BuildTools c70cf49f3b First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00
LICENSE First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00
README.txt First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00
depends.txt First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00
description.txt First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00
init.lua First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00
separate_node_crafts.lua First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00
settings.txt First commit 2015-08-10 02:24:57 -04:00



Adds renewable coal : charcoal.

Version: 0.2.1
License: WTFPL

Dependencies: default mod (found in minetest_game)

Report bugs or request help here:


Unzip the archive, rename the folder to to modfoldername and
place it in minetest/mods/minetest/

(  GNU/Linux: If you use a system-wide installation place
	it in ~/.minetest/mods/minetest/.  )

(  If you only want this to be used in a single world, place
	the folder in worldmods/ in your worlddirectory.  )

For further information or help see:

In settings.txt per default and charcoal_settings.txt in any world.
charcoal.separate_node allow to use charcoal as a separate node from coal, enabling
it as an item (charcoal lump), its recipes (charcoal bloc, torches, tnt's gunpowder),
and charcoal as a fuel, with the same properties as coal.
It also enables using charcoal to make some black dye - the default recipe already uses
group:coal, which is good.

If charcoal.separate_node = false, then charcoal IS coal, and you won't see any difference,
except for the ability to char group:wood and group:tree - which should be any tree and wood -
in your furnace, to gain some lumps.

charcoal.cooking_time is charcoal cooking time in seconds.
charcoal.lump_per_tree is how many lumps you get per tree - below 4, the wood planks
to charcoal recipe is disabled.

Cook wood and tree in furnace to get charcoal lump.
Everything else IS coal's recipes, but with charcoal. 

Authors of media files
This mod uses default textures and sounds.
Credits for those files go to the authors cited in minetest_game/default/README.txt : 
Zeg9 for default_coal_block.png, 
Gambit for default_coal.png,
and Mito551 for the bloc sound(s).