Aaron Suen d8b29d047f Back out pickpocketing
- It was never really a major gameplay feature,
  and more than anything probably more annoying
  when mining close to someone and accidentally
  hitting their items.
- Broken with looktips due to an engine bug, not
  worth trying to fix or work around as is.
- May be readded later if a better way to do it is
- This may be part of a pivot toward a simpler
  plan for YCTIWY integration...
- Already served its purpose in getting rid of
  writers' block :-)
2021-08-04 21:00:51 -04:00

192 lines
4.6 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local minetest, nodecore, pairs, table
= minetest, nodecore, pairs, table
local table_remove
= table.remove
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
for _, n in pairs({"slot", "sel"}) do
minetest.register_craftitem(modname .. ":" .. n, {
description = "",
inventory_image = "nc_player_wield_" .. n .. ".png",
virtual_item = true
local xyz = function(n) return {x = n, y = n, z = n} end
local bbox = function(n) return {-n, -n, -n, n, n, n} end
local size_w_item = xyz(0.2)
local size_w_tool = xyz(0.3)
local size_slot = xyz(0.15)
local size_item = xyz(0.1)
local hidden = {is_visible = false}
local selslot = {
is_visible = true,
visual = "upright_sprite",
visual_size = size_slot,
textures = {modname .. "_sel.png"}
local emptyslot = {
is_visible = true,
visual = "upright_sprite",
visual_size = size_slot,
textures = {modname .. "_slot.png"}
local function calcprops(itemname, iswield)
local def = minetest.registered_items[itemname]
if def and def.virtual_item then return hidden end
if itemname == "" then return iswield and hidden or emptyslot end
local size = iswield and (def and def.type == "tool" and size_w_tool
or size_w_item) or (itemname == "" and size_slot) or size_item
return {
is_visible = true,
visual_size = size,
visual = "wielditem",
textures = {itemname},
glow = def and (def.light_source or def.glow or 0)
local propcache_item = {}
local propcache_wield = {}
local function itemprops(itemname, iswield)
local cache = iswield and propcache_wield or propcache_item
local found = cache[itemname]
if found then return found end
found = calcprops(itemname, iswield)
cache[itemname] = found
return found
local playerdata = {}
nodecore.register_globalstep("player wield show check", function()
playerdata = {}
for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local pname = player:get_player_name()
if nodecore.interact(pname) and nodecore.player_visible(pname) then
playerdata[pname] = {
player = player,
inv = player:get_inventory():get_list("main"),
widx = player:get_wield_index()
playerdata[pname] = false
local entdef
entdef = {
initial_properties = {
hp_max = 1,
physical = false,
collide_with_objects = false,
collisionbox = bbox(0),
selectionbox = bbox(0),
textures = {""},
pointable = false,
is_visible = false,
static_save = false,
glow = 0
on_activate = function(self)
self.on_step = entdef.on_step
on_step = function(self)
local conf = self.conf
if not conf then return self.object:remove() end
local pdata = playerdata[conf.pname]
if pdata == nil then return self.object:remove() end
if not pdata then return self.object:set_properties(hidden) end
if not self.att then
self.att = true
return self.object:set_attach(pdata.player,
conf.bone, conf.apos, conf.arot)
local widx = pdata.widx
if conf.slot == widx then
return self.object:set_properties(selslot)
return self.object:set_properties(itemprops(
pdata.inv[conf.slot or widx]:get_name(),
not conf.slot))
minetest.register_entity(modname .. ":ent", entdef)
local attq = {}
local running
local function pumpqueue()
local v = table_remove(attq, 1)
if not v then running = nil return end
minetest.after(0, pumpqueue)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(v.pname)
if not player then return end
if not minetest.get_node_or_nil(player:get_pos()) then
attq[#attq + 1] = v
local obj = minetest.add_entity(v.pos, modname .. ":ent")
local ent = obj:get_luaentity()
ent.conf = v
nodecore.register_on_joinplayer("join setup wieldview", function(player)
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local pos = player:get_pos()
local function addslot(n, b, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)
attq[#attq + 1] = {
pname = pname,
slot = n,
pos = pos,
bone = b,
apos = {
x = x,
y = y,
z = z
arot = {
x = rx or 0,
y = ry or 180,
z = rz or 0
addslot(nil, "Arm_Right", 0, 7, 2, -90, 200, 90)
local function cslot(n, x, y, z)
return addslot(n, "Bandolier", x * 0.8,
0.75 + y * 1.6,
-0.25 + z)
cslot(1, 1.75, 0, 0)
cslot(2, -1, 1, 0.05)
cslot(3, 1, 2, 0.1)
cslot(4, -1.75, 3, 0.02)
cslot(5, 1.75, 3, 0.02)
cslot(6, -1, 2, 0.1)
cslot(7, 1, 1, 0.05)
cslot(8, -1.75, 0, 0)
if not running then
running = true
minetest.after(0, pumpqueue)