Iron ore is distributed in sheets. The ore itself will not be exposed to the air (or any other material other than stone) but can be detected by the rusty tint it gives nearby rocks. Iron ore is a stone that yields cobble infused with iron. Smelting processes to produce steels are TBD.
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-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
= minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
Nodes that have an "alternate_loose = { ... }" definition when
registered will be registered as a pair, one being the "loose" version
and the other being the normal "solid" one. Solid-specific attributes
can be set via "alternate_solid = { ... }". The solid version will
transform to the loose one when dug, and the loose to solid when
local looseimg = "^nc_api_loose.png"
local function can_repack(level)
return function(pos, node, stats)
local wield = stats.puncher:get_wielded_item()
if not wield then return end
local dg = wield:get_tool_capabilities().groupcaps
return dg and dg.thumpy and dg.thumpy
and dg.thumpy.times[level]
local function pummel_repack_node(mult, replace)
if type(replace) ~= "table" then replace = {name = replace} end
return function (pos, node, stats)
if stats.duration < (mult * stats.check) then return end
minetest.set_node(pos, replace)
return true
nodecore.register_on_register_node(function(name, def)
local loose = def.alternate_loose
if not loose then return end
if not loose.tiles then
loose.tiles = nodecore.underride({}, def.tiles)
for k, v in pairs(loose.tiles) do
if type(v) == "string" then
loose.tiles[k] = v .. looseimg
elseif type(v) == "table" then
loose.tiles[k] = underride({
name = v.name .. looseimg
}, v)
nodecore.underride(loose, def)
loose.name = name .. "_loose"
loose.description = "Loose " .. loose.description
loose.groups = nodecore.underride({}, loose.groups or {})
loose.groups.falling_node = 1
if loose.groups.crumbly and not loose.no_repack then
loose.can_pummel = loose.can_pummel
or can_repack(loose.repack_level or 3)
loose.on_pummel = loose.on_pummel
or pummel_repack_node(loose.repack_time or 1, name)
loose.alternate_loose = nil
loose.alternate_solid = nil
minetest.register_node(loose.name, loose)
local solid = nodecore.underride(def.alternate_solid or {}, def)
solid.drop_in_place = solid.drop_in_place or loose.name
solid.alternate_loose = nil
solid.alternate_solid = nil
minetest.register_node(name, solid)
return true