2016-11-18 15:40:10 +02:00

345 lines
12 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//varying vec2 detailCoord;
varying vec3 fogDensity;
varying vec3 screenPosition;
varying vec3 viewPosition;
varying vec3 worldPosition;
varying vec2 worldPositionOriginal;
uniform sampler2D screenTexture;
uniform sampler2D depthTexture;
uniform sampler2D mainTexture;
uniform sampler2D waveTexture1;
uniform sampler2D waveTexture2;
uniform sampler2D waveTexture3;
uniform sampler2D mirrorTexture;
uniform sampler2D mirrorDepthTexture;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform vec3 fogColor;
uniform vec3 skyColor;
uniform vec2 zNearFar;
uniform vec4 fovTan;
uniform vec4 waterPlane;
uniform vec3 viewOrigin;
uniform vec2 displaceScale;
vec3 EvaluateSunLight();
vec3 EvaluateAmbientLight(float detailAmbientOcclusion);
float GGXDistribution(float m, float dotHalf);
float decodeDepth(float w, float near, float far){
return far * near / mix(far, near, w);
float encodeDepth(float z, float near, float far) {
// FN/(F(1-w) + Nw) = z
// FN = z(w(N-F) + F)
// FN = zw(N-F) + Fz
// w = F(N - z) / z(N - F)
return far * (near + z) / (z * (far - near));
float depthAt(vec2 pt){
float w = texture2D(depthTexture, pt).x;
return decodeDepth(w, zNearFar.x, zNearFar.y);
void main() {
vec3 worldPositionFromOrigin = worldPosition - viewOrigin;
vec4 waveCoord = worldPositionOriginal.xyxy * vec4(vec2(0.04),
+ vec4(0., 0., 0.754, 0.1315);
vec2 waveCoord2 = worldPositionOriginal.xy * 0.01344 + vec2(.154, .7315);
// evaluate waveform (normal vector)
vec3 wave = texture2D(waveTexture1, waveCoord.xy).xyz;
wave = mix(vec3(-0.0025), vec3(0.0025), wave);
wave.xy *= 0.04 * 1.8;
// detail
vec2 wave2 = texture2D(waveTexture2, waveCoord.zw).xy;
wave2 = mix(vec2(-0.0025), vec2(0.0025), wave2);
wave2.xy *= 0.08704 * 1.2;
wave.xy += wave2;
// rough
wave2 = texture2D(waveTexture3, waveCoord2.xy).xy;
wave2 = mix(vec2(-0.0025), vec2(0.0025), wave2);
wave2.xy *= 0.01344 * 2.5;
wave.xy += wave2;
wave.z = (1. / 256.) / (4.); // (negated normal vector!)
wave.xyz = normalize(wave.xyz);
vec2 origScrPos = screenPosition.xy / screenPosition.z;
vec2 scrPos = origScrPos;
/* ------- Refraction -------- */
// Compute the line segment for refraction ray tracing
vec3 normalVS = (viewMatrix * vec4(-wave, 0.)).xyz;
vec3 refractedVS = refract(normalize(viewPosition.xyz), normalVS, 1.0 / 1.5);
vec3 refractTargetVS = viewPosition + refractedVS;
if (refractTargetVS.z > -0.001) {
refractTargetVS = mix(viewPosition, refractedVS, (-0.001 - viewPosition.z) / (refractedVS.z - viewPosition.z));
vec3 refractTargetNDC = vec3(
refractTargetVS.xy / refractTargetVS.z / fovTan.xy,
encodeDepth(refractTargetVS.z, zNearFar.x, zNearFar.y));
float scale = 1. / viewPosition.z;
vec2 disp = wave.xy * 0.1;
scrPos += disp * scale * displaceScale * 4.;
vec2 refractTargetSS = refractTargetNDC.xy * vec2(-0.5, 0.5) + 0.5;
// Screen-space ray tracing
float origDepth = gl_FragCoord.z;
vec2 targetScrPos = refractTargetSS;
float targetDepth = refractTargetNDC.z;
float depth;
float dither = fract(dot(fract(gl_FragCoord.xy * 0.5), vec2(0.5)));
for (float i = dither / 16.0; i <= 1.0; i += 1.0 / 16.0) {
float rayDepth = mix(origDepth, targetDepth, i);
refractTargetSS = mix(origScrPos, targetScrPos, i);
depth = texture2D(depthTexture, refractTargetSS).x;
if (depth < rayDepth && // ray intersects the object
depth > rayDepth - 0.1) { // (perhaps ray's actually going behind the object!)
i = max(0.0, i - 1.0 / 16.0);
refractTargetSS = mix(origScrPos, targetScrPos, i);
depth = texture2D(depthTexture, refractTargetSS).x;
// convert to linear Z
depth = decodeDepth(depth, zNearFar.x, zNearFar.y);
// make sure the sampled point is above the water plane.
// convert to view coord
vec3 sampledViewCoord = vec3(mix(fovTan.zw, fovTan.xy, refractTargetSS), 1.) * -depth;
float planeDistance = dot(vec4(sampledViewCoord, 1.), waterPlane);
if(planeDistance < 0.0){
// reset!
// original pos must be in the water.
refractTargetSS = origScrPos;
depth = depthAt(refractTargetSS);
if(depth + viewPosition.z < 0.){
// if the pixel is obscured by a object,
// this fragment of water is not visible
//discard; done by early-Z test
sampledViewCoord = vec3(mix(fovTan.zw, fovTan.xy, refractTargetSS), 1.) * -depth;
float envelope = min(distance(viewPosition * vec3(-1., 1., 1.), sampledViewCoord) * 0.8, 1.);
envelope = 1. - (1. - envelope) * (1. - envelope);
// Blend the water color
// TODO: correct integral
vec2 waterCoord = worldPosition.xy;
vec2 integralCoord = floor(waterCoord) + .5;
vec2 blurDir = (worldPositionFromOrigin.xy);
blurDir /= max(length(blurDir), 1.);
vec2 blurDirSign = mix(vec2(-1.), vec2(1.), step(0., blurDir));
vec2 startPos = (waterCoord - integralCoord) * blurDirSign;
vec2 diffPos = blurDir * envelope * blurDirSign * .5 /*limit blur*/;
vec2 subCoord = 1. - clamp((vec2(0.5) - startPos) / diffPos,
0., 1.);
vec2 sampCoord = integralCoord + subCoord * blurDirSign;
vec3 waterColor = texture2D(mainTexture, sampCoord / 512.).xyz;
waterColor *= EvaluateSunLight() + EvaluateAmbientLight(1.);
// underwater object color
gl_FragColor = texture2D(screenTexture, refractTargetSS);
gl_FragColor.xyz *= gl_FragColor.xyz; // screen color to linear
// apply fog color to water color now.
// note that fog is already applied to underwater object.
waterColor = mix(waterColor, fogColor, fogDensity);
// blend water color with the underwater object's color.
gl_FragColor.xyz = mix(gl_FragColor.xyz, waterColor, envelope);
// attenuation factor for addition blendings below
vec3 att = 1. - fogDensity;
/* ------- Reflection -------- */
// Compute the line segment for refraction ray tracing
vec3 reflectedVS = reflect(normalize(viewPosition.xyz), normalVS);
reflectedVS = reflect(reflectedVS, waterPlane.xyz * vec3(-1., 1., 1.)); // reflection's Z position is inverted
vec3 reflectTargetVS = viewPosition + reflectedVS * (abs(viewPosition.z) + 1.);
if (reflectTargetVS.z > -0.001) {
reflectTargetVS = mix(viewPosition, reflectedVS, (-0.001 - viewPosition.z) / (reflectedVS.z - viewPosition.z));
vec3 reflectTargetNDC = vec3(
reflectTargetVS.xy / reflectTargetVS.z / fovTan.xy,
encodeDepth(reflectTargetVS.z, zNearFar.x, zNearFar.y));
vec2 reflectTargetSS = reflectTargetNDC.xy * vec2(-0.5, 0.5) + 0.5;
// Screen-space ray tracing
targetScrPos = reflectTargetSS;
targetDepth = reflectTargetNDC.z;
for (float i = dither / 16.0; i <= 1.0; i += 1.0 / 16.0) {
float rayDepth = mix(origDepth, targetDepth, i);
reflectTargetSS = mix(origScrPos, targetScrPos, i);
depth = texture2D(mirrorDepthTexture, reflectTargetSS).x;
if (depth < rayDepth && // ray intersects the object
depth > rayDepth - 0.1) { // (perhaps ray's actually going behind the object!)
i = max(0.0, i - 1.0 / 16.0);
reflectTargetSS = mix(origScrPos, targetScrPos, i);
depth = texture2D(mirrorDepthTexture, reflectTargetSS).x;
// convert to linear Z
bool reflectedSky = depth > 0.99999;
depth = decodeDepth(depth, zNearFar.x, zNearFar.y);
// make sure the reflection is from the above the water plane
sampledViewCoord = vec3(mix(fovTan.zw, fovTan.xy, reflectTargetSS), 1.) * -depth;
planeDistance = dot(vec4(sampledViewCoord, 1.), waterPlane);
bool validReflection = planeDistance > 0.0;
vec3 reflected = texture2D(mirrorTexture, reflectTargetSS).xyz;
if (!validReflection) {
// The mirrored framebuffer isn't providing a valid reflected image.
// Retry ray trace on the normal framebuffer
// Compute the line segment for refraction ray tracing
reflectedVS = reflect(normalize(viewPosition.xyz), normalVS);
reflectTargetVS = viewPosition + reflectedVS * (abs(viewPosition.z) + 1.);
if (reflectTargetVS.z > -0.001) {
reflectTargetVS = mix(viewPosition, reflectedVS, (-0.001 - viewPosition.z) / (reflectedVS.z - viewPosition.z));
reflectTargetNDC = vec3(
reflectTargetVS.xy / reflectTargetVS.z / fovTan.xy,
encodeDepth(reflectTargetVS.z, zNearFar.x, zNearFar.y));
reflectTargetSS = reflectTargetNDC.xy * vec2(-0.5, 0.5) + 0.5;
// Screen-space ray tracing
targetScrPos = reflectTargetSS;
targetDepth = reflectTargetNDC.z;
for (float i = dither / 32.0; i <= 1.0; i += 1.0 / 32.0) {
float rayDepth = mix(origDepth, targetDepth, i);
reflectTargetSS = mix(origScrPos, targetScrPos, i);
depth = texture2D(depthTexture, reflectTargetSS).x;
if (depth < rayDepth && // ray intersects the object
depth > rayDepth - 0.1) { // (perhaps ray's actually going behind the object!)
//i = max(0.0, i - 1.0 / 32.0);
//reflectTargetSS = mix(origScrPos, targetScrPos, i);
//depth = texture2D(depthTexture, reflectTargetSS).x;
reflectedSky = depth > 0.99999;
reflected = texture2D(screenTexture, reflectTargetSS).xyz;
vec3 ongoing = normalize(worldPositionFromOrigin);
// bluring for far surface
float lodBias = 1.0 / ongoing.z;
float dispScaleByLod = min(1., ongoing.z * 0.5);
lodBias = log2(lodBias);
lodBias = clamp(lodBias, 0., 2.);
// compute reflection color
vec2 reflectionSS = origScrPos;
disp.y = -abs(disp.y * 3.);
reflectionSS -= disp * scale * displaceScale * 15.;
vec3 refl = reflected;
refl *= refl; // linearize
// reflectivity
vec3 sunlight = EvaluateSunLight();
float reflective = dot(ongoing, wave.xyz);
reflective = clamp(1. - reflective, 0., 1.);
float orig_reflective = reflective;
reflective *= reflective;
reflective *= reflective;
reflective = mix(reflective, orig_reflective * .6,
clamp(lodBias * .13 - .13, 0., 1.));
//reflective += .03;
// reflection
// it's actually impossible for water reflection to cope with volumetric fog.
// fade the water reflection so that we don't see sharp boundary of water
refl *= att;
gl_FragColor.xyz = mix(gl_FragColor.xyz,
/* ------- Specular Reflection -------- */
// specular reflection
if(dot(sunlight, vec3(1.)) > 0.0001 && reflectedSky){
// can't use CockTorrance here -- CockTorrance's fresenel term
// is hard-coded for higher roughness values
vec3 halfVec = vec3(0., 1., 1.) + ongoing;
halfVec = dot(halfVec, halfVec) < .00000000001 ? vec3(1., 0., 0.) : normalize(halfVec);
float halfVecDot = max(dot(halfVec, wave), 0.00001);
float m = 0.001 + 0.00015 / (abs(ongoing.z) + 0.0006); // roughness
float spec = GGXDistribution(m, halfVecDot);
// fresnel
spec *= reflective;
// geometric shadowing (Kelemen)
float dot1 = dot(vec3(0., 1., 1.), wave);
float dot2 = dot(ongoing, wave);
float visibility = dot1 * dot2 / (halfVecDot * halfVecDot);
spec *= max(0., visibility);
// limit brightness (flickering specular reflection might cause seizure to some people)
spec = min(spec, 120.);
gl_FragColor.xyz += sunlight * spec * att;
gl_FragColor.xyz = sqrt(gl_FragColor.xyz);
gl_FragColor.w = 1.;