yvt 9afa25a1bd Extended key mapping support:
* Multiple keys can be bound to a single function.
* "Space" and "Spacebar" can be used to specify space key.
2013-08-28 01:26:44 +09:00

500 lines
12 KiB

// Math.cpp
// OpenSpades
// Created by yvt on 7/11/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 yvt.jp. All rights reserved.
#include "Math.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace spades {
Vector3 Line3::Project(spades::Vector3 v,
bool supposeUnbounded) {
float Line3::GetDistanceTo(spades::Vector3 v,
bool supposeUnbounded){
void Matrix4Multiply(const float a[16], const float b[16], float out[16]) {
out[ 0] = b[ 0]*a[ 0] + b[ 1]*a[ 4] + b[ 2]*a[ 8] + b[ 3]*a[12];
out[ 1] = b[ 0]*a[ 1] + b[ 1]*a[ 5] + b[ 2]*a[ 9] + b[ 3]*a[13];
out[ 2] = b[ 0]*a[ 2] + b[ 1]*a[ 6] + b[ 2]*a[10] + b[ 3]*a[14];
out[ 3] = b[ 0]*a[ 3] + b[ 1]*a[ 7] + b[ 2]*a[11] + b[ 3]*a[15];
out[ 4] = b[ 4]*a[ 0] + b[ 5]*a[ 4] + b[ 6]*a[ 8] + b[ 7]*a[12];
out[ 5] = b[ 4]*a[ 1] + b[ 5]*a[ 5] + b[ 6]*a[ 9] + b[ 7]*a[13];
out[ 6] = b[ 4]*a[ 2] + b[ 5]*a[ 6] + b[ 6]*a[10] + b[ 7]*a[14];
out[ 7] = b[ 4]*a[ 3] + b[ 5]*a[ 7] + b[ 6]*a[11] + b[ 7]*a[15];
out[ 8] = b[ 8]*a[ 0] + b[ 9]*a[ 4] + b[10]*a[ 8] + b[11]*a[12];
out[ 9] = b[ 8]*a[ 1] + b[ 9]*a[ 5] + b[10]*a[ 9] + b[11]*a[13];
out[10] = b[ 8]*a[ 2] + b[ 9]*a[ 6] + b[10]*a[10] + b[11]*a[14];
out[11] = b[ 8]*a[ 3] + b[ 9]*a[ 7] + b[10]*a[11] + b[11]*a[15];
out[12] = b[12]*a[ 0] + b[13]*a[ 4] + b[14]*a[ 8] + b[15]*a[12];
out[13] = b[12]*a[ 1] + b[13]*a[ 5] + b[14]*a[ 9] + b[15]*a[13];
out[14] = b[12]*a[ 2] + b[13]*a[ 6] + b[14]*a[10] + b[15]*a[14];
out[15] = b[12]*a[ 3] + b[13]*a[ 7] + b[14]*a[11] + b[15]*a[15];
Matrix4::Matrix4(float *elms) {
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
m[i] = elms[i];
Matrix4::Matrix4(float m00, float m10, float m20, float m30,
float m01, float m11, float m21, float m31,
float m02, float m12, float m22, float m32,
float m03, float m13, float m23, float m33){
m[0] = m00; m[1] = m10; m[2] = m20; m[3] = m30;
m[4] = m01; m[5] = m11; m[6] = m21; m[7] = m31;
m[8] = m02; m[9] = m12; m[10] = m22; m[11] = m32;
m[12] =m03; m[13] =m13; m[14]= m23;m[15] = m33;
Matrix4 Matrix4::operator*(const spades::Matrix4 &other) const {
Matrix4 out;
Matrix4Multiply(m, other.m, out.m);
return Matrix4(out);
Vector4 operator *(const Matrix4& mat, const Vector4& v){
float x, y, z, w;
x = mat.m[0] * v.x;
y = mat.m[1] * v.x;
z = mat.m[2] * v.x;
w = mat.m[3] * v.x;
x += mat.m[4] * v.y;
y += mat.m[5] * v.y;
z += mat.m[6] * v.y;
w += mat.m[7] * v.y;
x += mat.m[8] * v.z;
y += mat.m[9] * v.z;
z += mat.m[10] * v.z;
w += mat.m[11] * v.z;
x += mat.m[12] * v.w;
y += mat.m[13] * v.w;
z += mat.m[14] * v.w;
w += mat.m[15] * v.w;
return MakeVector4(x, y, z, w);
Vector4 operator *(const Matrix4& mat, const Vector3& v){
return mat * MakeVector4(v.x, v.y, v.z, 1.f);
Vector3 Matrix4::GetOrigin() const {
return MakeVector3(m[12], m[13], m[14]);
Vector3 Matrix4::GetAxis(int axis) const {
case 0:
return MakeVector3(m[0], m[1], m[2]);
case 1:
return MakeVector3(m[4], m[5], m[6]);
case 2:
return MakeVector3(m[8], m[9], m[10]);
Matrix4 Matrix4::FromAxis(spades::Vector3 a1,
spades::Vector3 a2,
spades::Vector3 a3,
spades::Vector3 origin) {
return Matrix4(a1.x,a1.y,a1.z,0.f,
Matrix4 Matrix4::Identity() {
return Matrix4(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1);
Matrix4 Matrix4::Translate(spades::Vector3 v){
return Translate(v.x, v.y, v.z);
Matrix4 Matrix4::Translate(float x, float y, float z){
return Matrix4(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, x,y,z,1);
Matrix4 Matrix4::Rotate(spades::Vector3 axis, float theta){
axis = axis.Normalize();
float c = cosf(theta), s = sinf(theta);
float ic = 1.f - c;
float x = axis.x, y = axis.y, z = axis.z;
return Matrix4(x*x*ic + c, x*y*ic + z * s, x*z*ic - y * s, 0,
x*y*ic - z * s, y*y*ic + c, y*z*ic + x * s, 0,
x*z*ic + y * s, y*z*ic - x * s, z*z*ic + c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
Matrix4 Matrix4::Scale(float f){
return Scale(f,f,f);
Matrix4 Matrix4::Scale(spades::Vector3 v){
return Scale(v.x,v.y,v.z);
Matrix4 Matrix4::Scale(float x, float y, float z) {
return Matrix4(x,0,0,0,0,y,0,0,0,0,z,0,0,0,0,1);
Matrix4 Matrix4::Transposed() const {
return Matrix4(m[0], m[4], m[8], m[12],
m[1], m[5], m[9], m[13],
m[2], m[6], m[10],m[14],
m[3], m[7], m[11],m[15]);
#define MADDR(x, y) ((x)+((y)<<2))
// from BloodyKart
static void inverseMatrix4(float *matrix){
float det=1.f;
float t, u;
int k, j, i;
t=matrix[MADDR(k, k)];
matrix[MADDR(k, i)]/=t;
matrix[MADDR(k, k)]=1.f/t;
u=matrix[MADDR(j, k)];
matrix[MADDR(j, i)]-=matrix[MADDR(k, i)]*u;
matrix[MADDR(j, i)]=-u/t;
Matrix4 Matrix4::Inversed() const {
Matrix4 mm = *this;
return mm;
Matrix4 Matrix4::InversedFast() const {
Matrix4 out = Matrix4::Identity();
Vector3 axis1 = GetAxis(0);
Vector3 axis2 = GetAxis(1);
Vector3 axis3 = GetAxis(2);
Vector3 norm1 = axis1 / axis1.GetPoweredLength();
Vector3 norm2 = axis2 / axis2.GetPoweredLength();
Vector3 norm3 = axis3 / axis3.GetPoweredLength();
out.m[0] = norm1.x;
out.m[1] = norm2.x;
out.m[2] = norm3.x;
out.m[4] = norm1.y;
out.m[5] = norm2.y;
out.m[6] = norm3.y;
out.m[8] = norm1.z;
out.m[9] = norm2.z;
out.m[10] = norm3.z;
Vector3 s = (out * GetOrigin()).GetXYZ();
out.m[12] = -s.x;
out.m[13] = -s.y;
out.m[14] = -s.z;
return out;
AABB3::operator OBB3() const {
Vector3 siz = max - min;
return OBB3(Matrix4(siz.x, 0, 0, 0,
0, siz.y, 0, 0,
0, 0, siz.z, 0,
min.x, min.y, min.z, 1));
bool OBB3::RayCast(spades::Vector3 start,
spades::Vector3 dir,
spades::Vector3 *hitPos) {
Vector3 normX = {m.m[0], m.m[1], m.m[2]};
Vector3 normY = {m.m[4], m.m[5], m.m[6]};
Vector3 normZ = {m.m[8], m.m[9], m.m[10]};
// subtract offset
Vector3 origin = {m.m[12], m.m[13], m.m[14]};
start -= origin;
Vector3 end = start + dir;
float dotX = Vector3::Dot(dir, normX);
float dotY = Vector3::Dot(dir, normY);
float dotZ = Vector3::Dot(dir, normZ);
// inside?
if(*this && start){
*hitPos = start;
return true;
// x-plane hit test
if(dotX != 0.f){
float startp = Vector3::Dot(start, normX);
float endp = Vector3::Dot(end, normX);
float boxp = Vector3::Dot(normX, normX);
float hit; // 0=start, 1=end
if(startp < endp){
hit = startp / (startp - endp);
hit = (boxp - startp) / (endp - startp);
if(hit >= 0.f){
*hitPos = start + dir * hit;
float yd = Vector3::Dot(*hitPos, normY);
float zd = Vector3::Dot(*hitPos, normZ);
if(yd >= 0 && zd >= 0 &&
yd <= normY.GetPoweredLength() &&
zd <= normZ.GetPoweredLength()) {
// hit x-plane
*hitPos += origin;
return true;
// y-plane hit test
if(dotY != 0.f){
float startp = Vector3::Dot(start, normY);
float endp = Vector3::Dot(end, normY);
float boxp = Vector3::Dot(normX, normY);
float hit; // 0=start, 1=end
if(startp < endp){
hit = startp / (startp - endp);
hit = (boxp - startp) / (endp - startp);
if(hit >= 0.f){
*hitPos = start + dir * hit;
float xd = Vector3::Dot(*hitPos, normX);
float zd = Vector3::Dot(*hitPos, normZ);
if(xd >= 0 && zd >= 0 &&
xd <= normX.GetPoweredLength() &&
zd <= normZ.GetPoweredLength()) {
// hit y-plane
*hitPos += origin;
return true;
// z-plane hit test
if(dotZ != 0.f){
float startp = Vector3::Dot(start, normZ);
float endp = Vector3::Dot(end, normZ);
float boxp = Vector3::Dot(normX, normZ);
float hit; // 0=start, 1=end
if(startp < endp){
hit = startp / (startp - endp);
hit = (boxp - startp) / (endp - startp);
if(hit >= 0.f){
*hitPos = start + dir * hit;
float xd = Vector3::Dot(*hitPos, normX);
float yd = Vector3::Dot(*hitPos, normY);
if(xd >= 0 && yd >= 0 &&
xd <= normX.GetPoweredLength() &&
yd <= normY.GetPoweredLength()) {
// hit z-plane
*hitPos += origin;
return true;
return false;
bool OBB3::operator&&(const spades::Vector3 &v) const {
Matrix4 rmat = m.InversedFast();
Vector3 r = (rmat * v).GetXYZ();
return r.x >= 0.f && r.y >= 0.f && r.z >= 0.f &&
r.x < 1.f && r.y < 1.f && r.z < 1.f;
float OBB3::GetDistanceTo(const spades::Vector3& v) const {
if(*this && v){
return 0.f;
Matrix4 rmat = m.InversedFast();
Vector3 r = (rmat * v).GetXYZ();
Vector3 pt = r;
// find nearest point
r.x = std::max(r.x, 0.f);
r.y = std::max(r.y, 0.f);
r.z = std::max(r.z, 0.f);
r.x = std::min(r.x, 1.f);
r.y = std::min(r.y, 1.f);
r.z = std::min(r.z, 1.f);
// compute difference in local space
pt -= r;
// scale to global space
float len;
len = pt.x * pt.x * m.GetAxis(0).GetPoweredLength();
len += pt.y * pt.y * m.GetAxis(1).GetPoweredLength();
len += pt.z * pt.z * m.GetAxis(2).GetPoweredLength();
return len;
std::string Replace(const std::string& text,
const std::string& before,
const std::string& after) {
std::string out;
size_t pos = 0;
while(pos < text.size()) {
size_t newPos = text.find(before, pos);
if(newPos == std::string::npos) {
out.append(text, pos, text.size() - pos);
out.append(text, pos, newPos - pos);
out += after;
pos = newPos + before.size();
return out;
std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string& str, const std::string& sep){
std::vector<std::string> strs;
size_t pos = 0;
while(pos < str.size()){
size_t newPos = str.find(sep, pos);
if(newPos == std::string::npos) {
strs.push_back(str.substr(pos, newPos - pos));
pos = newPos + sep.size();
return strs;
std::vector<std::string> SplitIntoLines(const std::string& str){
std::vector<std::string> strs;
size_t pos = 0;
char newLineChar = 0;
std::string buf;
for(pos = 0; pos < str.size(); pos++){
if(str[pos] == 13 || str[pos] == 10){
if(newLineChar == 0)
newLineChar = str[pos];
if(str[pos] != newLineChar){
buf += str[pos];
return strs;
std::string TrimSpaces(const std::string& str){
size_t pos = str.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r");
if(pos == std::string::npos)
return std::string();
size_t po2 = str.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r");
SPAssert(po2 != std::string::npos);
SPAssert(po2 >= pos);
return str.substr(pos, po2 - pos + 1);
bool PlaneCullTest(const Plane3& plane, const AABB3& box){
Vector3 testVertex;
// find the vertex with the greatest distance value
if(plane.n.x >= 0.f){
if(plane.n.y >= 0.f){
if(plane.n.z >= 0.f){
testVertex = box.max;
testVertex = MakeVector3(box.max.x, box.max.y, box.min.z);
if(plane.n.z >= 0.f){
testVertex = MakeVector3(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.max.z);
testVertex = MakeVector3(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.min.z);
if(plane.n.y >= 0.f){
if(plane.n.z >= 0.f){
testVertex = MakeVector3(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.max.z);
testVertex = MakeVector3(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.min.z);
if(plane.n.z >= 0.f){
testVertex = MakeVector3(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.max.z);
testVertex = box.min;
return plane.GetDistanceTo(testVertex) >= 0.f;
bool EqualsIgnoringCase(const std::string& a,
const std::string& b) {
if(a.size() != b.size())
return false;
if(&a == &b)
return true;
for(size_t siz = a.size(), i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
char x = a[i], y = b[i];
if(tolower(x) != tolower(y))
return false;
return true;
float GetRandom() {
return (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
float SmoothStep(float v){
return v * v * (3.f - 2.f * v);
float Mix(float a, float b, float frac) {
return a + (b - a) * frac;
Vector2 Mix(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float frac) {
return a + (b - a) * frac;
Vector3 Mix(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float frac) {
return a + (b - a) * frac;