Aaron Suen 65dc1fe58f Start working on some hint reform
Got through a bunch of mods, up next is optics.

- Try to use crafting recipes rather than resources as
  the criteria for completing a hint.
- It's okay to use simple item observation for specific
  cases of transient things like pliant concrete.
- It's also okay to still use simple observations for the
  eligibility checks.
- Simple observation is also okay for naturally occuring
  e.g. decay processes, like wilting flowers, as opposed
  to crafts that need to be completed.
2021-12-16 22:31:50 -05:00

76 lines
2.0 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local minetest, nodecore
= minetest, nodecore
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
nodecore.register_hint("assemble a stone-tipped stylus",
"assemble stylus",
{"nc_tree:stick", "nc_stonework:chip"}
nodecore.register_hint("etch pliant concrete with a stylus",
"stylus etch",
"assemble stylus"
nodecore.register_hint("change a stylus pattern",
"stylus train",
"stylus etch"
nodecore.register_hint("mix gravel into ash to make aggregate",
"mix aggregate",
{"nc_terrain:gravel_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
nodecore.register_hint("mix sand into ash to make render",
"mix render",
{"nc_terrain:sand_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
nodecore.register_hint("mix dirt into ash to make adobe mix",
"mix mud",
{"nc_terrain:dirt_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
nodecore.register_hint("add coal to aggregate to make tarstone",
"craft:" .. modname .. ":coalaggregate",
{"nc_fire:lump_coal", modname .. ":aggregate"}
nodecore.register_hint("wet a concrete mix",
nodecore.register_hint("set concrete to pliant",
nodecore.register_hint("cure pliant concrete fully",
"cure pliant concrete",
nodecore.register_hint("chisel sandstone bricks",
"chisel sandstone bricks",
{modname .. ":sandstone", "group:chisel"}
nodecore.register_hint("chisel adobe bricks",
"chisel adobe bricks",
{modname .. ":adobe", "group:chisel"}
nodecore.register_hint("chisel tarstone bricks",
"chisel coalstone bricks",
{modname .. ":coalstone", "group:chisel"}
nodecore.register_hint("bond sandstone bricks",
"bond sandstone bricks",
"chisel sandstone bricks"
nodecore.register_hint("bond adobe bricks",
"bond adobe bricks",
"chisel adobe bricks"
nodecore.register_hint("bond tarstone bricks",
"bond coalstone bricks",
"chisel coalstone bricks"