Now these apparently load correctly, at least under docker, as long as the mods are in secure.trusted_mods, disabling mod security is no longer necessary.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ This mod exposes a console for running administrative commands on a UNIX-domain socket. Multiple clients can connect and issue commands independently. You can use OpenBSD's netcat (nc -U) to connect to the console from a regular command line. Commands issued will be run as the CONSOLE "virtual player," who is granted ALL permissions. Ordinary clients cannot connect as the CONSOLE player name. Only immediate responses to command input are output to the socket. Delayed responses, other gameplay action, and chat are not sent to the client, and can only be seen in server logs or in-game. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WARNING: For this mod to work, LuaSockets must be installed, and this mod must be listed in the "secure.trusted_mods" setting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------