
605 lines
25 KiB

#include "nuklear.h"
#include "nuklear_internal.h"
/* ===============================================================
* ===============================================================*/
NK_LIB void*
nk_create_panel(struct nk_context *ctx)
struct nk_page_element *elem;
elem = nk_create_page_element(ctx);
if (!elem) return 0;
return &elem->data.pan;
NK_LIB void
nk_free_panel(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *pan)
union nk_page_data *pd = NK_CONTAINER_OF(pan, union nk_page_data, pan);
struct nk_page_element *pe = NK_CONTAINER_OF(pd, struct nk_page_element, data);
nk_free_page_element(ctx, pe);
NK_LIB int
nk_panel_has_header(nk_flags flags, const char *title)
int active = 0;
active = active || (flags & NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
active = active && !(flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) && title;
return active;
NK_LIB struct nk_vec2
nk_panel_get_padding(const struct nk_style *style, enum nk_panel_type type)
switch (type) {
case NK_PANEL_WINDOW: return style->window.padding;
case NK_PANEL_GROUP: return style->window.group_padding;
case NK_PANEL_POPUP: return style->window.popup_padding;
case NK_PANEL_CONTEXTUAL: return style->window.contextual_padding;
case NK_PANEL_COMBO: return style->window.combo_padding;
case NK_PANEL_MENU: return style->window.menu_padding;
case NK_PANEL_TOOLTIP: return style->window.menu_padding;}
NK_LIB float
nk_panel_get_border(const struct nk_style *style, nk_flags flags,
enum nk_panel_type type)
if (flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER) {
switch (type) {
case NK_PANEL_WINDOW: return style->window.border;
case NK_PANEL_GROUP: return style->window.group_border;
case NK_PANEL_POPUP: return style->window.popup_border;
case NK_PANEL_CONTEXTUAL: return style->window.contextual_border;
case NK_PANEL_COMBO: return style->window.combo_border;
case NK_PANEL_MENU: return style->window.menu_border;
case NK_PANEL_TOOLTIP: return style->window.menu_border;
}} else return 0;
NK_LIB struct nk_color
nk_panel_get_border_color(const struct nk_style *style, enum nk_panel_type type)
switch (type) {
case NK_PANEL_WINDOW: return style->window.border_color;
case NK_PANEL_GROUP: return style->window.group_border_color;
case NK_PANEL_POPUP: return style->window.popup_border_color;
case NK_PANEL_CONTEXTUAL: return style->window.contextual_border_color;
case NK_PANEL_COMBO: return style->window.combo_border_color;
case NK_PANEL_MENU: return style->window.menu_border_color;
case NK_PANEL_TOOLTIP: return style->window.menu_border_color;}
NK_LIB int
nk_panel_is_sub(enum nk_panel_type type)
return (type & NK_PANEL_SET_SUB)?1:0;
NK_LIB int
nk_panel_is_nonblock(enum nk_panel_type type)
return (type & NK_PANEL_SET_NONBLOCK)?1:0;
NK_LIB int
nk_panel_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, enum nk_panel_type panel_type)
struct nk_input *in;
struct nk_window *win;
struct nk_panel *layout;
struct nk_command_buffer *out;
const struct nk_style *style;
const struct nk_user_font *font;
struct nk_vec2 scrollbar_size;
struct nk_vec2 panel_padding;
if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout) return 0;
nk_zero(ctx->current->layout, sizeof(*ctx->current->layout));
if ((ctx->current->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) || (ctx->current->flags & NK_WINDOW_CLOSED)) {
nk_zero(ctx->current->layout, sizeof(struct nk_panel));
ctx->current->layout->type = panel_type;
return 0;
/* pull state into local stack */
style = &ctx->style;
font = style->font;
win = ctx->current;
layout = win->layout;
out = &win->buffer;
in = (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_INPUT) ? 0: &ctx->input;
win->buffer.userdata = ctx->userdata;
/* pull style configuration into local stack */
scrollbar_size = style->window.scrollbar_size;
panel_padding = nk_panel_get_padding(style, panel_type);
/* window movement */
if ((win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE) && !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM)) {
int left_mouse_down;
int left_mouse_clicked;
int left_mouse_click_in_cursor;
/* calculate draggable window space */
struct nk_rect header;
header.x = win->bounds.x;
header.y = win->bounds.y;
header.w = win->bounds.w;
if (nk_panel_has_header(win->flags, title)) {
header.h = font->height + 2.0f * style->window.header.padding.y;
header.h += 2.0f * style->window.header.label_padding.y;
} else header.h = panel_padding.y;
/* window movement by dragging */
left_mouse_down = in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down;
left_mouse_clicked = (int)in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked;
left_mouse_click_in_cursor = nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in,
NK_BUTTON_LEFT, header, nk_true);
if (left_mouse_down && left_mouse_click_in_cursor && !left_mouse_clicked) {
win->bounds.x = win->bounds.x + in->;
win->bounds.y = win->bounds.y + in->;
in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x += in->;
in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y += in->;
ctx->style.cursor_active = ctx->style.cursors[NK_CURSOR_MOVE];
/* setup panel */
layout->type = panel_type;
layout->flags = win->flags;
layout->bounds = win->bounds;
layout->bounds.x += panel_padding.x;
layout->bounds.w -= 2*panel_padding.x;
if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER) {
layout->border = nk_panel_get_border(style, win->flags, panel_type);
layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(layout->bounds, layout->border);
} else layout->border = 0;
layout->at_y = layout->bounds.y;
layout->at_x = layout->bounds.x;
layout->max_x = 0;
layout->header_height = 0;
layout->footer_height = 0;
layout->row.index = 0;
layout->row.columns = 0;
layout->row.ratio = 0;
layout->row.item_width = 0;
layout->row.tree_depth = 0;
layout->row.height = panel_padding.y;
layout->has_scrolling = nk_true;
if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR))
layout->bounds.w -= scrollbar_size.x;
if (!nk_panel_is_nonblock(panel_type)) {
layout->footer_height = 0;
if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR) || win->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE)
layout->footer_height = scrollbar_size.y;
layout->bounds.h -= layout->footer_height;
/* panel header */
if (nk_panel_has_header(win->flags, title))
struct nk_text text;
struct nk_rect header;
const struct nk_style_item *background = 0;
/* calculate header bounds */
header.x = win->bounds.x;
header.y = win->bounds.y;
header.w = win->bounds.w;
header.h = font->height + 2.0f * style->window.header.padding.y;
header.h += (2.0f * style->window.header.label_padding.y);
/* shrink panel by header */
layout->header_height = header.h;
layout->bounds.y += header.h;
layout->bounds.h -= header.h;
layout->at_y += header.h;
/* select correct header background and text color */
if (ctx->active == win) {
background = &style->;
text.text = style->window.header.label_active;
} else if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, header)) {
background = &style->window.header.hover;
text.text = style->window.header.label_hover;
} else {
background = &style->window.header.normal;
text.text = style->window.header.label_normal;
/* draw header background */
header.h += 1.0f;
if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image, nk_white);
} else {
text.background = background->data.color;
nk_fill_rect(out, header, 0, background->data.color);
/* window close button */
{struct nk_rect button;
button.y = header.y + style->window.header.padding.y;
button.h = header.h - 2 * style->window.header.padding.y;
button.w = button.h;
if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE) {
nk_flags ws = 0;
if (style->window.header.align == NK_HEADER_RIGHT) {
button.x = (header.w + header.x) - (button.w + style->window.header.padding.x);
header.w -= button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
} else {
button.x = header.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
header.x += button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, &win->buffer, button,
style->window.header.close_symbol, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT,
&style->window.header.close_button, in, style->font) && !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM))
layout->flags |= NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN;
layout->flags &= (nk_flags)~NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
/* window minimize button */
if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE) {
nk_flags ws = 0;
if (style->window.header.align == NK_HEADER_RIGHT) {
button.x = (header.w + header.x) - button.w;
if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE)) {
button.x -= style->window.header.padding.x;
header.w -= style->window.header.padding.x;
header.w -= button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x;
} else {
button.x = header.x;
header.x += button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, &win->buffer, button, (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)?
style->window.header.maximize_symbol: style->window.header.minimize_symbol,
NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &style->window.header.minimize_button, in, style->font) && !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM))
layout->flags = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) ?
layout->flags & (nk_flags)~NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED:
layout->flags | NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
{/* window header title */
int text_len = nk_strlen(title);
struct nk_rect label = {0,0,0,0};
float t = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, title, text_len);
text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
label.x = header.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
label.x += style->window.header.label_padding.x;
label.y = header.y + style->window.header.label_padding.y;
label.h = font->height + 2 * style->window.header.label_padding.y;
label.w = t + 2 * style->window.header.spacing.x;
label.w = NK_CLAMP(0, label.w, header.x + header.w - label.x);
nk_widget_text(out, label,(const char*)title, text_len, &text, NK_TEXT_LEFT, font);}
/* draw window background */
if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)) {
struct nk_rect body;
body.x = win->bounds.x;
body.w = win->bounds.w;
body.y = (win->bounds.y + layout->header_height);
body.h = (win->bounds.h - layout->header_height);
if (style->window.fixed_background.type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
nk_draw_image(out, body, &style->, nk_white);
else nk_fill_rect(out, body, 0, style->;
/* set clipping rectangle */
{struct nk_rect clip;
layout->clip = layout->bounds;
nk_unify(&clip, &win->buffer.clip, layout->clip.x, layout->clip.y,
layout->clip.x + layout->clip.w, layout->clip.y + layout->clip.h);
nk_push_scissor(out, clip);
layout->clip = clip;}
return !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED);
NK_LIB void
nk_panel_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
struct nk_input *in;
struct nk_window *window;
struct nk_panel *layout;
const struct nk_style *style;
struct nk_command_buffer *out;
struct nk_vec2 scrollbar_size;
struct nk_vec2 panel_padding;
if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
window = ctx->current;
layout = window->layout;
style = &ctx->style;
out = &window->buffer;
in = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_INPUT) ? 0 :&ctx->input;
if (!nk_panel_is_sub(layout->type))
nk_push_scissor(out, nk_null_rect);
/* cache configuration data */
scrollbar_size = style->window.scrollbar_size;
panel_padding = nk_panel_get_padding(style, layout->type);
/* update the current cursor Y-position to point over the last added widget */
layout->at_y += layout->row.height;
/* dynamic panels */
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED))
/* update panel height to fit dynamic growth */
struct nk_rect empty_space;
if (layout->at_y < (layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h))
layout->bounds.h = layout->at_y - layout->bounds.y;
/* fill top empty space */
empty_space.x = window->bounds.x;
empty_space.y = layout->bounds.y;
empty_space.h = panel_padding.y;
empty_space.w = window->bounds.w;
nk_fill_rect(out, empty_space, 0, style->window.background);
/* fill left empty space */
empty_space.x = window->bounds.x;
empty_space.y = layout->bounds.y;
empty_space.w = panel_padding.x + layout->border;
empty_space.h = layout->bounds.h;
nk_fill_rect(out, empty_space, 0, style->window.background);
/* fill right empty space */
empty_space.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->bounds.w;
empty_space.y = layout->bounds.y;
empty_space.w = panel_padding.x + layout->border;
empty_space.h = layout->bounds.h;
if (*layout->offset_y == 0 && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR))
empty_space.w += scrollbar_size.x;
nk_fill_rect(out, empty_space, 0, style->window.background);
/* fill bottom empty space */
if (layout->footer_height > 0) {
empty_space.x = window->bounds.x;
empty_space.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h;
empty_space.w = window->bounds.w;
empty_space.h = layout->footer_height;
nk_fill_rect(out, empty_space, 0, style->window.background);
/* scrollbars */
if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR) &&
!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) &&
window->scrollbar_hiding_timer < NK_SCROLLBAR_HIDING_TIMEOUT)
struct nk_rect scroll;
int scroll_has_scrolling;
float scroll_target;
float scroll_offset;
float scroll_step;
float scroll_inc;
/* mouse wheel scrolling */
if (nk_panel_is_sub(layout->type))
/* sub-window mouse wheel scrolling */
struct nk_window *root_window = window;
struct nk_panel *root_panel = window->layout;
while (root_panel->parent)
root_panel = root_panel->parent;
while (root_window->parent)
root_window = root_window->parent;
/* only allow scrolling if parent window is active */
scroll_has_scrolling = 0;
if ((root_window == ctx->active) && layout->has_scrolling) {
/* and panel is being hovered and inside clip rect*/
if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, layout->bounds) &&
NK_INTERSECT(layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y, layout->bounds.w, layout->bounds.h,
root_panel->clip.x, root_panel->clip.y, root_panel->clip.w, root_panel->clip.h))
/* deactivate all parent scrolling */
root_panel = window->layout;
while (root_panel->parent) {
root_panel->has_scrolling = nk_false;
root_panel = root_panel->parent;
root_panel->has_scrolling = nk_false;
scroll_has_scrolling = nk_true;
} else if (!nk_panel_is_sub(layout->type)) {
/* window mouse wheel scrolling */
scroll_has_scrolling = (window == ctx->active) && layout->has_scrolling;
if (in && (in->mouse.scroll_delta.y > 0 || in->mouse.scroll_delta.x > 0) && scroll_has_scrolling)
window->scrolled = nk_true;
else window->scrolled = nk_false;
} else scroll_has_scrolling = nk_false;
/* vertical scrollbar */
nk_flags state = 0;
scroll.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->bounds.w + panel_padding.x;
scroll.y = layout->bounds.y;
scroll.w = scrollbar_size.x;
scroll.h = layout->bounds.h;
scroll_offset = (float)*layout->offset_y;
scroll_step = scroll.h * 0.10f;
scroll_inc = scroll.h * 0.01f;
scroll_target = (float)(int)(layout->at_y - scroll.y);
scroll_offset = nk_do_scrollbarv(&state, out, scroll, scroll_has_scrolling,
scroll_offset, scroll_target, scroll_step, scroll_inc,
&ctx->style.scrollv, in, style->font);
*layout->offset_y = (nk_uint)scroll_offset;
if (in && scroll_has_scrolling)
in->mouse.scroll_delta.y = 0;
/* horizontal scrollbar */
nk_flags state = 0;
scroll.x = layout->bounds.x;
scroll.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h;
scroll.w = layout->bounds.w;
scroll.h = scrollbar_size.y;
scroll_offset = (float)*layout->offset_x;
scroll_target = (float)(int)(layout->max_x - scroll.x);
scroll_step = layout->max_x * 0.05f;
scroll_inc = layout->max_x * 0.005f;
scroll_offset = nk_do_scrollbarh(&state, out, scroll, scroll_has_scrolling,
scroll_offset, scroll_target, scroll_step, scroll_inc,
&ctx->style.scrollh, in, style->font);
*layout->offset_x = (nk_uint)scroll_offset;
/* hide scroll if no user input */
if (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCROLL_AUTO_HIDE) {
int has_input = ctx-> != 0 || ctx-> != 0 || ctx->input.mouse.scroll_delta.y != 0;
int is_window_hovered = nk_window_is_hovered(ctx);
int any_item_active = (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_MODIFIED);
if ((!has_input && is_window_hovered) || (!is_window_hovered && !any_item_active))
window->scrollbar_hiding_timer += ctx->delta_time_seconds;
else window->scrollbar_hiding_timer = 0;
} else window->scrollbar_hiding_timer = 0;
/* window border */
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER)
struct nk_color border_color = nk_panel_get_border_color(style, layout->type);
const float padding_y = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)
? (style->window.border + window->bounds.y + layout->header_height)
: ((layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)
? (layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h + layout->footer_height)
: (window->bounds.y + window->bounds.h));
struct nk_rect b = window->bounds;
b.h = padding_y - window->bounds.y;
nk_stroke_rect(out, b, 0, layout->border, border_color);
/* scaler */
if ((layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE) && in && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED))
/* calculate scaler bounds */
struct nk_rect scaler;
scaler.w = scrollbar_size.x;
scaler.h = scrollbar_size.y;
scaler.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h;
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCALE_LEFT)
scaler.x = layout->bounds.x - panel_padding.x * 0.5f;
else scaler.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->bounds.w + panel_padding.x;
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)
scaler.x -= scaler.w;
/* draw scaler */
{const struct nk_style_item *item = &style->window.scaler;
if (item->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
nk_draw_image(out, scaler, &item->data.image, nk_white);
else {
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCALE_LEFT) {
nk_fill_triangle(out, scaler.x, scaler.y, scaler.x,
scaler.y + scaler.h, scaler.x + scaler.w,
scaler.y + scaler.h, item->data.color);
} else {
nk_fill_triangle(out, scaler.x + scaler.w, scaler.y, scaler.x + scaler.w,
scaler.y + scaler.h, scaler.x, scaler.y + scaler.h, item->data.color);
/* do window scaling */
if (!(window->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM)) {
struct nk_vec2 window_size = style->window.min_size;
int left_mouse_down = in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down;
int left_mouse_click_in_scaler = nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in,
NK_BUTTON_LEFT, scaler, nk_true);
if (left_mouse_down && left_mouse_click_in_scaler) {
float delta_x = in->;
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCALE_LEFT) {
delta_x = -delta_x;
window->bounds.x += in->;
/* dragging in x-direction */
if (window->bounds.w + delta_x >= window_size.x) {
if ((delta_x < 0) || (delta_x > 0 && in->mouse.pos.x >= scaler.x)) {
window->bounds.w = window->bounds.w + delta_x;
scaler.x += in->;
/* dragging in y-direction (only possible if static window) */
if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)) {
if (window_size.y < window->bounds.h + in-> {
if ((in-> < 0) || (in-> > 0 && in->mouse.pos.y >= scaler.y)) {
window->bounds.h = window->bounds.h + in->;
scaler.y += in->;
ctx->style.cursor_active = ctx->style.cursors[NK_CURSOR_RESIZE_TOP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT];
in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x = scaler.x + scaler.w/2.0f;
in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y = scaler.y + scaler.h/2.0f;
if (!nk_panel_is_sub(layout->type)) {
/* window is hidden so clear command buffer */
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN)
/* window is visible and not tab */
else nk_finish(ctx, window);
/* NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM flag was set so remove NK_WINDOW_ROM */
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM) {
layout->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_ROM;
layout->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM;
window->flags = layout->flags;
/* property garbage collector */
if (window-> && window->property.old != window->property.seq &&
window-> == window->property.prev) {
nk_zero(&window->property, sizeof(window->property));
} else {
window->property.old = window->property.seq;
window->property.prev = window->;
window->property.seq = 0;
/* edit garbage collector */
if (window-> && window->edit.old != window->edit.seq &&
window-> == window->edit.prev) {
nk_zero(&window->edit, sizeof(window->edit));
} else {
window->edit.old = window->edit.seq;
window->edit.prev = window->;
window->edit.seq = 0;
/* contextual garbage collector */
if (window->popup.active_con && window->popup.con_old != window->popup.con_count) {
window->popup.con_count = 0;
window->popup.con_old = 0;
window->popup.active_con = 0;
} else {
window->popup.con_old = window->popup.con_count;
window->popup.con_count = 0;
window->popup.combo_count = 0;
/* helper to make sure you have a 'nk_tree_push' for every 'nk_tree_pop' */