feat(draw): fade the radiosity term above the z = 0 plane

This commit is contained in:
yvt 2021-01-29 19:04:05 +09:00
parent cdc8bf9546
commit 2d99ae5fff

View File

@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ void main() {
vec3 ambientShadowTextureCoordDelta =
viewcentricWorldPosition.xyz / float(numSamples) / vec3(512., 512., 65.);
vec3 radiosityFactor = vec3(0.0);
float currentRadiosityCutoff = currentAmbientShadowTextureCoord.z * 10.0 + 1.0;
float radiosityCutoffDelta = ambientShadowTextureCoordDelta.z * 10.0;
currentAmbientShadowTextureCoord += ambientShadowTextureCoordDelta * dither;
@ -124,13 +126,17 @@ void main() {
fogColorFactor += aoFactor * weight * 0.5;
// Secondary diffuse reflection sampling
// Since the radiosity texture doesn't have the information above the `z = 0` plane,
// gradually reduce the influence above the plane by multiplying `currentRadiosityCutoff`.
vec3 radiosity =
DecodeRadiosityValue(texture3D(radiosityTexture, currentRadiosityTextureCoord).xyz);
radiosityFactor += radiosity * weight;
radiosityFactor += radiosity * (weight * clamp(currentRadiosityCutoff, 0.0, 1.0));
currentShadowPosition += shadowPositionDelta;
currentRadiosityTextureCoord += radiosityTextureCoordDelta;
currentAmbientShadowTextureCoord += ambientShadowTextureCoordDelta;
currentRadiosityCutoff += radiosityCutoffDelta;
weightSum += weight;
weight -= weightDelta;