547 lines
18 KiB
547 lines
18 KiB
Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "MapView.h"
#include "CTFGameMode.h"
#include "Client.h"
#include "GameMap.h"
#include "IImage.h"
#include "IRenderer.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "TCGameMode.h"
#include "Weapon.h"
#include "World.h"
#include <Core/Settings.h>
DEFINE_SPADES_SETTING(cg_minimapSize, "128");
DEFINE_SPADES_SETTING(cg_minimapPlayerColor, "1");
DEFINE_SPADES_SETTING(cg_minimapPlayerIcon, "1");
namespace spades {
namespace client {
MapView::MapView(Client *c, bool largeMap)
: client(c), renderer(c->GetRenderer()), largeMap(largeMap) {
scaleMode = 2;
actualScale = 1.f;
lastScale = 1.f;
zoomed = false;
zoomState = 0.f;
MapView::~MapView() {}
void MapView::Update(float dt) {
float scale;
switch (scaleMode) {
case 0: // 400%
scale = 1.f / 4.f;
case 1: // 200%
scale = 1.f / 2.f;
case 2: // 100%
scale = 1.f;
case 3: // 50%
scale = 2.f;
default: SPAssert(false);
if (actualScale != scale) {
float spd = fabsf(scale - lastScale) * 6.f;
spd = std::max(spd, 0.2f);
spd *= dt;
if (scale > actualScale) {
actualScale += spd;
if (actualScale > scale)
actualScale = scale;
} else {
actualScale -= spd;
if (actualScale < scale)
actualScale = scale;
if (zoomed) {
zoomState += dt * 5.f;
if (zoomState > 1.f)
zoomState = 1.f;
} else {
zoomState -= dt * 5.f;
if (zoomState < 0.f)
zoomState = 0.f;
void MapView::DrawIcon(spades::Vector3 pos, spades::client::IImage *img, float rotation) {
if (pos.x < inRect.GetMinX() || pos.x > inRect.GetMaxX() || pos.y < inRect.GetMinY() ||
pos.y > inRect.GetMaxY())
Vector2 scrPos;
scrPos.x = (pos.x - inRect.GetMinX()) / inRect.GetWidth();
scrPos.x = (scrPos.x * outRect.GetWidth()) + outRect.GetMinX();
scrPos.y = (pos.y - inRect.GetMinY()) / inRect.GetHeight();
scrPos.y = (scrPos.y * outRect.GetHeight()) + outRect.GetMinY();
scrPos.x = floorf(scrPos.x);
scrPos.y = floorf(scrPos.y);
float c = rotation != 0.f ? cosf(rotation) : 1.f;
float s = rotation != 0.f ? sinf(rotation) : 0.f;
static const float coords[][2] = {{-1, -1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}};
Vector2 u = MakeVector2(img->GetWidth() * .5f, 0.f);
Vector2 v = MakeVector2(0.f, img->GetHeight() * .5f);
Vector2 vt[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Vector2 ss = u * coords[i][0] + v * coords[i][1];
vt[i].x = scrPos.x + ss.x * c - ss.y * s;
vt[i].y = scrPos.y + ss.x * s + ss.y * c;
renderer->DrawImage(img, vt[0], vt[1], vt[2],
AABB2(0, 0, img->GetWidth(), img->GetHeight()));
void MapView::SwitchScale() {
scaleMode = (scaleMode + 1) % 4;
lastScale = actualScale;
bool MapView::ToggleZoom() {
zoomed = !zoomed;
return zoomed;
static Vector4 ModifyColor(IntVector3 v) {
Vector4 fv;
fv.x = static_cast<float>(v.x) / 255.f;
fv.y = static_cast<float>(v.y) / 255.f;
fv.z = static_cast<float>(v.z) / 255.f;
float avg = (fv.x + fv.y + fv.z) * (1.f / 3.f);
fv.x = Mix(fv.x, avg, 0.5f);
fv.y = Mix(fv.y, avg, 0.5f);
fv.z = Mix(fv.z, avg, 0.5f);
fv.w = 0.f; // suppress "operating on garbase value" static analyzer message
fv = fv * 0.8f + 0.2f;
fv.w = 1.f;
return fv;
// definite a palette of 32 color in RGB code
int palette[32][3] = {
{0, 0, 0}, // 0 black
{255, 255, 255}, // 1 white
{128, 128, 128}, // 2 grey
{255, 255, 0}, // 3 yellow
{0, 255, 255}, // 4 cyan-acqua
{255, 0, 255}, // 5 fuchsia
{255, 0, 0}, // 6 red
{0, 255, 0}, // 7 lime
{0, 0, 255}, // 8 blue
{128, 0, 0}, // 9 maroon
{0, 128, 0}, // 10 green
{0, 0, 128}, // 11 navy
{128, 128, 0}, // 12 olive
{128, 0, 128}, // 13 purple
{0, 128, 128}, // 14 teal
{255, 128, 0}, // 15 orange
{255, 0, 128}, // 16 deep pink
{128, 0, 255}, // 17 violet
{0, 128, 255}, // 18 bluette
{128, 255, 0}, // 19 lime 2
{0, 255, 128}, // 20 spring green
{255, 128, 128}, // 21 light pink
{128, 255, 128}, // 22 light spring
{128, 128, 255}, // 23 light blue
{128, 255, 255}, // 24 light azure
{255, 255, 128}, // 25 light yellow
{255, 128, 255}, // 26 light pink2
{165, 42, 42}, // 27 brown
{255, 69, 0}, // 28 orange red
{255, 165, 0}, // 29 orange
{139, 69, 19}, // 30 maroon medium
{210, 105, 30}, // 31 choccolate
void MapView::Draw() {
World *world = client->GetWorld();
if (!world)
Player *player = world->GetLocalPlayer();
if (client->IsFollowing()) {
player = world->GetPlayer(client->followingPlayerId);
if (!player)
if (largeMap)
if (zoomState < .0001f)
GameMap *map = world->GetMap();
Vector2 mapSize = MakeVector2(map->Width(), map->Height());
Vector3 pos = player->GetPosition();
if (player->GetTeamId() >= 2) {
pos = client->followPos;
Vector2 center = {pos.x, pos.y};
float cfgMapSize = cg_minimapSize;
if (cfgMapSize < 32)
cfgMapSize = 32;
if (cfgMapSize > 256)
cfgMapSize = 256;
Vector2 mapWndSize = {cfgMapSize, cfgMapSize};
float scale = actualScale;
center = Mix(center, mapSize * .5f, zoomState);
Vector2 zoomedSize = {512, 512};
if (renderer->ScreenWidth() < 512.f || renderer->ScreenHeight() < 512.f)
zoomedSize = MakeVector2(256, 256);
if (largeMap) {
float per = zoomState;
per = 1.f - per;
per *= per;
per = 1.f - per;
per = Mix(.7f, 1.f, per);
zoomedSize = Mix(MakeVector2(0, 0), zoomedSize, per);
mapWndSize = zoomedSize;
Vector2 inRange = mapWndSize * .5f * scale;
AABB2 inRect(center - inRange, center + inRange);
if (largeMap) {
inRect.min = MakeVector2(0, 0);
inRect.max = mapSize;
} else {
if (inRect.GetMinX() < 0.f)
inRect = inRect.Translated(-inRect.GetMinX(), 0.f);
if (inRect.GetMinY() < 0.f)
inRect = inRect.Translated(0, -inRect.GetMinY());
if (inRect.GetMaxX() > mapSize.x)
inRect = inRect.Translated(mapSize.x - inRect.GetMaxX(), 0.f);
if (inRect.GetMaxY() > mapSize.y)
inRect = inRect.Translated(0, mapSize.y - inRect.GetMaxY());
AABB2 outRect(renderer->ScreenWidth() - mapWndSize.x - 16.f, 16.f, mapWndSize.x,
if (largeMap) {
outRect.min = MakeVector2((renderer->ScreenWidth() - zoomedSize.x) * .5f,
(renderer->ScreenHeight() - zoomedSize.y) * .5f);
outRect.max = MakeVector2((renderer->ScreenWidth() + zoomedSize.x) * .5f,
(renderer->ScreenHeight() + zoomedSize.y) * .5f);
float alpha = 1.f;
if (largeMap) {
alpha = zoomState;
// fades bg
if (largeMap) {
Handle<IImage> bg = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/MapBg.png");
Vector2 scrSize = {renderer->ScreenWidth(), renderer->ScreenHeight()};
float size = std::max(scrSize.x, scrSize.y);
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(0, 0, 0, alpha * .5f));
bg, AABB2((scrSize.x - size) * .5f, (scrSize.y - size) * .5f, size, size));
// draw border
Handle<IImage> border;
float borderWidth;
AABB2 borderRect = outRect;
if (largeMap) {
border = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/MapBorder.png");
borderWidth = 3.f * outRect.GetHeight() / zoomedSize.y;
} else {
border = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/MinimapBorder.png");
borderWidth = 2.f;
borderRect = borderRect.Inflate(borderWidth - 8.f);
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha));
AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX() - 16, borderRect.GetMinY() - 16, 16, 16),
AABB2(0, 0, 16, 16));
AABB2(borderRect.GetMaxX(), borderRect.GetMinY() - 16, 16, 16),
AABB2(16, 0, 16, 16));
AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX() - 16, borderRect.GetMaxY(), 16, 16),
AABB2(0, 16, 16, 16));
renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMaxX(), borderRect.GetMaxY(), 16, 16),
AABB2(16, 16, 16, 16));
renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX(), borderRect.GetMinY() - 16,
borderRect.GetWidth(), 16),
AABB2(16, 0, 0, 16));
border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX(), borderRect.GetMaxY(), borderRect.GetWidth(), 16),
AABB2(16, 16, 0, 16));
renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX() - 16, borderRect.GetMinY(), 16,
AABB2(0, 16, 16, 0));
border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMaxX(), borderRect.GetMinY(), 16, borderRect.GetHeight()),
AABB2(16, 16, 16, 0));
// draw map
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha));
renderer->DrawFlatGameMap(outRect, inRect);
this->inRect = inRect;
this->outRect = outRect;
// draw grid
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(0, 0, 0, 0.8f * alpha));
Handle<IImage> dashLine = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/DashLine.tga");
for (float x = 64.f; x < map->Width(); x += 64.f) {
float wx = (x - inRect.GetMinX()) / inRect.GetWidth();
if (wx < 0.f || wx >= 1.f)
wx = (wx * outRect.GetWidth()) + outRect.GetMinX();
wx = roundf(wx);
renderer->DrawImage(dashLine, MakeVector2(wx, outRect.GetMinY()),
AABB2(0, 0, 1.f, outRect.GetHeight()));
for (float y = 64.f; y < map->Height(); y += 64.f) {
float wy = (y - inRect.GetMinY()) / inRect.GetHeight();
if (wy < 0.f || wy >= 1.f)
wy = (wy * outRect.GetHeight()) + outRect.GetMinY();
wy = roundf(wy);
renderer->DrawImage(dashLine, MakeVector2(outRect.GetMinX(), wy),
AABB2(0, 0, outRect.GetWidth(), 1.f));
// draw grid label
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(1, 1, 1, 1) * (0.8f * alpha));
Handle<IImage> mapFont = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Fonts/MapFont.tga");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
float startX = (float)i * 64.f;
float endX = startX + 64.f;
if (startX > inRect.GetMaxX() || endX < inRect.GetMinX())
float fade =
std::min((std::min(endX, inRect.GetMaxX()) - std::max(startX, inRect.GetMinX())) /
(endX - startX) * 2.f,
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(1, 1, 1, 1) *
(fade * .8f * alpha));
float center = std::max(startX, inRect.GetMinX());
center = .5f * (center + std::min(endX, inRect.GetMaxX()));
float wx = (center - inRect.GetMinX()) / inRect.GetWidth();
wx = (wx * outRect.GetWidth()) + outRect.GetMinX();
wx = roundf(wx);
float fntX = static_cast<float>((i & 3) * 8);
float fntY = static_cast<float>((i >> 2) * 8);
renderer->DrawImage(mapFont, MakeVector2(wx - 4.f, outRect.GetMinY() + 4),
AABB2(fntX, fntY, 8, 8));
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
float startY = (float)i * 64.f;
float endY = startY + 64.f;
if (startY > inRect.GetMaxY() || endY < inRect.GetMinY())
float fade =
std::min((std::min(endY, inRect.GetMaxY()) - std::max(startY, inRect.GetMinY())) /
(endY - startY) * 2.f,
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(1, 1, 1, 1) *
(fade * .8f * alpha));
float center = std::max(startY, inRect.GetMinY());
center = .5f * (center + std::min(endY, inRect.GetMaxY()));
float wy = (center - inRect.GetMinY()) / inRect.GetHeight();
wy = (wy * outRect.GetHeight()) + outRect.GetMinY();
wy = roundf(wy);
int fntX = (i & 3) * 8;
int fntY = (i >> 2) * 8 + 16;
renderer->DrawImage(mapFont, MakeVector2(outRect.GetMinX() + 4, wy - 4.f),
AABB2(fntX, fntY, 8, 8));
// draw objects
const int iconMode = cg_minimapPlayerIcon;
const int colorMode = cg_minimapPlayerColor;
Handle<IImage> playerSMG = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/SMG.png");
Handle<IImage> playerRifle = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Rifle.png");
Handle<IImage> playerShotgun = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Shotgun.png");
Handle<IImage> playerIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Player.png");
IntVector3 teamColor =
world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId() >= 2
? IntVector3::Make(200, 200, 200)
: world->GetTeam(world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId()).color;
Vector4 teamColorF = ModifyColor(teamColor);
teamColorF *= alpha;
// draw local player's view
Player *p = player;
Handle<IImage> viewIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/View.png");
if (p->IsAlive()) {
Vector3 front = p->GetFront2D();
float ang = atan2(front.x, -front.y);
if (player->GetTeamId() >= 2) {
ang = client->followYaw - static_cast<float>(M_PI) * .5f;
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(teamColorF * 0.9f);
DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos : p->GetPosition(),
viewIcon, ang);
bool isSpectating = player->GetTeamId() >= 2;
// draw player's icon
for (int i = 0; i < world->GetNumPlayerSlots(); i++) {
Player *p = world->GetPlayer(i);
if (p == nullptr ||
(p->GetTeamId() != world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId() && !isSpectating) ||
Vector3 front = p->GetFront2D();
float ang = atan2(front.x, -front.y);
if (player->GetTeamId() >= 2) {
ang = client->followYaw - static_cast<float>(M_PI) * .5f;
// use a spec color for each player
if (colorMode) {
IntVector3 Colorplayer =
IntVector3::Make(palette[i][0], palette[i][1], palette[i][2]);
Vector4 ColorplayerF = ModifyColor(Colorplayer);
ColorplayerF *= 1.0f;
} else {
// use a different icon in minimap according to weapon of player
if (iconMode) {
WeaponType weapon = world->GetPlayer(i)->GetWeaponType();
if (weapon == WeaponType::SMG_WEAPON) {
DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos
: p->GetPosition(),
playerSMG, ang);
else if (weapon == WeaponType::RIFLE_WEAPON) {
DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos
: p->GetPosition(),
playerRifle, ang);
else if (weapon == WeaponType::SHOTGUN_WEAPON) {
DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos
: p->GetPosition(),
playerShotgun, ang);
} else { // draw normal color
DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos : p->GetPosition(),
playerIcon, ang);
IGameMode *mode = world->GetMode();
if (mode && IGameMode::m_CTF == mode->ModeType()) {
CTFGameMode *ctf = static_cast<CTFGameMode *>(mode);
Handle<IImage> intelIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Intel.png");
Handle<IImage> baseIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/CommandPost.png");
for (int tId = 0; tId < 2; tId++) {
CTFGameMode::Team &team = ctf->GetTeam(tId);
IntVector3 teamColor = world->GetTeam(tId).color;
Vector4 teamColorF = ModifyColor(teamColor);
teamColorF *= alpha;
// draw base
DrawIcon(team.basePos, baseIcon, 0.f);
// draw flag
if (!ctf->GetTeam(1 - tId).hasIntel) {
DrawIcon(team.flagPos, intelIcon, 0.f);
} else if (world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId() == 1 - tId) {
// local player's team is carrying
int cId = ctf->GetTeam(1 - tId).carrier;
// in some game modes, carrier becomes invalid
if (cId < world->GetNumPlayerSlots()) {
Player *carrier = world->GetPlayer(cId);
if (carrier &&
carrier->GetTeamId() == world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId()) {
Vector4 col = teamColorF;
col *= fabsf(sinf(world->GetTime() * 4.f));
DrawIcon(carrier->GetPosition(), intelIcon, 0.f);
} else if (mode && IGameMode::m_TC == mode->ModeType()) {
TCGameMode *tc = static_cast<TCGameMode *>(mode);
Handle<IImage> icon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/CommandPost.png");
int cnt = tc->GetNumTerritories();
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
TCGameMode::Territory *t = tc->GetTerritory(i);
IntVector3 teamColor = {128, 128, 128};
if (t->ownerTeamId < 2) {
teamColor = world->GetTeam(t->ownerTeamId).color;
Vector4 teamColorF = ModifyColor(teamColor);
teamColorF *= alpha;
// draw base
DrawIcon(t->pos, icon, 0.f);