Reorganize files

y5nw 2021-08-12 22:37:49 +02:00
parent 5dbb96256d
commit 04f42be1dc
6 changed files with 160 additions and 113 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
LISP ?= sbcl
$(LISP) --eval '(require :asdf)' \
--eval '(load "ywatds.asd")' \
--eval '(asdf:load-system "ywatds")' \
--eval '(asdf:make :ywatds)' \
--eval '(quit)'

View File

@ -1,106 +1,19 @@
(require "asdf")
(asdf:load-system :easy-routes)
(asdf:load-system :cl-ppcre)
(asdf:load-system :parse-float)
(use-package :parse-float)
(defmacro ser-unescape (seq)
(let ((match (gensym)) (replacef (gensym)))
`(flet ((,replacef (,match)
(string (ecase (char ,match 1)
(#\: #\:)
(#\n #\Newline)
(#\r #\Return)
(#\& #\&)))))
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "&[:nr&]" ,seq #',replacef :simple-calls t))))
(defmacro ser-string-to-value (seq table-allow)
(let ((str (gensym)) (datatype (gensym)) (restdata (gensym)))
`(let* ((,str ,seq)
(,datatype (char ,str 0))
(,restdata (subseq ,str 1)))
(ecase ,datatype
(#\T (if ,table-allow 'table (error "table not allowed")))
(#\N (parse-float ,restdata))
(#\B (ecase (parse-integer ,restdata)
(0 t)
(1 nil)))
(#\S (ser-unescape ,restdata))))))
(defmacro ser-adjust-line (line)
`(string-right-trim '(#\Return) ,line))
(defun ser-read-table (stream restype)
(let ((ht (case restype
('alist nil)
(otherwise (make-hash-table)))))
(do ((line (ser-adjust-line (read-line stream nil))
(ser-adjust-line (read-line stream nil))))
((or (null line) (equal line "E")) ht)
(key value)
("^(.*[^&]):(.+)$" line)
(let* ((kv (ser-string-to-value key nil))
(vt (ser-string-to-value value t))
(vv (if (equal vt 'table)
(ser-read-table stream restype)
(case restype
('alist (push (cons kv vv) ht))
(otherwise (setf (gethash kv ht) vv))))))))
(defun ser-read-stream (stream restype)
(let* ((header (ser-adjust-line (read-line stream nil)))
(sver (parse-integer
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace "^LUA_SER v=([12])$" header "\\1"))))
;; We don't need much checking here for now
(assert sver)
(ser-read-table stream restype)))
(defmacro ser-read-file (fn restype)
(let ((stream (gensym)))
`(with-open-file (,stream ,fn)
(ser-read-stream ,stream ,restype))))
(defun toxml (l)
((null l) "")
((listp l)
(let ((tag (car l)) (attrs (cadr l)) (body (cddr l)))
(format nil "<~a~@[~{ ~a~@[='~a'~]~}~]~:[/~;~:*>~{~a~}<~0@*/~a~]>"
tag attrs
(loop for i in body collect (toxml i)))))
((eql t l) "true")
(t (format nil "~a" l))))
(defmacro wrap-html (title &body body)
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/html")
`("html" ()
("head" () ("title" () ,,title))
("body" () ,,@body)))))
;; Lazy error handler: deny access if error occurs
(defmacro safe-route (&body body)
`(handler-case (progn ,@body)
(t () (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) 403) nil)))
(defmacro safe-text-route (options params &body body)
(let ((name (gensym)) (response (gensym)))
`(easy-routes:defroute ,name ,options ,params
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/plain")
(let ((,response (safe-route ,@body)))
(if (stringp ,response) ,response nil)))))
(defpackage :ywatds
(:use :cl)
(:export :program-entry))
(in-package :ywatds)
(defun program-entry ()
(let* ((argv (uiop:command-line-arguments))
(worldpath (uiop:ensure-pathname (car argv)
:defaults (uiop:getcwd)
:ensure-directory t
:want-existing t
:ensure-absolute t))
(scriptpath (uiop:ensure-pathname *load-truename*))
(scriptdir (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname scriptpath))
(wwwpath (uiop:ensure-pathname (uiop:subpathname scriptdir "www")
:defaults (uiop:getcwd)
:ensure-directory t
:want-existing t
:ensure-absolute t))
@ -108,10 +21,16 @@
(server (make-instance 'easy-routes:easy-routes-acceptor
:port serverport)))
(setf (hunchentoot:acceptor-document-root server) wwwpath)
("/dumpser/:p" :method :get) ()
("/dumpser/:p" :method :get) (&path (p 'string))
(format nil "~s"
(uiop:subpathname worldpath (format nil "advtrains_~a" p))
(hunchentoot:start server))
(hunchentoot:start server)
;; loop until an error occurs
(handler-case (loop (sleep most-positive-fixnum))
(t (c) (format t "~&~a~%" c)))
(hunchentoot:stop server)

serialize-lib.lisp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
(defpackage :advtrains-serialize-lib
(:use :cl :parse-float)
(:nicknames :atsl)
(:export :from-file :from-stream))
(in-package :atsl)
(defmacro unescape (seq)
(let ((match (gensym)) (replacef (gensym)))
`(flet ((,replacef (,match)
(string (ecase (char ,match 1)
(#\: #\:)
(#\n #\Newline)
(#\r #\Return)
(#\& #\&)))))
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "&[:nr&]" ,seq #',replacef :simple-calls t))))
(defmacro string-to-value (seq table-allow)
(let ((str (gensym)) (datatype (gensym)) (restdata (gensym)))
`(let* ((,str ,seq)
(,datatype (char ,str 0))
(,restdata (subseq ,str 1)))
(ecase ,datatype
(#\T (if ,table-allow 'table (error "table not allowed")))
(#\N (parse-float ,restdata))
(#\B (ecase (parse-integer ,restdata)
(0 t)
(1 nil)))
(#\S (unescape ,restdata))))))
(defmacro adjust-line (line)
`(string-right-trim '(#\Return) ,line))
(defun read-table (stream restype)
(let ((ht (case restype
('alist nil)
(otherwise (make-hash-table)))))
(do ((line (adjust-line (read-line stream nil))
(adjust-line (read-line stream nil))))
((or (null line) (equal line "E")) ht)
(key value)
("^(.*[^&]):(.+)$" line)
(let* ((kv (string-to-value key nil))
(vt (string-to-value value t))
(vv (if (equal vt 'table)
(read-table stream restype)
(case restype
('alist (push (cons kv vv) ht))
(otherwise (setf (gethash kv ht) vv))))))))
(defun from-stream (stream restype)
(let* ((header (adjust-line (read-line stream nil)))
(sver (parse-integer
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace "^LUA_SER v=([12])$" header "\\1"))))
;; We don't need much checking here for now
(assert sver)
(read-table stream restype)))
(defmacro from-file (fn restype)
(let ((stream (gensym)))
`(with-open-file (,stream ,fn)
(from-stream ,stream ,restype))))

server-wrapper.lisp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
(defpackage :ywatds-server-wrapper
(:use :cl)
(:nicknames :ywsw)
(:export :toxml :safe-text-route))
(in-package :ywsw)
(defun toxml (l)
((null l) "")
((listp l)
(let ((tag (car l)) (attrs (cadr l)) (body (cddr l)))
(format nil "<~a~@[~{ ~a~@[='~a'~]~}~]~:[/~;~:*>~{~a~}<~0@*/~a~]>"
tag attrs
(loop for i in body collect (toxml i)))))
((eql t l) "true")
(t (format nil "~a" l))))
(defmacro wrap-html (title &body body)
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/html")
`("html" ()
("head" () ("title" () ,,title))
("body" () ,,@body)))))
;; Lazy error handler: deny access if error occurs
(defmacro safe-route (&body body)
(let ((c (gensym)))
`(handler-case (progn ,@body)
(t (,c)
(setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) 403)
(hunchentoot:log-message* :error (format nil "~a" ,c))
(defmacro safe-text-route (options params &body body)
(let ((name (gensym)) (response (gensym)))
`(easy-routes:defroute ,name ,options ,params
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/plain")
(let ((,response (safe-route ,@body)))
(if (stringp ,response) ,response nil)))))

ywatds.asd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
(in-package :asdf-user)
(defsystem "ywatds"
:description "ywatds: simple server that pulls data from advtrains savefiles"
:version "0.1"
:author "Y.W."
:license "GNU AGPL 3 or later"
:depends-on ("asdf" "easy-routes" "cl-ppcre" "parse-float")
:components ((:file "serialize-lib")
(:file "server-wrapper")
(:file "dataserver" :depends-on ("serialize-lib"
:build-operation "program-op"
:build-pathname "ywatds"
:entry-point "ywatds:program-entry")