When a player releases the "crouch" key, `Player::TryUncrouch` is responsible for checking if uncrouching is possible and adjusting the local player position accordingly so that the legs won't be embedded in a ground thereafter. There are two cases in which uncrouching succeeds. Case 1: The player is airborne, and there's room under the legs. Case 2: There's room over the head. The old code did not rely on `Player::TryUncrouch` for player position readjustment. Instead, `Player::SetInput` was actually responsible for this. Unfortunately, it did not distinguish the cases correctly. It did check correctly whether uncrouching is possible. However, to determine which of Case 1 and Case 2 is applicable, it only checked the player's airborne-ness, therefore it incorrectly selected Case 1 if the player is airborne but there's no room under the legs. This incorrect implementation resulted in annoying bugs where a player gets stuck in a ground if the player uncrouches just above it.
251 lines
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251 lines
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Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
based on code of pysnip (c) Mathias Kaerlev 2011-2012.
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "PhysicsConstants.h"
#include <Core/Math.h>
namespace spades {
namespace client {
class World;
class Weapon;
struct PlayerInput {
bool moveForward : 1;
bool moveBackward : 1;
bool moveLeft : 1;
bool moveRight : 1;
bool jump : 1;
bool crouch : 1;
bool sneak : 1;
bool sprint : 1;
: moveForward(false),
sprint(false) {}
struct WeaponInput {
bool primary : 1;
bool secondary : 1;
WeaponInput() : primary(false), secondary(false) {}
class Player {
enum ToolType { ToolSpade = 0, ToolBlock, ToolWeapon, ToolGrenade };
struct HitBoxes {
OBB3 torso;
OBB3 limbs[3];
OBB3 head;
World &world;
Vector3 position;
Vector3 velocity;
Vector3 orientation;
Vector3 eye;
PlayerInput input;
WeaponInput weapInput;
bool airborne;
bool wade;
ToolType tool;
WeaponType weaponType;
std::unique_ptr<Weapon> weapon;
int playerId;
int teamId;
IntVector3 color; // obsolete
int health;
int grenades;
int blockStocks;
IntVector3 blockColor;
// for making footsteps
float moveDistance;
int moveSteps;
bool lastJump;
float lastClimbTime;
float lastJumpTime;
// tools
float nextSpadeTime;
float nextDigTime;
bool firstDig;
float nextGrenadeTime;
float nextBlockTime;
bool holdingGrenade;
float grenadeTime;
bool blockCursorActive;
bool blockCursorDragging;
IntVector3 blockCursorPos;
IntVector3 blockCursorDragPos;
bool lastSingleBlockBuildSeqDone;
float lastReloadingTime;
bool pendingPlaceBlock;
bool pendingRestockBlock;
bool canPending;
IntVector3 pendingPlaceBlockPos;
// for local players, completion of reload is
// notified to client
bool reloadingServerSide;
float respawnTime;
void RepositionPlayer(const Vector3 &);
void MovePlayer(float fsynctics);
void BoxClipMove(float fsynctics);
bool TryUncrouch();
void UseSpade();
void DigWithSpade();
void FireWeapon();
void ThrowGrenade();
Player(World &, int playerId, WeaponType weapon, int teamId, Vector3 position,
IntVector3 color);
Player(const Player &) = delete;
void operator=(const Player &) = delete;
int GetId() { return playerId; }
Weapon &GetWeapon();
WeaponType GetWeaponType() { return weaponType; }
int GetTeamId() { return teamId; }
bool IsSpectator() { return teamId >= 2; }
std::string GetName();
IntVector3 GetColor();
IntVector3 GetBlockColor() { return blockColor; }
ToolType GetTool() { return tool; }
bool IsLocalPlayer();
PlayerInput GetInput() { return input; }
WeaponInput GetWeaponInput() { return weapInput; }
void SetInput(PlayerInput);
void SetWeaponInput(WeaponInput);
void SetTool(ToolType);
void SetHeldBlockColor(IntVector3);
void ForceJump();
bool IsBlockCursorActive();
bool IsBlockCursorDragging();
IntVector3 GetBlockCursorPos() { return blockCursorPos; }
IntVector3 GetBlockCursorDragPos() { return blockCursorDragPos; }
bool CanActivateDelayedBlockPlacement() { return canPending; }
bool IsReadyToUseTool();
// ammo counts
int GetNumBlocks() { return blockStocks; }
int GetNumGrenades() { return grenades; }
void Reload();
void ReloadDone(int clip, int stock);
void Restock();
void GotBlock();
bool IsToolWeapon() { return tool == ToolWeapon; }
bool IsToolSelectable(ToolType);
bool IsAwaitingReloadCompletion() { return reloadingServerSide; }
void SetPosition(const Vector3 &);
void SetOrientation(const Vector3 &);
void SetVelocity(const Vector3 &);
void Turn(float longitude, float latitude);
void SetHP(int hp, HurtType, Vector3);
void SetWeaponType(WeaponType weap);
void SetTeam(int);
void UsedBlocks(int c) { blockStocks = std::max(blockStocks - c, 0); }
/** makes player's health 0. */
void KilledBy(KillType, Player &killer, int respawnTime);
bool IsAlive();
/** @return world time to respawn */
float GetRespawnTime() { return respawnTime; }
/** Returns player's health (local player only) */
int GetHealth() { return health; }
Vector3 GetPosition() { return position; }
Vector3 GetFront();
Vector3 GetFront2D();
Vector3 GetRight();
Vector3 GetLeft();
Vector3 GetUp();
Vector3 GetEye() { return eye; }
Vector3 GetOrigin(); // actually not origin at all!
Vector3 GetVelocity() { return velocity; }
int GetMoveSteps() { return moveSteps; }
World &GetWorld() { return world; }
bool GetWade();
bool IsOnGroundOrWade();
void Update(float dt);
float GetToolPrimaryDelay();
float GetToolSecondaryDelay();
float GetSpadeAnimationProgress();
float GetDigAnimationProgress();
bool IsFirstDig() const { return firstDig; }
float GetTimeToNextGrenade();
float GetWalkAnimationProgress();
bool IsCookingGrenade();
float GetGrenadeCookTime();
// hit tests
HitBoxes GetHitBoxes();
/** Does approximated ray casting.
* @param dir normalized direction vector.
* @return true if ray may hit the player. */
bool RayCastApprox(Vector3 start, Vector3 dir);
bool OverlapsWith(const AABB3 &);
bool OverlapsWithOneBlock(IntVector3);
float BoxDistanceToBlock(IntVector3);
} // namespace client
} // namespace spades