
34 lines
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random_messages.options = {}
-- True / False : Should messages be displayed on chat
random_messages.options.display_chat_messages = false
-- True / False : Should signs with messages be places around the world
random_messages.options.place_messages_signs = true
--Time between two subsequent messages.
-- 0 to use default (120)
random_messages.options.messages_interval = 300
-- Default messages file name
random_messages.options.default_messages_file_name = "messages"
-- Signs optiosn
random_messages.options.signs = {
-- height limits for signs to be places
h_min = -200,
h_max = 200,
-- When a portion of map is generated, how many chances is there that signs will be placed in it
-- Number will be use a fracion of 1 ( 1/number ) OR a number beween 0 and 1
-- e.g : 10 will be used as 1/10 -- so its the same as writting 0.1
-- and it means 10% chances that signs will be placed in a a new chunk
chance_of_signs_in_chunk = 1, -- 100%
-- If there is signs it this portions of map, how many will there be ?
-- Increase this value will to see more signs in the world
signs_per_chunk= 1,