2016-12-03 18:23:47 +09:00

287 lines
7.8 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <>.
#include "SWModelRenderer.h"
#include "SWModel.h"
#include "SWRenderer.h"
#include "SWUtils.h"
#include <Core/Bitmap.h>
#include <Core/Debug.h>
#include <Core/Math.h>
namespace spades {
namespace draw {
SWModelRenderer::SWModelRenderer(SWRenderer *r, SWFeatureLevel level)
: r(r), level(level) {}
SWModelRenderer::~SWModelRenderer() {}
struct ZVals {
float zv[512];
ZVals() {
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
zv[i] = static_cast<float>(i);
inline float operator[](size_t idx) const { return zv[idx]; }
static ZVals zvals;
template <SWFeatureLevel lvl>
void SWModelRenderer::RenderInner(spades::draw::SWModel *model,
const client::ModelRenderParam &param) {
auto &mat = param.matrix;
auto origin = mat.GetOrigin();
auto axis1 = mat.GetAxis(0);
auto axis2 = mat.GetAxis(1);
auto axis3 = mat.GetAxis(2);
auto *rawModel = model->GetRawModel();
auto rawModelOrigin = rawModel->GetOrigin();
rawModelOrigin += 0.25f;
origin += axis1 * rawModelOrigin.x;
origin += axis2 * rawModelOrigin.y;
origin += axis3 * rawModelOrigin.z;
int w = rawModel->GetWidth();
int h = rawModel->GetHeight();
// int d = rawModel->GetDepth();
// evaluate brightness for each normals
uint8_t brights[3 * 3 * 3];
auto lightVec = MakeVector3(0.f, -0.707f, -0.707f);
float dot1 = Vector3::Dot(axis1, lightVec) * fastRSqrt(axis1.GetPoweredLength());
float dot2 = Vector3::Dot(axis2, lightVec) * fastRSqrt(axis2.GetPoweredLength());
float dot3 = Vector3::Dot(axis3, lightVec) * fastRSqrt(axis3.GetPoweredLength());
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
float d = 0.0;
int cnt = 0;
switch (x) {
case 0:
d = -dot1;
cnt = 1;
case 1:
d = 0.f;
cnt = 0;
case 2:
d = dot1;
cnt = 1;
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
auto d2 = d;
auto cnt2 = cnt;
switch (y) {
case 0:
d2 -= dot2;
case 1: break;
case 2:
d2 += dot2;
for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++) {
auto d3 = d;
auto cnt3 = cnt2;
switch (y) {
case 0:
d3 -= dot3;
case 1: break;
case 2:
d3 += dot3;
switch (cnt3) {
case 2: d3 *= 0.707f; break;
case 3: d3 *= 0.57735f; break;
d3 = 192.f + d3 * 62.f;
brights[x + y * 3 + z * 9] = static_cast<uint8_t>(d3);
// compute center coord. for culling
auto center = origin;
auto localCenter = model->GetCenter();
center += axis1 * localCenter.x;
center += axis2 * localCenter.y;
center += axis3 * localCenter.z;
float largestAxis = axis1.GetPoweredLength();
largestAxis = std::max(largestAxis, axis2.GetPoweredLength());
largestAxis = std::max(largestAxis, axis3.GetPoweredLength());
if (!r->SphereFrustrumCull(center, model->GetRadius() * sqrtf(largestAxis)))
Bitmap *fbmp = r->fb;
auto *fb = fbmp->GetPixels();
int fw = fbmp->GetWidth();
int fh = fbmp->GetHeight();
auto *db = r->;
Matrix4 viewproj = r->GetProjectionViewMatrix();
Vector4 ndc2scrscale = {fw * 0.5f, -fh * 0.5f, 1.f, 1.f};
// Vector4 ndc2scroff = {fw * 0.5f, fh * 0.5f, 0.f, 0.f};
int ndc2scroffX = fw >> 1;
int ndc2scroffY = fh >> 1;
// render each points
auto tOrigin = viewproj * MakeVector4(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, 1.f);
auto tAxis1 = viewproj * MakeVector4(axis1.x, axis1.y, axis1.z, 0.f);
auto tAxis2 = viewproj * MakeVector4(axis2.x, axis2.y, axis2.z, 0.f);
auto tAxis3 = viewproj * MakeVector4(axis3.x, axis3.y, axis3.z, 0.f);
tOrigin *= ndc2scrscale;
tAxis1 *= ndc2scrscale;
tAxis2 *= ndc2scrscale;
tAxis3 *= ndc2scrscale;
float pointDiameter; // = largestAxis * 0.55f * fh * 0.5f;
float largestAxis = tAxis1.GetPoweredLength();
largestAxis = std::max(largestAxis, tAxis2.GetPoweredLength());
largestAxis = std::max(largestAxis, tAxis3.GetPoweredLength());
pointDiameter = sqrtf(largestAxis);
uint32_t customColor;
customColor = ToFixed8(param.customColor.z) | (ToFixed8(param.customColor.y) << 8) |
(ToFixed8(param.customColor.x) << 16);
auto v1 = tOrigin;
float zNear = r->sceneDef.zNear;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
auto v2 = v1;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
auto *mp = &model->renderData[model->renderDataAddr[x + y * w]];
while (*mp != -1) {
uint32_t data = *(mp++);
uint32_t normal = *(mp++);
int z = static_cast<int>(data >> 24);
// SPAssert(z < d);
SPAssert(z >= 0);
auto vv = v2 + tAxis3 * zvals[z];
if (vv.z < zNear)
// save Z value (don't divide this by W!)
float zval = vv.z;
// use vv.z for point radius to be divided by W
vv.z = pointDiameter;
// perspective division
float scl = fastRcp(vv.w);
vv *= scl;
int ix = static_cast<int>(vv.x) + ndc2scroffX;
int iy = static_cast<int>(vv.y) + ndc2scroffY;
int idm = static_cast<int>(vv.z + .99f);
idm = std::max(1, idm);
int minX = ix - (idm >> 1);
int minY = iy - (idm >> 1);
if (minX >= fw || minY >= fh)
int maxX = ix + idm;
int maxY = iy + idm;
if (maxX <= 0 || maxY <= 0)
minX = std::max(minX, 0);
minY = std::max(minY, 0);
maxX = std::min(maxX, fw);
maxY = std::min(maxY, fh);
auto *fb2 = fb + (minX + minY * fw);
auto *db2 = db + (minX + minY * fw);
int w = maxX - minX;
uint32_t color = data & 0xffffff;
if (color == 0)
color = customColor;
SPAssert(normal < 27);
int bright = brights[normal];
if (lvl == SWFeatureLevel::SSE2) {
auto m = _mm_setr_epi32(color, 0, 0, 0);
auto f = _mm_set1_epi16(bright << 8);
m = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(m, _mm_setzero_si128());
m = _mm_mulhi_epu16(m, f);
m = _mm_packus_epi16(m, m);
_mm_store_ss(reinterpret_cast<float *>(&color), _mm_castsi128_ps(m));
} else
uint32_t c1 = color & 0xff00;
uint32_t c2 = color & 0xff00ff;
c1 *= bright;
c2 *= bright;
color = ((c1 & 0xff0000) | (c2 & 0xff00ff00)) >> 8;
for (int yy = minY; yy < maxY; yy++) {
auto *fb3 = fb2;
auto *db3 = db2;
for (int xx = w; xx > 0; xx--) {
if (zval < *db3) {
*db3 = zval;
*fb3 = color;
fb2 += fw;
db2 += fw;
v2 += tAxis2;
v1 += tAxis1;
void SWModelRenderer::Render(spades::draw::SWModel *model,
const client::ModelRenderParam &param) {
if (static_cast<int>(level) >= static_cast<int>(SWFeatureLevel::SSE2)) {
RenderInner<SWFeatureLevel::SSE2>(model, param);
} else
RenderInner<SWFeatureLevel::None>(model, param);