2021-12-18 12:05:25 -05:00

115 lines
3.5 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local minetest, nodecore, pairs, vector
= minetest, nodecore, pairs, vector
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local floodable = {}
minetest.after(0, function()
for k, v in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
if v.floodable then floodable[k] = true end
function nodecore.fluidwander(name, gencheck, movedist, scandist)
movedist = movedist or 2
scandist = scandist or 8
local function movesrc(pos, np, node, flowname, gen)
minetest.set_node(np, node)
minetest.get_meta(np):set_int("fluidgen_" .. name, gen + 1)
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = flowname, param2 = 7})
nodecore.dnt_set(pos, "fluidwander_" .. name)
return function(pos, node)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local gen = meta:get_int("fluidgen_" .. name)
if gencheck(pos, node, gen) then return end
-- Search for nearby flowing nodes; these are the only
-- nodes the source may be moved into.
local miny = pos.y
local maxy = pos.y
local found = {}
local attdist = 1/0
local attract = {}
local flowname = minetest.registered_items[node.name].liquid_alternative_flowing
nodecore.scan_flood(pos, movedist, function(p)
if p.y > maxy then return false end
local nn = minetest.get_node(p).name
if nn == node.name then return end
if nn ~= flowname then return false end
if p.y > miny then return end
if p.y == miny then
found[#found + 1] = p
miny = p.y
found = {p}
if #found < 1 then return end
-- If a place is found where the node can move downward, go immediately.
if miny < maxy and #found > 0 then
return movesrc(pos, nodecore.pickrand(found), node, flowname, gen)
-- If our only options are on the same level, search again to find
-- a place where we would be able to flow down if our flow reached.
-- This is interpeting the terrain as "subtly sloped" toward the
-- hole allowing the fluid to find it.
nodecore.scan_flood(pos, scandist, function(p)
if p.y > maxy then return false end
local nn = minetest.get_node(p).name
if nn == node.name then return end
if nn ~= flowname and not floodable[nn] then return false end
if p.y < maxy then
local diff = vector.subtract(p, pos)
diff.y = 0
local dsqr = vector.dot(diff, diff)
if dsqr > attdist then return end
if dsqr == attdist then
attract[#attract + 1] = p
return false
attdist = dsqr
attract = {p}
return false
-- If no hole was found, terrain is level, wander randomly.
if #attract < 1 then
return movesrc(pos, nodecore.pickrand(found), node, flowname, gen)
-- Pick the flowing node that's closest to the down-hole.
local picked = nodecore.pickrand(attract)
local bestpos
local bestdsqr
for i = 1, #found do
local p = found[i]
local diff = vector.subtract(p, picked)
local dsqr = vector.dot(diff, diff)
if (not bestdsqr) or (dsqr < bestdsqr) then
bestdsqr = dsqr
bestpos = p
return movesrc(pos, bestpos, node, flowname, gen)
function nodecore.register_fluidwandering(name, nodenames, interval,
gencheck, movedist, scandist)
movedist = movedist or 2
scandist = scandist or 8
local labelname = "fluidwander_" .. name
name = labelname,
nodenames = nodenames,
time = interval,
autostart = true,
arealoaded = scandist > movedist and scandist or movedist,
action = nodecore.fluidwander(name, gencheck, movedist, scandist)