffer && Caps.StencilCaps;
return Caps.VertexShaderVersion >= D3DVS_VERSION(1,1);
return Caps.VertexShaderVersion >= D3DVS_VERSION(2,0);
return Caps.VertexShaderVersion >= D3DVS_VERSION(3,0);
return Caps.PixelShaderVersion >= D3DPS_VERSION(1,1);
return Caps.PixelShaderVersion >= D3DPS_VERSION(1,2);
return Caps.PixelShaderVersion >= D3DPS_VERSION(1,3);
return Caps.PixelShaderVersion >= D3DPS_VERSION(1,4);
return Caps.PixelShaderVersion >= D3DPS_VERSION(2,0);
return Caps.PixelShaderVersion >= D3DPS_VERSION(3,0);
return (Caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_SQUAREONLY) == 0;
return (Caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2) == 0;
return (Caps.PrimitiveMiscCaps & D3DPMISCCAPS_COLORWRITEENABLE) != 0;
return false;
//! sets transformation
void CD3D8Driver::setTransform(E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state,
const core::matrix4& mat)
case ETS_VIEW:
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)mat.pointer()));
Transformation3DChanged = true;
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)mat.pointer()));
Transformation3DChanged = true;
pID3DDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_PROJECTION, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)mat.pointer()));
Transformation3DChanged = true;
Matrices[state] = mat;
//! sets the current Texture
bool CD3D8Driver::setTexture(s32 stage, const video::ITexture* texture)
if (CurrentTexture[stage] == texture)
return true;
if (texture && texture->getDriverType() != EDT_DIRECT3D8)
os::Printer::log("Fatal Error: Tried to set a texture not owned by this driver.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
CurrentTexture[stage] = texture;
if (!texture)
pID3DDevice->SetTexture(stage, 0);
pID3DDevice->SetTexture(stage, ((const CD3D8Texture*)texture)->getDX8Texture());
return true;
//! sets a material
void CD3D8Driver::setMaterial(const SMaterial& material)
Material = material;
for (u32 i=0; i<MaxTextureUnits; ++i)
setTexture(i, Material.getTexture(i));
//! returns a device dependent texture from a software surface (IImage)
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
video::ITexture* CD3D8Driver::createDeviceDependentTexture(IImage* surface,const core::string<c16>& name)
return new CD3D8Texture(surface, this, TextureCreationFlags, name);
//! Enables or disables a texture creation flag.
void CD3D8Driver::setTextureCreationFlag(E_TEXTURE_CREATION_FLAG flag,
bool enabled)
if (flag == video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS && !queryFeature(EVDF_MIP_MAP))
enabled = false;
CNullDriver::setTextureCreationFlag(flag, enabled);
//! sets a render target
bool CD3D8Driver::setRenderTarget(video::ITexture* texture,
bool clearBackBuffer, bool clearZBuffer, SColor color)
// check for right driver type
if (texture && texture->getDriverType() != EDT_DIRECT3D8)
os::Printer::log("Fatal Error: Tried to set a texture not owned by this driver.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
// check for valid render target
CD3D8Texture* tex = (CD3D8Texture*)texture;
if (texture && !tex->isRenderTarget())
os::Printer::log("Fatal Error: Tried to set a non render target texture as render target.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
if (texture && (tex->getSize().Width > ScreenSize.Width ||
tex->getSize().Height > ScreenSize.Height ))
os::Printer::log("Error: Tried to set a render target texture which is bigger than the screen.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
// check if we should set the previous RT back
bool ret = true;
if (tex == 0)
if (PrevRenderTarget)
IDirect3DSurface8* dss = 0;
if (FAILED(pID3DDevice->SetRenderTarget(PrevRenderTarget, dss)))
os::Printer::log("Error: Could not set back to previous render target.", ELL_ERROR);
ret = false;
if (dss)
CurrentRendertargetSize = core::dimension2d<u32>(0,0);
PrevRenderTarget = 0;
// we want to set a new target. so do this.
// store previous target
if (!PrevRenderTarget && (FAILED(pID3DDevice->GetRenderTarget(&PrevRenderTarget))))
os::Printer::log("Could not get previous render target.", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
// set new render target
IDirect3DSurface8* dss = 0;
if (FAILED(pID3DDevice->SetRenderTarget(tex->getRenderTargetSurface(), dss)))
os::Printer::log("Error: Could not set render target.", ELL_ERROR);
ret = false;
if (dss)
CurrentRendertargetSize = tex->getSize();
if (clearBackBuffer || clearZBuffer)
DWORD flags = 0;
if (clearBackBuffer)
if (clearZBuffer)
pID3DDevice->Clear(0, NULL, flags, color.color, 1.0f, 0);
return ret;
//! Creates a render target texture.
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
ITexture* CD3D8Driver::addRenderTargetTexture(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size, const core::string<c16>& name)
ITexture* tex = new CD3D8Texture(this, size, name);
return tex;
//! sets a viewport
void CD3D8Driver::setViewPort(const core::rect<s32>& area)
core::rect<s32> vp(area);
core::rect<s32> rendert(0,0, ScreenSize.Width, ScreenSize.Height);
D3DVIEWPORT8 viewPort;
viewPort.X = vp.UpperLeftCorner.X;
viewPort.Y = vp.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
viewPort.Width = vp.getWidth();
viewPort.Height = vp.getHeight();
viewPort.MinZ = 0.0f;
viewPort.MaxZ = 1.0f;
if (vp.getHeight()>0 && vp.getWidth()>0)
hr = pID3DDevice->SetViewport(&viewPort);
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("Failed setting the viewport.", ELL_WARNING);
ViewPort = vp;
//! gets the area of the current viewport
const core::rect<s32>& CD3D8Driver::getViewPort() const
return ViewPort;
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void CD3D8Driver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices,
u32 vertexCount, const void* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
if (!checkPrimitiveCount(primitiveCount))
CNullDriver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(vertices, vertexCount, indexList, primitiveCount, vType, pType,iType);
if (!vertexCount || !primitiveCount)
const u32 stride = getVertexPitchFromType(vType);
if (setRenderStates3DMode())
switch (pType)
case scene::EPT_POINT_SPRITES:
case scene::EPT_POINTS:
if (pType==scene::EPT_POINT_SPRITES)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSIZE, *(DWORD*)(&Material.Thickness));
f32 tmp=1.0f;
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSCALE_C, *(DWORD*)(&tmp));
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSIZE_MIN, *(DWORD*)(&tmp));
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSCALE_A, *(DWORD*)(&tmp));
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSCALE_B, *(DWORD*)(&tmp));
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_POINTLIST, 0, vertexCount,
primitiveCount, indexList, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
if (pType==scene::EPT_POINT_SPRITES)
case scene::EPT_LINE_STRIP:
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 0, vertexCount,
primitiveCount, indexList, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
case scene::EPT_LINE_LOOP:
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 0, vertexCount,
primitiveCount, indexList, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
u16 tmpIndices[] = {0, primitiveCount};
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_LINELIST, 0, vertexCount,
1, tmpIndices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
case scene::EPT_LINES:
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_LINELIST, 0, vertexCount,
primitiveCount, indexList, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, vertexCount,
primitiveCount, indexList, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
case scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_FAN:
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0, vertexCount,
primitiveCount, indexList, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
case scene::EPT_TRIANGLES:
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, vertexCount,
primitiveCount, indexList, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, stride);
//! draws an 2d image, using a color (if color is other then Color(255,255,255,255)) and the alpha channel of the texture if wanted.
void CD3D8Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture,
const core::position2d<s32>& pos,
const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect,
const core::rect<s32>* clipRect, SColor color,
bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture)
if (!texture)
if (!sourceRect.isValid())
if (!setTexture(0, texture))
core::position2d<s32> targetPos = pos;
core::position2d<s32> sourcePos = sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner;
// This needs to be signed as it may go negative.
core::dimension2d<s32> sourceSize(sourceRect.getSize());
const core::dimension2d<u32>& renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
if (clipRect)
if (targetPos.X < clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X)
sourceSize.Width += targetPos.X - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X;
if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)
sourcePos.X -= targetPos.X - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X;
targetPos.X = clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X;
if (targetPos.X + (s32)sourceSize.Width > clipRect->LowerRightCorner.X)
sourceSize.Width -= (targetPos.X + sourceSize.Width) - clipRect->LowerRightCorner.X;
if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)
if (targetPos.Y < clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y)
sourceSize.Height += targetPos.Y - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)
sourcePos.Y -= targetPos.Y - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
targetPos.Y = clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
if (targetPos.Y + (s32)sourceSize.Height > clipRect->LowerRightCorner.Y)
sourceSize.Height -= (targetPos.Y + sourceSize.Height) - clipRect->LowerRightCorner.Y;
if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)
// clip these coordinates
if (targetPos.X<0)
sourceSize.Width += targetPos.X;
if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)
sourcePos.X -= targetPos.X;
targetPos.X = 0;
if (targetPos.X + sourceSize.Width > (s32)renderTargetSize.Width)
sourceSize.Width -= (targetPos.X + sourceSize.Width) - renderTargetSize.Width;
if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)
if (targetPos.Y<0)
sourceSize.Height += targetPos.Y;
if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)
sourcePos.Y -= targetPos.Y;
targetPos.Y = 0;
if (targetPos.Y + sourceSize.Height > (s32)renderTargetSize.Height)
sourceSize.Height -= (targetPos.Y + sourceSize.Height) - renderTargetSize.Height;
if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)
// ok, we've clipped everything.
// now draw it.
s32 xPlus = -(s32)(renderTargetSize.Width>>1);
f32 xFact = 1.0f / (renderTargetSize.Width>>1);
s32 yPlus = renderTargetSize.Height-(renderTargetSize.Height>>1);
f32 yFact = 1.0f / (renderTargetSize.Height>>1);
const core::dimension2d<u32> sourceSurfaceSize = texture->getOriginalSize();
core::rect<f32> tcoords;
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X = (((f32)sourcePos.X)+0.5f) / texture->getOriginalSize().Width ;
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (((f32)sourcePos.Y)+0.5f) / texture->getOriginalSize().Height;
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X = (((f32)sourcePos.X +0.5f + (f32)sourceSize.Width)) / texture->getOriginalSize().Width;
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y = (((f32)sourcePos.Y +0.5f + (f32)sourceSize.Height)) / texture->getOriginalSize().Height;
core::rect<s32> poss(targetPos, core::dimension2d<s32>(sourceSize));
setRenderStates2DMode(color.getAlpha()<255, true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
S3DVertex vtx[4];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus-poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y ) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus- poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, &indices[0],
D3DFMT_INDEX16,&vtx[0], sizeof(S3DVertex));
void CD3D8Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture,
const core::rect<s32>& destRect,
const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect,
const core::rect<s32>* clipRect,
const video::SColor* const colors,
bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture)
const core::dimension2d<u32>& ss = texture->getOriginalSize();
core::rect<f32> tcoords;
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X = (f32)sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.X / (f32)ss.Width;
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (f32)sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y / (f32)ss.Height;
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X = (f32)sourceRect.LowerRightCorner.X / (f32)ss.Width;
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y = (f32)sourceRect.LowerRightCorner.Y / (f32)ss.Height;
core::rect<s32> clippedRect(destRect);
if (clipRect)
//tcoords must be clipped by the same factors
const f32 tcWidth = tcoords.getWidth();
const f32 tcHeight = tcoords.getHeight();
const f32 invDestRectWidth = 1.f / (f32)(destRect.getWidth());
f32 scale = (f32)(clippedRect.UpperLeftCorner.X - destRect.UpperLeftCorner.X) * invDestRectWidth;
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X += scale * tcWidth;
scale = (f32)(destRect.LowerRightCorner.X - clippedRect.LowerRightCorner.X) * invDestRectWidth;
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X -= scale * tcWidth;
const f32 invDestRectHeight = 1.f / (f32)(destRect.getHeight());
scale = (f32)(clippedRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y - destRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * invDestRectHeight;
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y += scale * tcHeight;
scale = (f32)(destRect.LowerRightCorner.Y - clippedRect.LowerRightCorner.Y) * invDestRectHeight;
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y -= scale * tcHeight;
const core::dimension2d<u32>& renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
core::rect<f32> npos;
f32 xFact = 2.0f / ( renderTargetSize.Width );
f32 yFact = 2.0f / ( renderTargetSize.Height );
npos.UpperLeftCorner.X = ( clippedRect.UpperLeftCorner.X * xFact ) - 1.0f;
npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y = 1.0f - ( clippedRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y * yFact );
npos.LowerRightCorner.X = ( clippedRect.LowerRightCorner.X * xFact ) - 1.0f;
npos.LowerRightCorner.Y = 1.0f - ( clippedRect.LowerRightCorner.Y * yFact );
const video::SColor temp[4] =
const video::SColor* const useColor = colors ? colors : temp;
S3DVertex vtx[4]; // clock wise
vtx[0] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[0],
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[3],
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[2],
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[1],
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
setRenderStates2DMode(useColor[0].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[1].getAlpha()<255 ||
useColor[2].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[3].getAlpha()<255,
true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
setTexture(0, texture);
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, &indices[0],
D3DFMT_INDEX16,&vtx[0], sizeof(S3DVertex));
//!Draws an 2d rectangle with a gradient.
void CD3D8Driver::draw2DRectangle(const core::rect<s32>& position,
SColor colorLeftUp, SColor colorRightUp, SColor colorLeftDown,
SColor colorRightDown, const core::rect<s32>* clip)
core::rect<s32> pos(position);
if (clip)
if (!pos.isValid())
const core::dimension2d<u32>& renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
s32 xPlus = -(s32)(renderTargetSize.Width>>1);
f32 xFact = 1.0f / (renderTargetSize.Width>>1);
s32 yPlus = renderTargetSize.Height-(renderTargetSize.Height>>1);
f32 yFact = 1.0f / (renderTargetSize.Height>>1);
S3DVertex vtx[4];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact , 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftUp, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightUp, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightDown, 1.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftDown, 1.0f, 1.0f);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
colorLeftUp.getAlpha() < 255 ||
colorRightUp.getAlpha() < 255 ||
colorLeftDown.getAlpha() < 255 ||
colorRightDown.getAlpha() < 255, false, false);
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, &indices[0],
D3DFMT_INDEX16, &vtx[0], sizeof(S3DVertex));
//! Draws a 2d line.
void CD3D8Driver::draw2DLine(const core::position2d<s32>& start,
const core::position2d<s32>& end,
SColor color)
// thanks to Vash TheStampede who sent in his implementation
const core::dimension2d<u32>& renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
const s32 xPlus = -(s32)(renderTargetSize.Width>>1);
const f32 xFact = 1.0f / (renderTargetSize.Width>>1);
const s32 yPlus =
const f32 yFact = 1.0f / (renderTargetSize.Height>>1);
S3DVertex vtx[2];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(start.X + xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus - start.Y) * yFact,
0.0f, // z
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // normal
0.0f, 0.0f); // texture
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(end.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus- end.Y) * yFact,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f);
setRenderStates2DMode(color.getAlpha() < 255, false, false);
pID3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_LINELIST, 1, &vtx[0], sizeof(S3DVertex));
//! Draws a pixel
void CD3D8Driver::drawPixel(u32 x, u32 y, const SColor & color)
const core::dimension2d<u32>& renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
if(x > (u32)renderTargetSize.Width || y > (u32)renderTargetSize.Height)
setRenderStates2DMode(color.getAlpha() < 255, false, false);
const s32 xPlus = -((s32)renderTargetSize.Width) / 2;
const f32 xFact = 2.0f / renderTargetSize.Width;
const s32 yPlus = renderTargetSize.Height / 2;
const f32 yFact = 2.0f / renderTargetSize.Height;
S3DVertex vertex((f32)((s32)x + xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus - (s32)y) * yFact,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, color, 0.f, 0.f);
pID3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_POINTLIST, 1, &vertex, sizeof(vertex));
//! sets right vertex shader
void CD3D8Driver::setVertexShader(E_VERTEX_TYPE newType)
// Because we don't know if a vertex shader was set in a material instead of a
// fvf, this call cannot be prevented in D3D8.
//if (newType != LastVertexType)
LastVertexType = newType;
HRESULT hr = 0;
hr = pID3DDevice->SetVertexShader(D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_NORMAL | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX1);
hr = pID3DDevice->SetVertexShader(D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_NORMAL | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX2);
hr = pID3DDevice->SetVertexShader(D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_NORMAL | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX3 |
D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE2(0) | // real texture coord
D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE3(1) | // misuse texture coord 2 for tangent
D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE3(2) // misuse texture coord 3 for binormal
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("Could not set vertex Shader.", ELL_ERROR);
//! sets the needed renderstates
bool CD3D8Driver::setRenderStates3DMode()
if (!pID3DDevice)
return false;
if (CurrentRenderMode != ERM_3D)
// switch back the matrices
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)&Matrices[ETS_VIEW]));
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)&Matrices[ETS_WORLD]));
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)&Matrices[ETS_PROJECTION]));
ResetRenderStates = true;
if (ResetRenderStates || LastMaterial != Material)
// unset old material
if (CurrentRenderMode == ERM_3D &&
LastMaterial.MaterialType != Material.MaterialType &&
LastMaterial.MaterialType >= 0 && LastMaterial.MaterialType < (s32)MaterialRenderers.size())
// set new material.
if (Material.MaterialType >= 0 && Material.MaterialType < (s32)MaterialRenderers.size())
Material, LastMaterial, ResetRenderStates, this);
bool shaderOK = true;
if (Material.MaterialType >= 0 && Material.MaterialType < (s32)MaterialRenderers.size())
shaderOK = MaterialRenderers[Material.MaterialType].Renderer->OnRender(this, LastVertexType);
LastMaterial = Material;
ResetRenderStates = false;
CurrentRenderMode = ERM_3D;
return shaderOK;
//! Can be called by an IMaterialRenderer to make its work easier.
void CD3D8Driver::setBasicRenderStates(const SMaterial& material, const SMaterial& lastmaterial,
bool resetAllRenderstates)
if (resetAllRenderstates ||
lastmaterial.AmbientColor != material.AmbientColor ||
lastmaterial.DiffuseColor != material.DiffuseColor ||
lastmaterial.SpecularColor != material.SpecularColor ||
lastmaterial.EmissiveColor != material.EmissiveColor ||
lastmaterial.Shininess != material.Shininess)
mat.Diffuse = colorToD3D(material.DiffuseColor);
mat.Ambient = colorToD3D(material.AmbientColor);
mat.Specular = colorToD3D(material.SpecularColor);
mat.Emissive = colorToD3D(material.EmissiveColor);
mat.Power = material.Shininess;
// fillmode
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.Wireframe != material.Wireframe || lastmaterial.PointCloud != material.PointCloud)
if (material.Wireframe)
if (material.PointCloud)
// shademode
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.GouraudShading != material.GouraudShading)
if (material.GouraudShading)
// lighting
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.Lighting != material.Lighting)
if (material.Lighting)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
// zbuffer
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.ZBuffer != material.ZBuffer)
switch (material.ZBuffer)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_EQUAL);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_LESS);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_NOTEQUAL);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATER);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_ALWAYS);
// zwrite
// if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.ZWriteEnable != material.ZWriteEnable)
if (material.ZWriteEnable && (AllowZWriteOnTransparent || !material.isTransparent()))
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, TRUE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE);
// back face culling
if (resetAllRenderstates || (lastmaterial.FrontfaceCulling != material.FrontfaceCulling) || (lastmaterial.BackfaceCulling != material.BackfaceCulling))
// if (material.FrontfaceCulling && material.BackfaceCulling)
// else
if (material.FrontfaceCulling)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW);
if (material.BackfaceCulling)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);
// fog
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.FogEnable != material.FogEnable)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, material.FogEnable);
// specular highlights
if (resetAllRenderstates || !core::equals(lastmaterial.Shininess, material.Shininess))
bool enable = (material.Shininess!=0);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SPECULARENABLE, enable);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS, enable);
// normalization
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.NormalizeNormals != material.NormalizeNormals)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS, material.NormalizeNormals);
// Color Mask
if (queryFeature(EVDF_COLOR_MASK) &&
(resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.ColorMask != material.ColorMask))
const DWORD flag =
((material.ColorMask & ECP_RED)?D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_RED:0) |
((material.ColorMask & ECP_BLUE)?D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_BLUE:0) |
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE, flag);
// thickness
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.Thickness != material.Thickness)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSIZE, *((DWORD*)&material.Thickness));
// texture address mode
for (u32 st=0; st<MaxTextureUnits; ++st)
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.TextureLayer[st].LODBias != material.TextureLayer[st].LODBias)
const float tmp = material.TextureLayer[st].LODBias * 0.125f;
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MIPMAPLODBIAS, *(DWORD*)(&tmp));
if (resetAllRenderstates || lastmaterial.TextureLayer[st].TextureWrap != material.TextureLayer[st].TextureWrap)
u32 mode = D3DTADDRESS_WRAP;
switch (material.TextureLayer[st].TextureWrap)
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_ADDRESSU, mode );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_ADDRESSV, mode );
// Bilinear and/or trilinear
if (resetAllRenderstates ||
lastmaterial.TextureLayer[st].BilinearFilter != material.TextureLayer[st].BilinearFilter ||
lastmaterial.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter != material.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter ||
lastmaterial.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter != material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter )
if (material.TextureLayer[st].BilinearFilter || material.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter || material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter>1)
material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE tftMip = material.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter ? D3DTEXF_LINEAR : D3DTEXF_POINT;
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MAXANISOTROPY, core::min_((DWORD)material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter, Caps.MaxAnisotropy));
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, tftMag);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, tftMin);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MIPFILTER, tftMip);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_POINT);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MIPFILTER, D3DTEXF_NONE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_POINT);
//! sets the needed renderstates
void CD3D8Driver::setRenderStatesStencilShadowMode(bool zfail)
if ((CurrentRenderMode != ERM_SHADOW_VOLUME_ZFAIL &&
CurrentRenderMode != ERM_SHADOW_VOLUME_ZPASS) ||
// switch back the matrices
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)&Matrices[ETS_VIEW]));
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)&Matrices[ETS_WORLD]));
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, (D3DMATRIX*)((void*)&Matrices[ETS_PROJECTION]));
Transformation3DChanged = false;
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(2, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(2, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(3, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(3, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
LastVertexType = (video::E_VERTEX_TYPE)(-1);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILENABLE, TRUE );
//pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE);
// unset last 3d material
if (CurrentRenderMode == ERM_3D &&
Material.MaterialType >= 0 && Material.MaterialType < (s32)MaterialRenderers.size())
if (CurrentRenderMode != ERM_SHADOW_VOLUME_ZPASS && !zfail)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILREF, 0x1 );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILMASK, 0xffffffff );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILWRITEMASK, 0xffffffff );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ZERO );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
if (CurrentRenderMode != ERM_SHADOW_VOLUME_ZFAIL && zfail)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILREF, 0x0 );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILMASK, 0xffffffff );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILWRITEMASK, 0xffffffff );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ZERO );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
//! sets the needed renderstates
void CD3D8Driver::setRenderStatesStencilFillMode(bool alpha)
if (CurrentRenderMode != ERM_STENCIL_FILL || Transformation3DChanged)
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &UnitMatrixD3D8);
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &UnitMatrixD3D8);
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &UnitMatrixD3D8);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(2, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(2, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(3, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(3, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_STENCILREF, 0x1 );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILMASK, 0xffffffff );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILWRITEMASK, 0xffffffff );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW);
Transformation3DChanged = false;
if (alpha)
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
CurrentRenderMode = ERM_STENCIL_FILL;
//! sets the needed renderstates
void CD3D8Driver::setRenderStates2DMode(bool alpha, bool texture, bool alphaChannel)
if (!pID3DDevice)
if (CurrentRenderMode != ERM_2D || Transformation3DChanged)
// unset last 3d material
if (CurrentRenderMode == ERM_3D)
if (static_cast<u32>(LastMaterial.MaterialType) < MaterialRenderers.size())
SMaterial mat;
setBasicRenderStates(mat, mat, true);
// fix everything that is wrongly set by SMaterial default
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(2, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(2, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(3, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(3, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE );
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_STENCILENABLE, FALSE );
setTransform(ETS_TEXTURE_0, core::IdentityMatrix);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, 0);
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &UnitMatrixD3D8);
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &UnitMatrixD3D8);
pID3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &UnitMatrixD3D8);
Transformation3DChanged = false;
if (texture)
if (alphaChannel)
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState (0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
if (alpha)
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState (0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState (0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState (0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
if (alpha)
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG2);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
if (alpha)
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1);
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
CurrentRenderMode = ERM_2D;
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
void CD3D8Driver::deleteAllDynamicLights()
for (s32 i=0; i<LastSetLight+1; ++i)
pID3DDevice->LightEnable(i, false);
LastSetLight = -1;
//! adds a dynamic light
s32 CD3D8Driver::addDynamicLight(const SLight& dl)
D3DLIGHT8 light;
switch (dl.Type)
light.Type = D3DLIGHT_POINT;
case ELT_SPOT:
light.Type = D3DLIGHT_SPOT;
light.Position = *(D3DVECTOR*)((void*)(&dl.Position));
light.Direction = *(D3DVECTOR*)((void*)(&dl.Direction));
light.Range = core::min_(dl.Radius, MaxLightDistance);
light.Falloff = dl.Falloff;
light.Diffuse = *(D3DCOLORVALUE*)((void*)(&dl.DiffuseColor));
light.Specular = *(D3DCOLORVALUE*)((void*)(&dl.SpecularColor));
light.Ambient = *(D3DCOLORVALUE*)((void*)(&dl.AmbientColor));
light.Attenuation0 = dl.Attenuation.X;
light.Attenuation1 = dl.Attenuation.Y;
light.Attenuation2 = dl.Attenuation.Z;
light.Theta = dl.InnerCone * 2.0f * core::DEGTORAD;
light.Phi = dl.OuterCone * 2.0f * core::DEGTORAD;
if(D3D_OK == pID3DDevice->SetLight(LastSetLight, &light))
// I don't care if this succeeds
(void)pID3DDevice->LightEnable(LastSetLight, true);
return LastSetLight;
return -1;
void CD3D8Driver::turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn)
if(lightIndex < 0 || lightIndex > LastSetLight)
(void)pID3DDevice->LightEnable(lightIndex, turnOn);
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
u32 CD3D8Driver::getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const
return Caps.MaxActiveLights;
//! Sets the dynamic ambient light color. The default color is
//! (0,0,0,0) which means it is dark.
//! \param color: New color of the ambient light.
void CD3D8Driver::setAmbientLight(const SColorf& color)
if (!pID3DDevice)
AmbientLight = color;
D3DCOLOR col = color.toSColor().color;
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_AMBIENT, col);
//! \return Returns the name of the video driver. Example: In case of the DIRECT3D8
//! driver, it would return "Direct3D8.1".
const wchar_t* CD3D8Driver::getName() const
return L"Direct3D 8.1";
//! Draws a shadow volume into the stencil buffer. To draw a stencil shadow, do
//! this: Frist, draw all geometry. Then use this method, to draw the shadow
//! volume. Then, use IVideoDriver::drawStencilShadow() to visualize the shadow.
void CD3D8Driver::drawStencilShadowVolume(const core::vector3df* triangles, s32 count, bool zfail)
if (!StencilBuffer || !count)
if (!zfail)
// ZPASS Method
// Draw front-side of shadow volume in stencil/z only
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW );
pID3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, count / 3, triangles, sizeof(core::vector3df));
// Now reverse cull order so front sides of shadow volume are written.
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW );
pID3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, count / 3, triangles, sizeof(core::vector3df));
// ZFAIL Method
// Draw front-side of shadow volume in stencil/z only
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW );
pID3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, count / 3, triangles, sizeof(core::vector3df));
// Now reverse cull order so front sides of shadow volume are written.
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW );
pID3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, count / 3, triangles, sizeof(core::vector3df));
//! Fills the stencil shadow with color. After the shadow volume has been drawn
//! into the stencil buffer using IVideoDriver::drawStencilShadowVolume(), use this
//! to draw the color of the shadow.
void CD3D8Driver::drawStencilShadow(bool clearStencilBuffer, video::SColor leftUpEdge,
video::SColor rightUpEdge, video::SColor leftDownEdge, video::SColor rightDownEdge)
if (!StencilBuffer)
S3DVertex vtx[4];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, leftUpEdge, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, rightUpEdge, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, leftDownEdge, 1.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, rightDownEdge, 1.0f, 1.0f);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,1,3,2};
leftUpEdge.getAlpha() < 255 ||
rightUpEdge.getAlpha() < 255 ||
leftDownEdge.getAlpha() < 255 ||
rightDownEdge.getAlpha() < 255);
pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, &indices[0],
D3DFMT_INDEX16, &vtx[0], sizeof(S3DVertex));
if (clearStencilBuffer)
pID3DDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_STENCIL,0, 1.0, 0);
//! Returns the maximum amount of primitives (mostly vertices) which
//! the device is able to render with one drawIndexedTriangleList
//! call.
u32 CD3D8Driver::getMaximalPrimitiveCount() const
return Caps.MaxPrimitiveCount;
//! Sets the fog mode.
void CD3D8Driver::setFog(SColor color, bool linearFog, f32 start,
f32 end, f32 density, bool pixelFog, bool rangeFog)
CNullDriver::setFog(color, linearFog, start, end, density, pixelFog, rangeFog);
if (!pID3DDevice)
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGCOLOR, color.color);
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
linearFog ? D3DFOG_LINEAR : D3DFOG_EXP);
linearFog ? D3DFOG_LINEAR : D3DFOG_EXP);
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGSTART, *(DWORD*)(&start));
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGEND, *(DWORD*)(&end));
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGDENSITY, *(DWORD*)(&density));
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState (D3DRS_RANGEFOGENABLE, rangeFog);
//! Draws a 3d line.
void CD3D8Driver::draw3DLine(const core::vector3df& start,
const core::vector3df& end, SColor color)
video::S3DVertex v[2];
v[0].Color = color;
v[1].Color = color;
v[0].Pos = start;
v[1].Pos = end;
pID3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_LINELIST, 1, v, sizeof(S3DVertex));
void CD3D8Driver::OnResize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size)
if (!pID3DDevice)
//! Returns type of video driver
E_DRIVER_TYPE CD3D8Driver::getDriverType() const
return EDT_DIRECT3D8;
//! Returns the transformation set by setTransform
const core::matrix4& CD3D8Driver::getTransform(E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state) const
return Matrices[state];
//! Sets a vertex shader constant.
void CD3D8Driver::setVertexShaderConstant(const f32* data, s32 startRegister, s32 constantAmount)
if (data)
pID3DDevice->SetVertexShaderConstant(startRegister, data, constantAmount);
//! Sets a pixel shader constant.
void CD3D8Driver::setPixelShaderConstant(const f32* data, s32 startRegister, s32 constantAmount)
if (data)
pID3DDevice->SetPixelShaderConstant(startRegister, data, constantAmount);
//! Sets a constant for the vertex shader based on a name.
bool CD3D8Driver::setVertexShaderConstant(const c8* name, const f32* floats, int count)
os::Printer::log("Cannot set constant, no HLSL supported in D3D8");
return false;
//! Sets a constant for the pixel shader based on a name.
bool CD3D8Driver::setPixelShaderConstant(const c8* name, const f32* floats, int count)
os::Printer::log("Cannot set constant, no HLSL supported in D3D8");
return false;
//! Returns pointer to the IGPUProgrammingServices interface.
IGPUProgrammingServices* CD3D8Driver::getGPUProgrammingServices()
return this;
//! Adds a new material renderer to the VideoDriver, using pixel and/or
//! vertex shaders to render geometry.
s32 CD3D8Driver::addShaderMaterial(const c8* vertexShaderProgram,
const c8* pixelShaderProgram,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback,
E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial, s32 userData)
s32 nr = -1;
CD3D8ShaderMaterialRenderer* r = new CD3D8ShaderMaterialRenderer(
pID3DDevice, this, nr, vertexShaderProgram, pixelShaderProgram,
callback, getMaterialRenderer(baseMaterial), userData);
return nr;
//! Returns a pointer to the IVideoDriver interface. (Implementation for
//! IMaterialRendererServices)
IVideoDriver* CD3D8Driver::getVideoDriver()
return this;
//! Clears the ZBuffer.
void CD3D8Driver::clearZBuffer()
HRESULT hr = pID3DDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0, 1.0, 0);
if (FAILED(hr))
os::Printer::log("CD3D8Driver clearZBuffer() failed.", ELL_WARNING);
//! Returns an image created from the last rendered frame.
IImage* CD3D8Driver::createScreenShot()
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
return 0;
// query the screen dimensions of the current adapter
// create the image surface to store the front buffer image [always A8R8G8B8]
if (FAILED(hr = pID3DDevice->CreateImageSurface(displayMode.Width, displayMode.Height, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, &lpSurface)))
return 0;
// read the front buffer into the image surface
if (FAILED(hr = pID3DDevice->GetFrontBuffer(lpSurface)))
return 0;
RECT clientRect;
POINT clientPoint;
clientPoint.x = 0;
clientPoint.y = 0;
ClientToScreen( (HWND)getExposedVideoData().D3D8.HWnd, &clientPoint );
clientRect.left = clientPoint.x; = clientPoint.y;
clientRect.right = clientRect.left + ScreenSize.Width;
clientRect.bottom = + ScreenSize.Height;
// lock our area of the surface
D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;
if (FAILED(lpSurface->LockRect(&lockedRect, &clientRect, D3DLOCK_READONLY)))
return 0;
// this could throw, but we aren't going to worry about that case very much
IImage* newImage = new CImage(ECF_A8R8G8B8, ScreenSize);
// d3d pads the image, so we need to copy the correct number of bytes
u32* dP = (u32*)newImage->lock();
u8 * sP = (u8 *)lockedRect.pBits;
// If the display mode format doesn't promise anything about the Alpha value
// and it appears that it's not presenting 255, then we should manually
// set each pixel alpha value to 255.
if(D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 == displayMode.Format && (0xFF000000 != (*dP & 0xFF000000)))
for (u32 y = 0; y < ScreenSize.Height; ++y)
for(u32 x = 0; x < ScreenSize.Width; ++x)
*dP = *((u32*)sP) | 0xFF000000;
sP += 4;
sP += lockedRect.Pitch - (4 * ScreenSize.Width);
for (u32 y = 0; y < ScreenSize.Height; ++y)
memcpy(dP, sP, ScreenSize.Width * 4);
sP += lockedRect.Pitch;
dP += ScreenSize.Width;
// we can unlock and release the surface
// release the image surface
// return status of save operation to caller
return newImage;
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
// returns the current size of the screen or rendertarget
const core::dimension2d<u32>& CD3D8Driver::getCurrentRenderTargetSize() const
if ( CurrentRendertargetSize.Width == 0 )
return ScreenSize;
return CurrentRendertargetSize;
// Set/unset a clipping plane.
bool CD3D8Driver::setClipPlane(u32 index, const core::plane3df& plane, bool enable)
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
return false;
if (index >= MaxUserClipPlanes)
return false;
pID3DDevice->SetClipPlane(index, (const float*)&plane);
enableClipPlane(index, enable);
return true;
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
// Enable/disable a clipping plane.
void CD3D8Driver::enableClipPlane(u32 index, bool enable)
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
#if defined( _IRR_XBOX_PLATFORM_)
if (index >= MaxUserClipPlanes)
DWORD renderstate;
pID3DDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE, &renderstate);
if (enable)
renderstate |= (1 << index);
renderstate &= ~(1 << index);
pID3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE, renderstate);
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr
namespace irr
namespace video
//! creates a video driver
IVideoDriver* createDirectX8Driver(const core::dimension2d<u32>& screenSize,
HWND window, u32 bits, bool fullscreen, bool stencilbuffer,
io::IFileSystem* io, bool pureSoftware, bool highPrecisionFPU,
bool vsync, u8 antiAlias)
CD3D8Driver* dx8 = new CD3D8Driver(screenSize, window, fullscreen,
stencilbuffer, io, pureSoftware);
if (!dx8->initDriver(screenSize, window, bits, fullscreen,
pureSoftware, highPrecisionFPU, vsync, antiAlias))
dx8 = 0;
return dx8;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr