74 lines
2.2 KiB
74 lines
2.2 KiB
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
if ($OutputDirectory -eq "") {
$OutputDirectory = "."
if (-not (Test-Path $OutputDirectory)) {
New-Item $OutputDirectory -Force -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$SourceDirectory = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath
function Make-Pak
param( [String[]] $RelativePaths, [String] $PakName )
Echo "Creating $($PakName)..."
$OutputPak = Join-Path $OutputDirectory $PakName
# Prepare a temporary directory
$TempDir = "mkpak.tmp"
if (Test-Path $TempDir) { Remove-Item $TempDir -Recurse -Force }
New-Item $TempDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
# TODO: exclude _Assets_ and .DS_Store
# Copy target files to the temporary directory
ForEach ($RelativePath in $RelativePaths) {
# Create the parent directory if it doesn't exist
$ParentDir = Split-Path -Parent (Join-Path $TempDir $RelativePath)
if (-not (Test-Path $ParentDir)) {
New-Item $ParentDir -Force -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
# Copy item
Copy-Item (Join-Path $SourceDirectory $RelativePath) `
-Destination (Join-Path $TempDir $RelativePath) -Recurse
# Delete old file
if (Test-Path $OutputPak) { Remove-Item $OutputPak -Force }
# Create zip archive
# PowerShell 5 supports Compress-Archive, but the method used here is
# faster by a order of magnitude for some reason.
# However, it's still much slower than "zip" command on Linux/macOS.
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($TempDir, $OutputPak,
[IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Fastest, $false)
# Clean up
Remove-Item $TempDir -Recurse -Force
Make-Pak -PakName pak002-Base.pak -RelativePaths `
Gfx, Scripts/Main.as,
Scripts/Gui, Scripts/Base, Shaders, Sounds/Feedback,
Sounds/Misc, Sounds/Player, Textures
Make-Pak -PakName pak005-Models.pak -RelativePaths `
Maps, Models/MapObjects, Models/Player
Make-Pak -PakName pak010-BaseSkin.pak -RelativePaths `
Scripts/Skin, Sounds/Weapons, Models/Weapons, Models/MapObjects
Make-Pak -PakName pak050-Locales.pak -RelativePaths `
License/Credits-pak050-Locales.md, Locales
Make-Pak -PakName pak999-References.pak -RelativePaths `
License/Credits-pak999-References.md, Scripts/Reference