
23 lines
862 B

-- title : Catch_Me_2
-- author :
-- description : Now we go up, instead of down. :-)
-- source :
local dirt_place = place.down("default:dirt")
if not dirt_place then say("I need dirt in my inventory") end
p = self.pos() -- returns a table, with elements x, y, and z
say("Position: " .. p.x .. "," .. p.y .. "," .. p.z)
-- Now we go up, instead of down.
-- After stopping the robot, and pressing start again,
-- there will be a block of dirt above the bot from the first go.
-- We need to dig away this block so that the bot can move up again.
-- The command "say()" outputs a single string, but several strings can be concatenated with '..'.
-- Numbers are automatically converted to strings for output (e.g. the number in p.x).
-- Note: y is used as the height here in minetest.