Aaron Suen ec2454d592 Lode tool breakage is now lossy.
Players have an incentive to be careful with lode tools
and collect worn ones to melt down for recycling instead
of just letting them break naturally.
2020-01-31 08:17:51 -05:00

129 lines
3.5 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
= ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local function toolhead(name, groups, prills)
local n = name:lower()
if type(groups) == "string" then groups = {groups} end
local function toolcap(nn)
local t = {}
for _, k in ipairs(groups) do t[k] = nn end
return nodecore.toolcaps(t)
nodecore.register_lode("toolhead_" .. n, {
type = "craft",
description = "## Lode " .. name .. " Head",
inventory_image = modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
modname .. "_toolhead_" .. n .. ".png",
stack_max = 1
nodecore.register_lode("tool_" .. n, {
type = "tool",
description = "## Lode " .. name,
inventory_image = modname .. "_tool_handle.png^(" ..
modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
modname .. "_tool_" .. n .. ".png)",
stack_max = 1,
tool_capabilities = toolcap(4),
bytemper = function(t, d)
if t.name == "tempered" then
d.tool_capabilities = toolcap(5)
d.skip_register = (t.name == "hot") or nil
groups = {flammable = 4},
metal_alt_hot = modname .. ":prill_hot " .. prills,
tool_wears_to = prills > 1 and (modname .. ":prill_# " .. (prills - 1)) or nil,
on_ignite = modname .. ":prill_# " .. prills
for _, t in pairs({"annealed", "tempered"}) do
label = "assemble lode " .. n,
normal = {y = 1},
nodes = {
{match = modname .. ":toolhead_" .. n .. "_" .. t,
replace = "air"},
{y = -1, match = "nc_woodwork:staff", replace = "air"},
items = {
{y = -1, name = modname .. ":tool_" .. n .. "_" .. t},
toolhead("Mallet", "thumpy", 3)
toolhead("Spade", "crumbly", 2)
toolhead("Hatchet", "choppy", 2)
toolhead("Pick", "cracky", 1)
local function forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, fromtemper, anviltemper)
return nodecore.register_craft({
label = anviltemper .. " anvil making " .. fromtemper .. " lode " .. (to or "prills"),
action = "pummel",
toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
nodes = {
match = {name = modname .. ":" .. from .. "_" .. fromtemper,
count = fromqty},
replace = "air"
y = -1,
match = modname .. ":block_" .. anviltemper
items = {
to and (modname .. ":" .. to .. "_" .. fromtemper) or nil,
prills and {name = modname .. ":prill_" .. fromtemper, count = prills,
scatter = 5} or nil
local function forge(from, fromqty, to, prills)
forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, "hot", "annealed")
forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, "hot", "tempered")
return forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, "annealed", "tempered")
forge("prill", 3, "toolhead_mallet")
forge("toolhead_mallet", nil, "toolhead_spade", 1)
forge("toolhead_spade", nil, "toolhead_hatchet")
forge("toolhead_hatchet", nil, "toolhead_pick", 1)
forge("toolhead_pick", nil, nil, 1)
toolhead("Mattock", {"cracky", "crumbly"}, 3)
local function mattock(a, b)
return nodecore.register_craft({
label = "assemble lode mattock head",
action = "pummel",
toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
normal = {y = 1},
nodes = {
y = a,
match = modname .. ":toolhead_pick_hot",
replace = "air"
y = b,
match = modname .. ":toolhead_spade_hot",
replace = "air"
items = {
modname .. ":toolhead_mattock_hot"
mattock(0, -1)
mattock(-1, 0)