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2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import os.path
import os
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
import sys
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
from map import Map
from blocks import build_block
from constants import *
from util import *
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
# name: (top, side)
textures = {
2012-12-30 11:59:16 -08:00
"default:bookshelf": ("default_bookshelf.png", "default_bookshelf.png"),
"default:brick": ("default_brick.png", "default_brick.png"),
"default:cactus": ("default_cactus_top.png", "default_cactus_side.png"),
"default:chest": ("default_chest_top.png", "default_chest_front.png"),
"default:chest_locked": ("default_chest_top.png", "default_chest_lock.png"),
"default:clay": ("default_clay.png", "default_clay.png"),
"default:cloud": ("default_cloud.png", "default_cloud.png"),
"default:cobble": ("default_cobble.png", "default_cobble.png"),
"default:desert_sand": ("default_desert_sand.png", "default_desert_sand.png"),
"default:desert_stone": ("default_desert_stone.png", "default_desert_stone.png"),
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
"default:dirt": ("default_dirt.png", "default_dirt.png"),
2012-12-30 11:59:16 -08:00
"default:furnace": ("default_furnace_top.png", "default_furnace_front_active.png"),
"default:glass": ("default_glass.png", "default_glass.png"),
"default:dirt_with_grass": ("default_grass.png", "default_dirt.png"),
"default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps": ("default_grass_footsteps.png", "default_dirt.png"),
"default:gravel": ("default_gravel.png", "default_gravel.png"),
"default:jungletree": ("default_jungletree_top.png", "default_jungletree.png"),
"default:lava_source": ("default_lava.png", "default_lava.png"),
"default:lava_flowing": ("default_lava.png", "default_lava.png"),
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
"default:leaves": ("default_leaves.png", "default_leaves.png"),
2012-12-30 11:59:16 -08:00
"default:mese": ("default_mese_block.png", "default_mese_block.png"),
"default:stone_with_coal": ("default_mineral_coal.png", "default_mineral_coal.png"),
"default:stone_with_iron": ("default_mineral_iron.png", "default_mineral_iron.png"),
"default:stone_with_mese": ("default_mineral_mese.png", "default_mineral_mese.png"),
"default:mossycobble": ("default_mossycobble.png", "default_mossycobble.png"),
"default:nyancat": ("default_nc_side.png", "default_nc_front.png"),
"default:nyancat_rainbow": ("default_nc_rb.png", "default_nc_rb.png"),
"default:sand": ("default_sand.png", "default_sand.png"),
"default:sandstone": ("default_sandstone.png", "default_sandstone.png"),
"default:steelblock": ("default_steel_block.png", "default_steel_block.png"),
"default:stone": ("default_stone.png", "default_stone.png"),
"default:tree": ("default_tree_top.png", "default_tree.png"),
"default:water_source": ("default_water.png", "default_water.png"),
"default:water_flowing": ("default_water.png", "default_water.png"),
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
"default:wood": ("default_wood.png", "default_wood.png"),
2012-12-30 12:42:03 -08:00
"fire:basic_flame": ("fire_basic_flame.png", "fire_basic_flame.png"),
"wool:white": ("wool_white.png", "wool_white.png"),
"wool:grey": ("wool_grey.png", "wool_grey.png"),
"wool:black": ("wool_black.png", "wool_black.png"),
"wool:red": ("wool_red.png", "wool_red.png"),
"wool:yellow": ("wool_yellow.png", "wool_yellow.png"),
"wool:green": ("wool_green.png", "wool_green.png"),
"wool:cyan": ("wool_cyan.png", "wool_cyan.png"),
"wool:blue": ("wool_blue.png", "wool_blue.png"),
"wool:magenta": ("wool_magenta.png", "wool_magenta.png"),
"wool:orange": ("wool_orange.png", "wool_orange.png"),
"wool:violet": ("wool_violet.png", "wool_violet.png"),
"wool:brown": ("wool_brown.png", "wool_brown.png"),
"wool:pink": ("wool_pink.png", "wool_pink.png"),
"wool:dark_grey": ("wool_dark_grey.png", "wool_dark_grey.png"),
"wool:dark_green": ("wool_dark_green.png", "wool_dark_green.png")
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
blocks = {}
for name in textures:
top = Image.open(os.path.join("textures", textures[name][0])).convert("RGBA")
side = Image.open(os.path.join("textures", textures[name][1])).convert("RGBA")
blocks[name] = build_block(top, side)
map = Map(".")
def drawNode(canvas, x, y, z, block, start):
canvas.paste(block, (start[0] + NODE_SIZE/2 * (z - x), start[1] + NODE_SIZE/4 * (x + z - 2 * y)), block)
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
def drawBlock(canvas, bx, by, bz, start):
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
""" returns max y of visible node """
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
map_block = map.getBlock(bx, by, bz)
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
maxy = -1
for y in range(NODES_PER_BLOCK):
for z in range(NODES_PER_BLOCK):
for x in range(NODES_PER_BLOCK):
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
p = map_block.get(x, y, z)
if p in textures:
drawNode(canvas, x + bx * NODES_PER_BLOCK, y + by * NODES_PER_BLOCK, z + bz * NODES_PER_BLOCK, blocks[p], start)
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
maxy = max(maxy, y + by * NODES_PER_BLOCK)
return maxy
cached_chunks = {}
def makeChunk(cx, cz):
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
maxy = -1
canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (BLOCK_SIZE, CHUNK_HEIGHT))
for by in range(-8, 8):
maxy = max(maxy, drawBlock(canvas, cx, by, cz, (BLOCK_SIZE/2 * (cx - cz + 1) - NODE_SIZE/2, BLOCK_SIZE/4 * (BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK - cz - cx) - NODE_SIZE/2)))
return canvas, maxy
def fullMap():
canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (5000, 5000))
start = (3000, 3000)
for y in range(-1, 10):
for z in range(-5, 5):
for x in range(-5, 5):
drawBlock(canvas, x, y, z, start)
def chunks3(canvas, x, z, step):
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
maxy = -1
chunk, y = makeChunk(x, z)
maxy = max(maxy, y)
canvas.paste(chunk, (0, step * BLOCK_SIZE/2), chunk)
del chunk
chunk, y = makeChunk(x + 1, z)
maxy = max(maxy, y)
canvas.paste(chunk, (-BLOCK_SIZE/2, step * BLOCK_SIZE/2 + BLOCK_SIZE/4), chunk)
del chunk
chunk, y = makeChunk(x, z + 1)
maxy = max(maxy, y)
canvas.paste(chunk, (BLOCK_SIZE/2, step * BLOCK_SIZE/2 + BLOCK_SIZE/4), chunk)
del chunk
return maxy
# row = x + z
# col = z - x
# x = (row - col) / 2
# z = (row + col) / 2
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
def dummyMakeTile(row, col):
x, z = gridToCoords(row, col)
canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (BLOCK_SIZE, 18 * BLOCK_SIZE/2))
for i in range(-16, 2):
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
chunks3(canvas, x, z, 16 + i)
tile = canvas.crop((0, 16 * BLOCK_SIZE/2, BLOCK_SIZE, 18 * BLOCK_SIZE/2))
del canvas
return tile
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
def saveTile(tile, row, col, zoom=5):
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
path = os.path.join("data", str(zoom), str(row))
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
if not os.path.exists(path):
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
tile.save(os.path.join(path, "%d.png" % col))
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
cnt = 0
done = set()
# assume it's safe to start with (x, z)
def stupidMakeTiles(x, z):
# TODO: v
canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (BLOCK_SIZE, 100 * BLOCK_SIZE))
step = 0
last = 0
while True:
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
print("tiling %d %d" % (x + step, z + step))
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
row, col = coordsToGrid(x + step, z + step)
y = chunks3(canvas, x + step, z + step, step)
if row % 4 == 0:
tile = canvas.crop((0, last, BLOCK_SIZE, last + BLOCK_SIZE))
last += BLOCK_SIZE
saveTile(tile, row / 4, col / 2)
del tile
global cnt
cnt += 1
done.add((x + step, z + step))
step += 1
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
print("y is %d" % y)
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
if y == -1:
raw_coords = list(map.getCoordinatesToDraw())
coords = []
for row, col in raw_coords:
if row % 4 != 0 or col % 2 != 0:
coords.append(gridToCoords(row, col))
for coord in coords:
if coord in done:
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
print("{0}% done".format(100.0 * cnt / len(coords)))
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
step = 0
for row, col in coords:
step += 1
print("[{}%]".format(100.0 * step / len(coords)))
if row % 4 != 0 or col % 2 != 0:
path = os.path.join("data", "5", "{}".format(row / 4 ))
if not os.path.exists(path):
dummyMakeTile(row, col).save(os.path.join(path, "{}.png".format(col / 2)))
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
# zoom 4 ---> 0
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
2012-12-31 07:42:50 -08:00
to_join = raw_coords
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
for zoom in range(4, -1, -1):
new_join = set()
for row, col in to_join:
if zoom == 4:
if row % 4 != 0 or col % 2 != 0:
row /= 4
col /= 2
if row % 2 == 1:
row -= 1
if col % 2 == 1:
col -= 1
new_join.add((row, col))
to_join = new_join
2012-12-30 10:06:11 -08:00
for row, col in to_join:
#print("join {} {}".format(row, col))
R = row / 2
C = col / 2
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
path = os.path.join("data", str(zoom), str(R))
if not os.path.exists(path):
canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE))
for dx in range(0, 2):
for dz in range(0, 2):
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
tile = Image.open(os.path.join("data", str(zoom + 1), str(row + dx), "%d.png" % (col + dz))).convert("RGBA")
except IOError:
tile = Image.new("RGBA", (BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE))
tile = tile.resize((BLOCK_SIZE/2, BLOCK_SIZE/2))
canvas.paste(tile, (dz * BLOCK_SIZE/2, dx * BLOCK_SIZE/2), tile)
2012-12-31 08:13:35 -08:00
canvas.save(os.path.join(path, "%d.png" % C))