2022-09-29 23:51:18 -04:00

81 lines
3.1 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local nodecore
= nodecore
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
title = "Inventory",
content = {
"Player's Guide: Inventory Management",
"- There is NO inventory screen.",
"- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay.",
"- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.",
"- Aux+drop any item to drop everything.",
"- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.",
"- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.",
"- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory."
title = "Crafting",
content = {
"Player's Guide: Crafting",
"- Crafting is done by building recipes in-world.",
"- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.",
"- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.",
"- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.",
"- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition."
title = "Pummel",
content = {
"Player's Guide: Pummeling Recipes",
"- Some recipes require \"pummeling\" a node.",
"- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.",
"- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).",
"- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.",
"- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.",
"- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.",
"- If a recipe exists, you will see a special particle effect."
title = "Movement",
content = {
"Player's Guide: Movement and Navigation",
"- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.",
"- Hold/repeat right-click on walls/ceilings barehanded to create climbing spots.",
"- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see.",
"- Climbing spots may be climbed once black particles appear.",
"- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.",
"- Be wary of dark caves/chasms; you are responsible for getting yourself out.",
"- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.",
"- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.",
"- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots."
title = "Tips",
content = {
"Player's Guide: Tips and Guidance",
"- Do not use F5 debug info; it will mislead you!",
"- Can't dig trees or grass? Search for sticks in the canopy.",
"- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.",
"- \"Furnaces\" are not a thing; discover smelting with open flames.",
"- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.",
"- Something seems tedious? Find better tech, subtle factors, or a better way.",
"- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!",
"- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab)."