
768 lines
30 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <>.
namespace spades {
class PreferenceViewOptions {
bool GameActive = false;
class PreferenceView : spades::ui::UIElement {
private spades::ui::UIElement @owner;
private PreferenceTab @[] tabs;
float ContentsLeft, ContentsWidth;
float ContentsTop, ContentsHeight;
int SelectedTabIndex = 0;
spades::ui::EventHandler @Closed;
PreferenceView(spades::ui::UIElement @owner, PreferenceViewOptions @options,
FontManager @fontManager) {
@this.owner = owner;
this.Bounds = owner.Bounds;
ContentsWidth = 800.f;
ContentsLeft = (Manager.Renderer.ScreenWidth - ContentsWidth) * 0.5f;
ContentsHeight = 550.f;
ContentsTop = (Manager.Renderer.ScreenHeight - ContentsHeight) * 0.5f;
spades::ui::Label label(Manager);
label.BackgroundColor = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
label.Bounds = Bounds;
spades::ui::Label label(Manager);
label.BackgroundColor = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.8f);
label.Bounds = AABB2(0.f, ContentsTop - 13.f, Size.x, ContentsHeight + 27.f);
AddTab(GameOptionsPanel(Manager, options, fontManager),
_Tr("Preferences", "Game Options"));
AddTab(ControlOptionsPanel(Manager, options, fontManager),
_Tr("Preferences", "Controls"));
AddTab(MiscOptionsPanel(Manager, options, fontManager), _Tr("Preferences", "Misc"));
PreferenceTabButton button(Manager);
button.Caption = _Tr("Preferences", "Back");
button.Bounds =
AABB2(ContentsLeft + 10.f, ContentsTop + 10.f + float(tabs.length) * 32.f + 5.f,
150.f, 30.f);
button.Alignment = Vector2(0.f, 0.5f);
@button.Activated = spades::ui::EventHandler(this.OnClosePressed);
private void AddTab(spades::ui::UIElement @view, string caption) {
PreferenceTab tab(this, view);
int order = int(tabs.length);
tab.TabButton.Bounds =
AABB2(ContentsLeft + 10.f, ContentsTop + 10.f + float(order) * 32.f, 150.f, 30.f);
tab.TabButton.Caption = caption;
tab.View.Bounds = AABB2(ContentsLeft + 170.f, ContentsTop + 10.f, ContentsWidth - 180.f,
ContentsHeight - 20.f);
tab.View.Visible = false;
@tab.TabButton.Activated = spades::ui::EventHandler(this.OnTabButtonActivated);
private void OnTabButtonActivated(spades::ui::UIElement @sender) {
for (uint i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
if (cast<spades::ui::UIElement>(tabs[i].TabButton) is sender) {
SelectedTabIndex = i;
private void UpdateTabs() {
for (uint i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
PreferenceTab @tab = tabs[i];
bool selected = SelectedTabIndex == int(i);
tab.TabButton.Toggled = selected;
tab.View.Visible = selected;
private void OnClosePressed(spades::ui::UIElement @sender) { Close(); }
private void OnClosed() {
if (Closed !is null)
void HotKey(string key) {
if (key == "Escape") {
} else {
void Render() {
Vector2 pos = ScreenPosition;
Vector2 size = Size;
Renderer @r = Manager.Renderer;
Image @img = r.RegisterImage("Gfx/White.tga");
r.ColorNP = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0.08f);
r.DrawImage(img, AABB2(pos.x, pos.y + ContentsTop - 15.f, size.x, 1.f));
AABB2(pos.x, pos.y + ContentsTop + ContentsHeight + 15.f, size.x, 1.f));
r.ColorNP = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0.2f);
r.DrawImage(img, AABB2(pos.x, pos.y + ContentsTop - 14.f, size.x, 1.f));
AABB2(pos.x, pos.y + ContentsTop + ContentsHeight + 14.f, size.x, 1.f));
void Close() {
owner.Enable = true;
@this.Parent = null;
void Run() {
owner.Enable = false;
class PreferenceTabButton : spades::ui::Button {
PreferenceTabButton(spades::ui::UIManager @manager) {
Alignment = Vector2(0.f, 0.5f);
void Render() {
Renderer@ renderer = Manager.Renderer;
Vector2 pos = ScreenPosition;
Vector2 size = Size;
Vector4 color = Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f);
if(Toggled or (Pressed and Hover)) {
color = Vector4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.9f);
}else if(Hover) {
color = Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.7f);
Font@ font = this.Font;
string text = this.Caption;
Vector2 txtSize = font.Measure(text);
Vector2 txtPos;
txtPos.y = pos.y + (size.y - txtSize.y) * 0.5f;
font.DrawShadow(text, txtPos, 1.f,
color, Vector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.4f));
class PreferenceTab {
spades::ui::UIElement @View;
PreferenceTabButton @TabButton;
PreferenceTab(PreferenceView @parent, spades::ui::UIElement @view) {
@View = view;
@TabButton = PreferenceTabButton(parent.Manager);
TabButton.Toggle = true;
class ConfigField : spades::ui::Field {
ConfigItem @config;
ConfigField(spades::ui::UIManager manager, string configName) {
@config = ConfigItem(configName);
this.Text = config.StringValue;
void OnChanged() {
config = this.Text;
class ConfigNumberFormatter {
int digits;
string suffix;
string prefix;
ConfigNumberFormatter(int digits, string suffix) {
this.digits = digits;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.prefix = "";
ConfigNumberFormatter(int digits, string suffix, string prefix) {
this.digits = digits;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.prefix = prefix;
private string FormatInternal(float value) {
if (value < 0.f) {
return "-" + Format(-value);
// do rounding
float rounding = 0.5f;
for (int i = digits; i > 0; i--)
rounding *= 0.1f;
value += rounding;
int intPart = int(value);
string s = ToString(intPart);
if (digits > 0) {
s += ".";
for (int i = digits; i > 0; i--) {
value -= float(intPart);
value *= 10.f;
intPart = int(value);
if (intPart > 9)
intPart = 9;
s += ToString(intPart);
s += suffix;
return s;
string Format(float value) { return prefix + FormatInternal(value); }
class ConfigSlider : spades::ui::Slider {
ConfigItem @config;
float stepSize;
spades::ui::Label @label;
ConfigNumberFormatter @formatter;
ConfigSlider(spades::ui::UIManager manager, string configName, float minValue,
float maxValue, float stepValue, ConfigNumberFormatter @formatter) {
@config = ConfigItem(configName);
this.MinValue = minValue;
this.MaxValue = maxValue;
this.Value = Clamp(config.FloatValue, minValue, maxValue);
this.stepSize = stepValue;
@this.formatter = formatter;
// compute large change
int steps = int((maxValue - minValue) / stepValue);
steps = (steps + 9) / 10;
this.LargeChange = float(steps) * stepValue;
@label = spades::ui::Label(Manager);
label.Alignment = Vector2(1.f, 0.5f);
void OnResized() {
label.Bounds = AABB2(Size.x, 0.f, 80.f, Size.y);
void UpdateLabel() { label.Text = formatter.Format(config.FloatValue); }
void DoRounding() {
float v = float(this.Value - this.MinValue);
v = floor((v / stepSize) + 0.5) * stepSize;
v += float(this.MinValue);
this.Value = v;
void OnChanged() {
config = this.Value;
uint8 ToUpper(uint8 c) {
if (c >= uint8(0x61) and c <= uint8(0x7a)) {
return uint8(c - 0x61 + 0x41);
} else {
return c;
class ConfigHotKeyField : spades::ui::UIElement {
ConfigItem @config;
private bool hover;
spades::ui::EventHandler @KeyBound;
ConfigHotKeyField(spades::ui::UIManager manager, string configName) {
@config = ConfigItem(configName);
IsMouseInteractive = true;
string BoundKey {
get { return config.StringValue; }
set { config = value; }
void KeyDown(string key) {
if (IsFocused) {
if (key != "Escape") {
if (key == " ") {
key = "Space";
} else if (key == "BackSpace" or key == "Delete") {
key = ""; // unbind
config = key;
@Manager.ActiveElement = null;
AcceptsFocus = false;
} else {
void MouseDown(spades::ui::MouseButton button, Vector2 clientPosition) {
if (not AcceptsFocus) {
AcceptsFocus = true;
@Manager.ActiveElement = this;
if (IsFocused) {
if (button == spades::ui::MouseButton::LeftMouseButton) {
config = "LeftMouseButton";
} else if (button == spades::ui::MouseButton::RightMouseButton) {
config = "RightMouseButton";
} else if (button == spades::ui::MouseButton::MiddleMouseButton) {
config = "MiddleMouseButton";
} else if (button == spades::ui::MouseButton::MouseButton4) {
config = "MouseButton4";
} else if (button == spades::ui::MouseButton::MouseButton5) {
config = "MouseButton5";
@Manager.ActiveElement = null;
AcceptsFocus = false;
void MouseEnter() { hover = true; }
void MouseLeave() { hover = false; }
void Render() {
// render background
Renderer @renderer = Manager.Renderer;
Vector2 pos = ScreenPosition;
Vector2 size = Size;
Image @img = renderer.RegisterImage("Gfx/White.tga");
renderer.ColorNP = Vector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, IsFocused ? 0.3f : 0.1f);
renderer.DrawImage(img, AABB2(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y));
if (IsFocused) {
renderer.ColorNP = Vector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.2f);
} else if (hover) {
renderer.ColorNP = Vector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.1f);
} else {
renderer.ColorNP = Vector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.06f);
renderer.DrawImage(img, AABB2(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, 1.f));
renderer.DrawImage(img, AABB2(pos.x, pos.y + size.y - 1.f, size.x, 1.f));
renderer.DrawImage(img, AABB2(pos.x, pos.y + 1.f, 1.f, size.y - 2.f));
renderer.DrawImage(img, AABB2(pos.x + size.x - 1.f, pos.y + 1.f, 1.f, size.y - 2.f));
Font @font = this.Font;
string text = IsFocused
? _Tr("Preferences", "Press Key to Bind or [Escape] to Cancel...")
: config.StringValue;
Vector4 color(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (IsFocused) {
color.w = abs(sin(Manager.Time * 2.f));
} else {
AcceptsFocus = false;
if (text == " " or text == "Space") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Space");
} else if (text.length == 0) {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Unbound");
color.w *= 0.3f;
} else if (text == "Shift") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Shift");
} else if (text == "Control") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Control");
} else if (text == "Meta") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Meta");
} else if (text == "Alt") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Alt");
} else if (text == "LeftMouseButton") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Left Mouse Button");
} else if (text == "RightMouseButton") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Right Mouse Button");
} else if (text == "MiddleMouseButton") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Middle Mouse Button");
} else if (text == "MouseButton4") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Mouse Button 4");
} else if (text == "MouseButton5") {
text = _Tr("Preferences", "Mouse Button 5");
} else {
for (uint i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++)
text[i] = ToUpper(text[i]);
Vector2 txtSize = font.Measure(text);
Vector2 txtPos;
txtPos = pos + (size - txtSize) * 0.5f;
font.Draw(text, txtPos, 1.f, color);
class ConfigSimpleToggleButton : spades::ui::RadioButton {
ConfigItem @config;
int value;
ConfigSimpleToggleButton(spades::ui::UIManager manager, string caption, string configName,
int value) {
@config = ConfigItem(configName);
this.Caption = caption;
this.value = value;
this.Toggle = true;
this.Toggled = config.IntValue == value;
void OnActivated() {
this.Toggled = true;
config = value;
void Render() {
this.Toggled = config.IntValue == value;
class StandardPreferenceLayouterModel : spades::ui::ListViewModel {
private spades::ui::UIElement @[] @items;
StandardPreferenceLayouterModel(spades::ui::UIElement @[] @items) { @this.items = items; }
int NumRows {
get { return int(items.length); }
spades::ui::UIElement @CreateElement(int row) { return items[row]; }
void RecycleElement(spades::ui::UIElement @elem) {}
class StandardPreferenceLayouter {
spades::ui::UIElement @Parent;
private float FieldX = 250.f;
private float FieldWidth = 310.f;
private spades::ui::UIElement @[] items;
private ConfigHotKeyField @[] hotkeyItems;
private FontManager @fontManager;
StandardPreferenceLayouter(spades::ui::UIElement @parent, FontManager @fontManager) {
@Parent = parent;
@this.fontManager = fontManager;
private spades::ui::UIElement @CreateItem() {
spades::ui::UIElement elem(Parent.Manager);
elem.Size = Vector2(300.f, 32.f);
return elem;
private void OnKeyBound(spades::ui::UIElement @sender) {
// unbind already bound key
ConfigHotKeyField @bindField = cast<ConfigHotKeyField>(sender);
string key = bindField.BoundKey;
for (uint i = 0; i < hotkeyItems.length; i++) {
ConfigHotKeyField @f = hotkeyItems[i];
if (f !is bindField) {
if (f.BoundKey == key) {
f.BoundKey = "";
void AddHeading(string text) {
spades::ui::UIElement @container = CreateItem();
spades::ui::Label label(Parent.Manager);
label.Text = text;
label.Alignment = Vector2(0.f, 1.f);
@label.Font = fontManager.HeadingFont;
label.Bounds = AABB2(10.f, 0.f, 300.f, 32.f);
ConfigField @AddInputField(string caption, string configName, bool enabled = true) {
spades::ui::UIElement @container = CreateItem();
spades::ui::Label label(Parent.Manager);
label.Text = caption;
label.Alignment = Vector2(0.f, 0.5f);
label.Bounds = AABB2(10.f, 0.f, 300.f, 32.f);
ConfigField field(Parent.Manager, configName);
field.Bounds = AABB2(FieldX, 1.f, FieldWidth, 30.f);
field.Enable = enabled;
return field;
@AddSliderField(string caption, string configName, float minRange, float maxRange,
float step, ConfigNumberFormatter @formatter, bool enabled = true) {
spades::ui::UIElement @container = CreateItem();
spades::ui::Label label(Parent.Manager);
label.Text = caption;
label.Alignment = Vector2(0.f, 0.5f);
label.Bounds = AABB2(10.f, 0.f, 300.f, 32.f);
ConfigSlider slider(Parent.Manager, configName, minRange, maxRange, step, formatter);
slider.Bounds = AABB2(FieldX, 8.f, FieldWidth - 80.f, 16.f);
slider.Enable = enabled;
return slider;
void AddControl(string caption, string configName, bool enabled = true) {
spades::ui::UIElement @container = CreateItem();
spades::ui::Label label(Parent.Manager);
label.Text = caption;
label.Alignment = Vector2(0.f, 0.5f);
label.Bounds = AABB2(10.f, 0.f, 300.f, 32.f);
ConfigHotKeyField field(Parent.Manager, configName);
field.Bounds = AABB2(FieldX, 1.f, FieldWidth, 30.f);
field.Enable = enabled;
@field.KeyBound = spades::ui::EventHandler(OnKeyBound);
void AddChoiceField(string caption, string configName, array<string> labels,
array<int> values, bool enabled = true) {
spades::ui::UIElement @container = CreateItem();
spades::ui::Label label(Parent.Manager);
label.Text = caption;
label.Alignment = Vector2(0.f, 0.5f);
label.Bounds = AABB2(10.f, 0.f, 300.f, 32.f);
for (uint i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) {
ConfigSimpleToggleButton field(Parent.Manager, labels[i], configName, values[i]);
field.Bounds = AABB2(FieldX + FieldWidth / labels.length * i, 1.f,
FieldWidth / labels.length, 30.f);
field.Enable = enabled;
void AddToggleField(string caption, string configName, bool enabled = true) {
AddChoiceField(caption, configName,
array<string> = {_Tr("Preferences", "ON"), _Tr("Preferences", "OFF")},
array<int> = {1, 0}, enabled);
void AddPlusMinusField(string caption, string configName, bool enabled = true) {
AddChoiceField(caption, configName,
array<string> = {_Tr("Preferences", "ON"),
_Tr("Preferences", "REVERSED"),
_Tr("Preferences", "OFF")},
array<int> = {1, -1, 0}, enabled);
void FinishLayout() {
spades::ui::ListView list(Parent.Manager);
@list.Model = StandardPreferenceLayouterModel(items);
list.RowHeight = 32.f;
list.Bounds = AABB2(0.f, 0.f, 580.f, 530.f);
class GameOptionsPanel : spades::ui::UIElement {
GameOptionsPanel(spades::ui::UIManager @manager, PreferenceViewOptions @options,
FontManager @fontManager) {
StandardPreferenceLayouter layouter(this, fontManager);
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "Player Information"));
ConfigField @nameField = layouter.AddInputField(
_Tr("Preferences", "Player Name"), "cg_playerName", not options.GameActive);
nameField.MaxLength = 15;
nameField.DenyNonAscii = true;
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "Effects"));
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Blood"), "cg_blood");
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Ejecting Brass"), "cg_ejectBrass");
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Ragdoll"), "cg_ragdoll");
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Animations"), "cg_animations");
layouter.AddChoiceField(_Tr("Preferences", "Camera Shake"), "cg_shake",
array<string> = {_Tr("Preferences", "MORE"),
_Tr("Preferences", "NORMAL"),
_Tr("Preferences", "OFF")},
array<int> = {2, 1, 0});
layouter.AddChoiceField(_Tr("Preferences", "Particles"), "cg_particles",
array<string> = {_Tr("Preferences", "NORMAL"),
_Tr("Preferences", "LESS"),
_Tr("Preferences", "OFF")},
array<int> = {2, 1, 0});
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "Feedbacks"));
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Chat Notify Sounds"), "cg_chatBeep");
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Hit Indicator"), "cg_hitIndicator");
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Show Alerts"), "cg_alerts");
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "AoS 0.75/0.76 Compatibility"));
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Allow Unicode"), "cg_unicode");
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Server Alert"), "cg_serverAlert");
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "Misc"));
layouter.AddSliderField(_Tr("Preferences", "Field of View"), "cg_fov", 45, 90, 1,
ConfigNumberFormatter(0, " deg"));
layouter.AddSliderField(_Tr("Preferences", "Minimap size"), "cg_minimapSize", 128, 256,
8, ConfigNumberFormatter(0, " px"));
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Show Statistics"), "cg_stats");
class ControlOptionsPanel : spades::ui::UIElement {
ControlOptionsPanel(spades::ui::UIManager @manager, PreferenceViewOptions @options,
FontManager @fontManager) {
StandardPreferenceLayouter layouter(this, fontManager);
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "Weapons/Tools"));
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Attack"), "cg_keyAttack");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Alt. Attack"), "cg_keyAltAttack");
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Hold Aim Down Sight"),
layouter.AddSliderField(_Tr("Preferences", "Mouse Sensitivity"), "cg_mouseSensitivity",
0.1, 10, 0.1, ConfigNumberFormatter(1, "x"));
layouter.AddSliderField(_Tr("Preferences", "ADS Mouse Sens. Scale"),
"cg_zoomedMouseSensScale", 0.05, 3, 0.05,
ConfigNumberFormatter(2, "x"));
layouter.AddSliderField(_Tr("Preferences", "Exponential Power"), "cg_mouseExpPower",
0.5, 1.5, 0.02, ConfigNumberFormatter(2, "", "^"));
layouter.AddToggleField(_Tr("Preferences", "Invert Y-axis Mouse Input"),
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Reload"), "cg_keyReloadWeapon");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Capture Color"), "cg_keyCaptureColor");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Equip Spade"), "cg_keyToolSpade");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Equip Block"), "cg_keyToolBlock");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Equip Weapon"), "cg_keyToolWeapon");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Equip Grenade"), "cg_keyToolGrenade");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Last Used Tool"), "cg_keyLastTool");
layouter.AddPlusMinusField(_Tr("Preferences", "Switch Tools by Wheel"),
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "Movement"));
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Walk Forward"), "cg_keyMoveForward");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Backpedal"), "cg_keyMoveBackward");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Move Left"), "cg_keyMoveLeft");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Move Right"), "cg_keyMoveRight");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Crouch"), "cg_keyCrouch");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Sneak"), "cg_keySneak");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Jump"), "cg_keyJump");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Sprint"), "cg_keySprint");
layouter.AddHeading(_Tr("Preferences", "Misc"));
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Minimap Scale"), "cg_keyChangeMapScale");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Toggle Map"), "cg_keyToggleMapZoom");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Flashlight"), "cg_keyFlashlight");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Global Chat"), "cg_keyGlobalChat");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Team Chat"), "cg_keyTeamChat");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Limbo Menu"), "cg_keyLimbo");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Save Map"), "cg_keySaveMap");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Save Sceneshot"), "cg_keySceneshot");
layouter.AddControl(_Tr("Preferences", "Save Screenshot"), "cg_keyScreenshot");
class MiscOptionsPanel : spades::ui::UIElement {
spades::ui::Label @msgLabel;
spades::ui::Button @enableButton;
private ConfigItem cl_showStartupWindow("cl_showStartupWindow");
MiscOptionsPanel(spades::ui::UIManager @manager, PreferenceViewOptions @options,
FontManager @fontManager) {
spades::ui::Button e(Manager);
e.Bounds = AABB2(10.f, 10.f, 400.f, 30.f);
e.Caption = _Tr("Preferences", "Enable Startup Window");
@e.Activated = spades::ui::EventHandler(this.OnEnableClicked);
@enableButton = e;
spades::ui::Label label(Manager);
label.Bounds = AABB2(10.f, 50.f, 0.f, 0.f);
label.Text = "Hoge";
@msgLabel = label;
void UpdateState() {
bool enabled = cl_showStartupWindow.IntValue != 0;
msgLabel.Text = enabled
? _Tr("Preferences",
"Quit and restart OpenSpades to access the startup window.")
: _Tr("Preferences",
"Some settings only can be changed in the startup window.");
enableButton.Enable = not enabled;
private void OnEnableClicked(spades::ui::UIElement @) {
cl_showStartupWindow.IntValue = 1;