2023-11-01 20:57:44 -04:00

45 lines
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ISSUES-APIS: Issues with code interfaces driven by mod needs
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- YCTIWY customizability:
- Hook to customizer marker texture
- Hook to customize looktips for marker, slot ents
- Display actual offline time in looktip
- Setting to disable this?
- on_node_moved callback
- For mods that allow movement of nodes in space
- Hook into it to move private ephemeral metadata like cooldowns
or cached meta along with the nodes
- copygirl's contraptions mod
- especially if it eventually should move
contained machines with it
- Player skin API overhaul
- Pass a context object only
- Use player name, not player obj
- Might be nice to have a lode_tongs_carryable group
- Independent of lode_temper_hot
- Make door pusheability customizable
- door_can_push or door_cannot_push groups/flags or something.
- Allow override of standard falling_node check.
- Items should get some custom multipliers for visual size
- In particular, when wielded in a player's hand
- Inventory slots are somewhat less useful but could be
included for completeness.
- Could also apply for stack nodes, falling_node, and
item entities.