Aaron Suen ef61cfffa6 Start work on buffing lux rad effect
Still needs more tweaking and testing
2020-09-04 14:58:32 -04:00

115 lines
2.7 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local math, minetest, nodecore
= math, minetest, nodecore
local math_floor, math_pow
= math.floor, math.pow
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
for i = 1, 8 do
minetest.register_node(modname .. ":cobble" .. i, {
description = "Lux Cobble",
tiles = {
"nc_terrain_gravel.png^((" .. modname .. "_base.png^[mask:"
.. modname .. "_dot_mask.png)^[opacity:"
.. (i * 32) .. ")^nc_terrain_cobble.png"
stackfamily = modname .. ":cobble",
groups = {
rock = 1,
lux_cobble = 1,
lux_emit = i * 2,
cracky = 1,
cobbley = 1,
lux_cobble_max = i == 8 and 1 or nil,
igniter = i > 4 and 1 or nil,
lux_hot = i > 4 and 1 or nil
alternate_loose = {
stackfamily = modname .. ":cobble_loose",
repack_level = 2,
groups = {
cracky = 0,
crumbly = 2,
falling_repose = 3,
drop = modname .. ":cobble1_loose",
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_chompy")
crush_damage = 2,
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony"),
light_source = i + 1
local strata = {}
minetest.register_node(modname .. ":stone", {
description = "Stone",
tiles = {"nc_terrain_stone.png"},
strata = strata,
groups = {
rock = 1,
stone = 1,
lux_emit = 1,
cracky = 2
light_source = 1,
drop_in_place = modname .. ":cobble1",
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
strata[1] = modname .. ":stone"
for i = 1, nodecore.hard_stone_strata do
local n = modname .. ":stone_" .. i
strata[i + 1] = n
minetest.register_node(n, {
description = "Stone",
tiles = {nodecore.hard_stone_tile(i)},
groups = {
rock = i,
lux_emit = 1,
cracky = i + 2,
stone = i + 1,
hard_stone = i
light_source = 1,
drop_in_place = modname .. ((i > 1)
and (":stone_" .. (i - 1)) or ":stone"),
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
local oreid = 0
local function regore(def)
oreid = oreid + 1
return minetest.register_ore(nodecore.underride(def, {
name = modname .. oreid,
ore_type = "scatter",
ore = modname .. ":stone",
wherein = "nc_terrain:stone",
clust_num_ores = 3,
clust_size = 2,
random_factor = 0,
noise_params = {
offset = 0,
scale = 4,
spread = {x = 40, y = 5, z = 40},
seed = 5672,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.5,
flags = "eased",
noise_threshold = 1.2
}, def))
for y = 0, 7 do
local def = {
y_max = 32 - 48 * math_pow(2, y),
y_min = 32 - 48 * math_pow(2, y + 1),
clust_scarcity = math_floor(8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * math_pow(0.67, y)),
if y == 7 then def.y_min = nil end