
47 lines
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(defpackage :advtrains-interlocking
(:use :cl)
(:nicknames :atil)
(:export :import-data))
(in-package :atil)
(defstruct tcbdata
(ts nil :type (or string null))
(signal-pos nil :type (or aux:v3d null)))
(defstruct tcb
(pos (error "no position specified") :type aux:v3d)
(side-a (error "TCB has no side A") :type tcbdata)
(side-b (error "TCB has no side B") :type tcbdata))
(defmethod print-object ((obj tcb) stream)
(let ((*standard-output* stream))
(with-accessors ((pos tcb-pos) (a tcb-side-a) (b tcb-side-b)) obj
(print-unreadable-object (obj stream)
(format stream "TCB AT ~a " pos)
(pprint-newline :mandatory)
(pprint-indent :current 0)
(format stream "SIDE A ~a " a)
(pprint-newline :mandatory)
(format stream "SIDE B ~a" b)))))
(defmacro read-tcb-side (side)
(alexandria:with-gensyms (ts)
`(let ((,ts (gethash "ts_id" ,side nil)))
(make-tcbdata :ts ,ts
:signal-pos (ignore-errors (aux:hash-table-to-v3d (gethash "signal" ,side))))))))
(defun import-data (fn)
(let ((ht (atsl:from-file fn :hash-table)))
(let ((tcbs (aux:adj-vector-of 'tcb)))
for poss being each hash-key of (gethash "tcbs" ht)
using (hash-value tcb)
for pos = (aux:string-to-v3d poss)
and side-a = (read-tcb-side (gethash 1 tcb))
and side-b = (read-tcb-side (gethash 2 tcb))
for tcbobj = (make-tcb :pos pos :side-a side-a :side-b side-b)
do (vector-push-extend tcbobj tcbs))