Aaron Suen
Refactor social sounds subsystem.
Standardize the "play a sound for everybody except the player who is already playing it client-locally" logic into one place. Fix failure to correctly detect tool speeds for some things, i.e. when the player is using a tool but the capability used on a node is actually inherited from the hand. Note that this may allow pummeling with wrong tools (e.g. repacking soils with spades) along with accompanying inappropriate tool wear, but this should be minor and avoidable, and can be fixed later...
======================================================================== CORE DESIGN PRINCIPLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Do as much in node-space in the world as possible. - Minimize use of off-grid entities. - Avoid encapsulating things in inventories, machines, GUIs. - Crafting and transforming in-world. - Minimal set of primitive composable functions. - Each node should do one job (or one part of a job). - Only include the most primitive, fungible components. - Avoid redundant functionality, include fewest possible different elements. - Complex emergent gameplay by combining simple nodes. - Challenging and constrained gameplay. - Limited inventories, very restricted item storage, e.g. one stack per node. - Large, complex machines to design and build for resource transformations. - Subtle environmental hazards, like deadfalls and pestilence. - Rich, subtle interactions. - Digging, placing, punching and battering. - Different effects from different tools (including empty hand). - Different faces of node may have different effects. - Focus on puzzle-oriented single-player/cooperative gameplay. - Avoid dependence on action, combat, PvP. - Slow-moving hazards, players have a chance to think and plan. - Acessible for slow reflexes, slow networks, mobile devices. ........................................................................ ========================================================================