2016-12-11 23:18:16 +09:00
Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cmath>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_BITMAP_H
#include "FTFont.h"
#include <Client/IImage.h>
#include <Client/IRenderer.h>
#include <Core/Bitmap.h>
#include <Core/FileManager.h>
#include <Core/ThreadLocalStorage.h>
#include <Draw/SWRenderer.h>
namespace spades {
namespace ngclient {
namespace {
struct FreeType {
FT_Library library;
FreeType() { FT_Init_FreeType(&library); }
~FreeType() { FT_Done_FreeType(library); }
operator FT_Library() const { return library; }
AutoDeletedThreadLocalStorage<FreeType> ft;
FT_Library GetFreeType() {
if (ft == nullptr) {
ft = new FreeType();
return *ft;
struct FTFaceWrapper {
FT_Face face;
std::string buffer;
FTFaceWrapper(FT_Face f) : face(f) {}
~FTFaceWrapper() { FT_Done_Face(face); }
operator FT_Face() const { return face; }
struct FTBitmapWrapper {
FT_Bitmap b;
FTBitmapWrapper() { FT_Bitmap_New(&b); }
~FTBitmapWrapper() { FT_Bitmap_Done(GetFreeType(), &b); }
operator FT_Bitmap *() { return &b; }
FT_Bitmap *operator->() { return &b; }
void FTFontSet::AddFace(const std::string &fileName) {
FT_Face face;
std::string data = FileManager::ReadAllBytes(fileName.c_str());
auto ret = FT_New_Memory_Face(
GetFreeType(), reinterpret_cast<const FT_Byte *>(data.data()), data.size(), 0, &face);
if (ret) {
SPRaise("Failed to load font %s: FreeType error %d", fileName.c_str(), ret);
auto *wr = new FTFaceWrapper(face);
wr->buffer = std::move(data);
struct BinPlaceResult {
client::IImage ℑ
int x, y;
BinPlaceResult(client::IImage &image, int x, int y) : image(image), x(x), y(y) {}
struct FTFont::Bin {
int const width, height;
Handle<client::IImage> image;
std::list<std::pair<int, int>> skyline;
Bin(int width, int height, client::IRenderer &r) : width(width), height(height) {
Handle<Bitmap> tmpbmp(new Bitmap(width, height), false);
memset(tmpbmp->GetPixels(), 0, tmpbmp->GetWidth() * tmpbmp->GetHeight() * 4);
image.Set(r.CreateImage(tmpbmp), false);
skyline.emplace_back(0, 0);
skyline.emplace_back(width, 0);
stmp::optional<BinPlaceResult> Place(Bitmap &bmp) {
int bw = bmp.GetWidth(), bh = bmp.GetHeight();
if (bw > width || bh > height) {
SPRaise("Impossible to allocate bitmap of "
"%dx%d on %dx%d bin.",
bw, bh, width, height);
auto it = skyline.begin();
auto it2 = it;
auto bestIt1 = it, bestIt2 = it2;
int bestWasted = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int bestMaxY = 0;
while (it2 != skyline.end() && it != skyline.end()) {
while (it2 != skyline.end() && it2->first < it->first + bw) {
if (it2 == skyline.end()) {
auto maxY = std::max_element(it, it2, [](const std::pair<int, int> &a,
const std::pair<int, int> &b) {
return a.second < b.second;
if (maxY + bh < height) {
int right = it->first + bw;
int wasted = 0;
for (auto it1 = it; it1 != it2;) {
auto cur = it1++;
auto segRight = it1->first;
wasted += std::min(segRight, right) * (maxY - cur->second);
if (wasted < bestWasted) {
bestIt1 = it;
bestIt2 = it2;
bestWasted = wasted;
bestMaxY = maxY;
if (bestWasted == std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
// failed
return stmp::optional<BinPlaceResult>();
SPAssert(bestIt1 != bestIt2);
int right = bestIt1->first + bw;
BinPlaceResult result(*image, bestIt1->first, bestMaxY);
if (bestIt2->first == right) {
it = bestIt1;
skyline.erase(it, bestIt2);
bestIt1->second = bestMaxY + bh;
} else {
it = bestIt2;
if (it == bestIt1) {
it = skyline.emplace(bestIt2, right, bestIt1->second);
} else {
bestIt2->first = right;
it = bestIt1;
skyline.erase(it, bestIt2);
bestIt1->second = bestMaxY + bh;
image->Update(bmp, result.x, result.y);
return result;
FTFont::FTFont(client::IRenderer *renderer, FTFontSet *fontSet, float height,
float lineHeight)
: client::IFont(renderer),
2017-11-18 21:15:07 +00:00
2016-12-11 23:18:16 +09:00
2017-11-18 21:15:07 +00:00
fontSet(fontSet) {
2016-12-11 23:18:16 +09:00
binSize = 256;
int targetSize = static_cast<int>(std::min(height * 4.f, 4000.f));
while (binSize < targetSize) {
binSize <<= 1;
baselineY = std::floor(height * 1.f);
rendererIsLowQuality = dynamic_cast<draw::SWRenderer *>(renderer);
bins.emplace_back(binSize, binSize, *renderer);
FTFont::Glyph *FTFont::GetGlyph(uint32_t code) {
auto it = glyphMap.find(code);
if (it != glyphMap.end()) {
auto ref = it->second;
return &ref.get();
for (const auto &face : fontSet->faces) {
auto cId = FT_Get_Char_Index(*face, code);
if (cId != 0) {
auto it2 = glyphs.find(std::make_pair<FT_Face>(*face, cId));
if (it2 == glyphs.end()) {
FT_Set_Char_Size(*face, 0, static_cast<FT_F26Dot6>(height * 64.f), 72, 72);
Glyph g;
g.face = *face;
g.charIndex = cId;
FT_Load_Glyph(*face, cId, FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING);
const auto &adv = g.face->glyph->advance;
g.advance = Vector2(adv.x, adv.y) / (64.f);
auto it3 =
glyphs.emplace(std::make_pair<FT_Face>(*face, cId), std::move(g));
glyphMap.emplace(code, it3.first->second);
return &it3.first->second;
} else {
return &it2->second;
return nullptr;
template <class T, class T2, class T3>
void FTFont::SplitTextIntoGlyphs(const std::string &str, T onGlyph, T3 onFallback,
T2 onLineBreak) {
// FIXME: ligatures?
std::size_t i = 0;
uint32_t breakCode = 0;
while (i < str.size()) {
std::size_t advance;
auto code = GetCodePointFromUTF8String(str, i, &advance);
i += advance;
if (code == 10 || code == 13) {
if (breakCode == 0)
breakCode = code;
if (code == breakCode) {
auto *g = GetGlyph(code);
if (g) {
} else {
Vector2 FTFont::Measure(const std::string &str) {
float maxWidth = 0.f;
float x = 0.f;
int lines = 1;
[&](Glyph &g) {
x += g.advance.x;
maxWidth = std::max(x, maxWidth);
[&](uint32_t codepoint) {
x += MeasureFallback(codepoint, height);
maxWidth = std::max(x, maxWidth);
[&]() {
x = 0.f;
return Vector2(maxWidth, lines * lineHeight);
void FTFont::RenderGlyph(Glyph &g) {
if (g.image)
FT_Set_Char_Size(g.face, 0, static_cast<FT_F26Dot6>(height * 64.f), 72, 72);
FT_Load_Glyph(g.face, g.charIndex, FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING);
FT_Render_Glyph(g.face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL);
auto &bmp = g.face->glyph->bitmap;
FTBitmapWrapper outbmp;
FT_Bitmap_Convert(GetFreeType(), &bmp, outbmp, 1);
SPAssert(outbmp->pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY);
Handle<Bitmap> spbmp(new Bitmap(outbmp->width + 1, outbmp->rows + 1), false);
memset(spbmp->GetPixels(), 0, 4 * spbmp->GetWidth() * spbmp->GetHeight());
for (int y = 0; y < outbmp->rows; ++y) {
const auto *inpixs = outbmp->buffer + y * outbmp->width;
auto *outpixs = spbmp->GetPixels();
outpixs += y * spbmp->GetWidth();
for (int x = 0; x < outbmp->width; ++x) {
uint32_t v = *inpixs;
v = (v << 24) | 0xffffff;
*outpixs = v;
// allocate bin
auto result = bins.back().Place(*spbmp);
if (!result) {
// bin full
bins.emplace_back(binSize, binSize, *renderer);
result = bins.back().Place(*spbmp);
AABB2 bounds((*result).x, (*result).y, spbmp->GetWidth() - 1, spbmp->GetHeight() - 1);
Vector2 offs(g.face->glyph->bitmap_left, baselineY - g.face->glyph->bitmap_top);
g.image.reset((*result).image, bounds, offs);
g.bmp = spbmp;
void FTFont::RenderBlurGlyph(Glyph &g) {
if (g.blurImage)
enum { KernelSize = 6 };
auto &orig = *g.bmp;
Handle<Bitmap> newbmp(
new Bitmap(orig.GetWidth() + KernelSize, orig.GetHeight() + KernelSize), false);
int const origW = orig.GetWidth();
int const origH = orig.GetHeight();
int const newW = newbmp->GetWidth();
int const newH = newbmp->GetHeight();
std::vector<uint8_t> buf;
buf.resize(newW + KernelSize);
for (int y = 0; y < newH; ++y) {
int iy = y - (KernelSize >> 1);
auto *pixels = newbmp->GetPixels() + y * newW;
if (iy >= 0 && iy < origH) {
auto *inp = orig.GetPixels() + iy * origW;
auto *outp = buf.data() + KernelSize;
for (int x = 0; x < origW; ++x) {
*(outp++) = *(inp++) >> 24;
for (int x = 0; x < newW; ++x) {
uint32_t sum;
sum = static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[x]) * 3590U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[x + 1]) * 8121U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[x + 2]) * 13254U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[x + 3]) * 15606U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[x + 4]) * 13254U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[x + 5]) * 8121U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[x + 6]) * 3590U;
*(pixels++) = (sum >> 16 << 24) | 0xffffff;
} else {
memset(pixels, 0, newW * 4);
buf.resize(newH + KernelSize);
for (auto &e : buf)
e = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < newW; ++x) {
auto *pixels = newbmp->GetPixels() + x;
auto *inp = pixels;
auto *outp = buf.data() + (KernelSize >> 1);
for (int y = 0; y < newH; ++y) {
*(outp++) = *(inp) >> 24;
inp += newW;
for (int y = 0; y < newH; ++y) {
uint32_t sum;
sum = static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[y]) * 3590U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[y + 1]) * 8121U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[y + 2]) * 13254U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[y + 3]) * 15606U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[y + 4]) * 13254U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[y + 5]) * 8121U;
sum += static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[y + 6]) * 3590U;
*(pixels) = (sum >> 16 << 24) | 0xffffff;
pixels += newW;
// allocate bin
auto result = bins.back().Place(*newbmp);
if (!result) {
// bin full
bins.emplace_back(binSize, binSize, *renderer);
result = bins.back().Place(*newbmp);
AABB2 bounds((*result).x, (*result).y, newbmp->GetWidth(), newbmp->GetHeight());
Vector2 offs = (*g.image).offset - Vector2(1, 1) * (KernelSize * 0.5f);
g.blurImage.reset((*result).image, bounds, offs);
void FTFont::Draw(const std::string &str, Vector2 offset, float scale, Vector4 color) {
auto lines = SplitIntoLines(str);
float x = 0.f;
float y = 0.f;
color = Vector4(color.x * color.w, color.y * color.w, color.z * color.w, color.w);
[&](Glyph &g) {
auto &img = *g.image;
auto srcBounds = img.bounds;
auto target = offset + (Vector2(x, y) + img.offset) * scale;
target = (target + .5f).Floor(); // for sharper rendering
AABB2 destBounds(target.x, target.y, srcBounds.GetWidth() * scale,
srcBounds.GetHeight() * scale);
if (!rendererIsLowQuality) {
srcBounds = srcBounds.Inflate(.5f);
destBounds = destBounds.Inflate(.5f * scale);
renderer->DrawImage(&img.img, destBounds, srcBounds);
x += g.advance.x;
y += g.advance.y;
[&](uint32_t codepoint) {
DrawFallback(codepoint, offset + Vector2(x, y) * scale, height * scale, color);
x += MeasureFallback(codepoint, height);
[&]() {
x = 0.f;
y += lineHeight;
void FTFont::DrawBlurred(const std::string &str, Vector2 offset, float scale,
Vector4 color) {
auto lines = SplitIntoLines(str);
float x = 0.f;
float y = 0.f;
color = Vector4(color.x * color.w, color.y * color.w, color.z * color.w, color.w);
[&](Glyph &g) {
auto &img = *g.blurImage;
auto srcBounds = img.bounds;
auto target = offset + (Vector2(x, y) + img.offset) * scale;
target = (target + .5f).Floor(); // for sharper rendering
AABB2 destBounds(target.x, target.y, srcBounds.GetWidth() * scale,
srcBounds.GetHeight() * scale);
if (!rendererIsLowQuality) {
srcBounds = srcBounds.Inflate(.5f);
destBounds = destBounds.Inflate(.5f * scale);
renderer->DrawImage(&img.img, destBounds, srcBounds);
x += g.advance.x;
y += g.advance.y;
[&](uint32_t codepoint) {
DrawFallback(codepoint, offset + Vector2(x, y) * scale, height * scale, color);
x += MeasureFallback(codepoint, height);
[&]() {
x = 0.f;
y += lineHeight;
void FTFont::DrawShadow(const std::string &text, const Vector2 &offset, float scale,
const Vector4 &color, const Vector4 &shadowColor) {
DrawBlurred(text, offset, scale, shadowColor);
Draw(text, offset, scale, color);