Implement simple track size reduction; fix conns code

y5nw 2021-08-22 20:23:49 +02:00
parent 26d10de5dd
commit 186c0c9dae
3 changed files with 58 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(defparameter *ildb* nil)
(defparameter *nodedb* nil)
(defparameter *trackdb* nil)
(defparameter *trackdb-temp* nil)
(defun program-entry ()
(let* ((argv (uiop:command-line-arguments))
@ -21,12 +22,17 @@
(macrolet ((savefilepath (n)
`(uiop:subpathname worldpath (format nil "advtrains_~a" ,n)))
(load-data ()
(alexandria:with-gensyms (tf tl)
(setf *ildb* (atil:import-data (savefilepath "")))
(setf *nodedb* (ndb:import-data (savefilepath "")))
(setf *trackdb* (tracks:import-data *nodedb*))
(multiple-value-bind (,tf ,tl) (tracks:import-data *nodedb*)
(setf *trackdb* ,tf)
(if debugp (setf *trackdb-temp* ,tl)))
(if (not debugp) (setf *nodedb* nil))
(hunchentoot:acceptor-log-message server :info "Database updated"))))
(mainloop ()
`(loop (load-data) (sleep 20))))
("/dumpser/:p" :method :get) (&path (p 'string))
@ -88,7 +94,7 @@
append (loop with side = (atil:make-tcbside :pos pos :side 1)
for i across (atil:tcbdata-routes (atil:tcb-side-b tcb))
append (list side (atil:route-next i))))))
graph-tracks ("/graph/paths" :method :get) ()
("Return a simple graph of paths")
(tracks:gvdump *trackdb*))
@ -110,12 +116,7 @@
(with-output-to-string (s)
(describe easy-routes:*routes-mapper* s)))
;; loop until an error occurs
(handler-case (loop do
(sleep 20))
(t (c)
(format t "~&~a~%" c)
(when debugp (uiop:handle-fatal-condition c))))
(if debugp (mainloop) (ignore-errors (mainloop)))
(hunchentoot:stop server)

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
`(make-conns :from (dir ,c1 ,r1) :to (dir ,c2 ,r2)))
(defmacro conns-t ((c1 &body cb) (&optional r1 &body rb))
``(,,@(loop for c in cb and ri = rb then (cdr rb) for r = (car r)
``(,,@(loop for c in cb and ri = rb then (cdr ri) for r = (car ri)
collect `(conns ,c1 ,c ,r1 ,r))))
(defmacro conns-x ((&body cb) (&body rb))

View File

@ -17,6 +17,47 @@
(defmacro get-track (trackdb pos)
`(gethash ,pos ,trackdb))
(defmacro with-track-at-ts ((trackdb trackside &optional pos dir track) &body body)
(trackdb trackside)
(let ((pos (or pos (gensym))) (dir (or dir (gensym))) (track (or track (gensym))))
`(when ,trackside
(with-accessors ((,pos trackside-pos) (,dir trackside-side)) ,trackside
(let ((,track (get-track ,trackdb ,pos)))
(when ,track ,@body)))))))
(defun optimize-track-database (tdb)
(loop for pos in (loop for i being the hash-keys of tdb collect i)
for track = (gethash pos tdb)
when (and track (not (track-special track))) do
(let ((connections (track-connects track))
(unused (make-array 16 :initial-element nil)))
((ndirs (c)
(count-if-not #'null c))
(connect-dirs (from to dist)
(with-track-at-ts (tdb from nil dir track)
(let ((c (aref (track-connects track) dir)))
(setf (car c) to)
(setf (cadr c) dist)))
(with-track-at-ts (tdb to nil dir track)
(let ((c (aref (track-connects track) dir)))
(setf (car c) from)
(setf (cadr c) dist))))
(merge-2way (c)
(when (= (ndirs c) 2)
(let ((collapsed (coerce (remove-if #'null c) 'list)))
(connect-dirs (caar collapsed) (caadr collapsed)
(+ (cadar collapsed) (cadadr collapsed))))
(setf unused (make-array 16 :initial-element t))))
(removable-p ()
(loop for i across unused always i)))
(loop for dir from 0 to 15 for i across connections
when (null i) do (setf (aref unused dir) t))
(merge-2way connections)
(when (removable-p)
(remhash pos tdb))))))
(defun import-data (ndb)
(let ((tdb (make-track-database))
;; temporary track database to read in data to
@ -57,7 +98,8 @@
(push dist (aref connects (dir-c i)))
(push adj (aref connects (dir-c i))))
(setf (get-track tdb pos) (make-track :connects connects))))
(optimize-track-database tdb)
(values tdb tmpdb)))
(defun gvdump (tdb)
(with-output-to-string (stream)