Aaron Suen 8bfdc211a3 Convert some action logs to info
We were using action log level for a lot of
things because by default MT does not seem
to capture info logs to stderr.  On "production"
servers though this makes too much noise and
makes it hard to find actual player actions.
Servers that want info logging will just have
to configure/compile it in.
2021-12-11 21:26:18 -05:00

57 lines
1.6 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local getmetatable, minetest, nodecore, setmetatable
= getmetatable, minetest, nodecore, setmetatable
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local invplayer = {}
setmetatable(invplayer, {__mode = "k"})
local invgiving = {}
setmetatable(invgiving, {__mode = "k"})
local function wrapinv(inv, player)
local meta = getmetatable(inv)
meta = meta and meta.__index or meta
local oldadd = meta.add_item
function meta:add_item(listname, stack, ...)
if invgiving[self] then return oldadd(self, listname, stack, ...) end
invgiving[self] = true
local function helper(...)
invgiving[self] = nil
return ...
local found = invplayer[self]
if found then
return helper(nodecore.give_item(found, stack, listname, self))
return helper(oldadd(self, listname, stack, ...))
nodecore.log("info", modname .. " inventory:add_item hooked")
wrapinv = function(i, p)
if i then invplayer[i] = p end
return i
return wrapinv(inv, player)
local function patchplayers()
local player = (minetest.get_connected_players())[1]
if not player then
return minetest.after(0, patchplayers)
local meta = getmetatable(player)
meta = meta and meta.__index or meta
if not meta.get_inventory then return end
local getraw = meta.get_inventory
function meta:get_inventory(...)
return wrapinv(getraw(self, ...), self)
nodecore.log("info", modname .. " player:get_inventory hooked")
minetest.after(0, patchplayers)