✓ create a simple API that makes registration of road surfaces and markings easier by automatically registering all needed combinations of surfaces and markings
✓ enable the developer to register a whole set of surfaces and their markings or vide-versa using two functions: streets.register_surface() and streets.register_marking()
✓ adapt all existing nodes to the new API and finally find a good naming convention for the nodes, e.g. ":streets:surface_surfacecolor_marking_markingcolor_x"
* Possibly include the old signs, but maybe with some country specific? I'd love to have at least some of the most common USA ones in there. (cheapie)
* Let's forget to be un-country-specific. Let's include US and EU ones, that should satisfy many players. We can make the sign workshop use tabs to organise them into categories and a dropdown to select the set to be used. (wd97)
* Especially in this category, the list of signs is subject to change. If something is not possible due to graphical or technical limitations, it won't get implemented.
* Spontaneous ideas of mine are possible and very likely...
- Drawbridges. Definetely cool, but not easy to implement because of lack of facedir for many nodes and brdiges thicker than 1m... This one needs a seperate plan