Aaron Suen a1b2df3941 Begin standardization of unload bounds check
- New near_unloaded API that supports custom
  distance parameter, map bounds check, and
  some optimizations.
- Add area automatic unload check support to ABM
  API and add to applicable ABMs, replacing many
  old manual checks.

Note that the explicit unload check is only strictly
necessary when something will happen due to
a node NOT being present in the area, e.g. something
igniting due to absent coolant, or soaking quantity
being reset due to missing sources.  In simple cases
where the absence of a thing causes the ABM to do
nothing, then the standard check can work because
the default action is to do nothing anyway.
2021-12-18 11:28:14 -05:00

101 lines
3.0 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local math, minetest, nodecore, pairs
= math, minetest, nodecore, pairs
local math_random
= math.random
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
Nodes with the "falling_repose" group will not only fall if unsupported
from below, but if there is a sufficient drop off the sides, so simulate
an "angle of repose."
function nodecore.falling_repose_drop(posfrom, posto, node)
minetest.spawn_falling_node(posto, node, minetest.get_meta(posfrom))
posfrom.y = posfrom.y + 1
return nodecore.fallcheck(posfrom)
nodecore.register_on_register_item(function(_, def)
if def.type ~= "node" then return end
def.groups = def.groups or {}
if def.groups.falling_repose then def.groups.falling_node = 1 end
def.repose_drop = def.repose_drop or nodecore.falling_repose_drop
local function check_empty(pos, dx, dy, dz)
for ndy = dy, 0 do
local p = {x = pos.x + dx, y = pos.y + ndy, z = pos.z + dz}
if not nodecore.buildable_to(p) then return end
return {x = pos.x + dx, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + dz}
function nodecore.falling_repose_positions(pos, node, def)
node = node or minetest.get_node(pos)
def = def or minetest.registered_items[node.name] or {}
local repose = def.groups and def.groups.falling_repose
if not repose then return end
-- Reposing nodes can always sit comfortably atop
-- a non-moving node; it's only when stacked on other
-- falling nodes that they can slip off.
local sitdef = minetest.registered_items[minetest.get_node(
{x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}).name]
if not (sitdef and sitdef.groups and sitdef.groups.falling_node)
then return end
local open = {}
local ok = check_empty(pos, 1, -repose, 0)
if ok then open[1] = ok end
ok = check_empty(pos, -1, -repose, 0)
if ok then open[#open + 1] = ok end
ok = check_empty(pos, 0, -repose, 1)
if ok then open[#open + 1] = ok end
ok = check_empty(pos, 0, -repose, -1)
if ok then open[#open + 1] = ok end
return #open > 0 and open or nil, node, def
function nodecore.falling_repose_check(pos)
if minetest.check_single_for_falling(pos) then return end
local open, node, def = nodecore.falling_repose_positions(pos)
if not open then return end
return def.repose_drop(pos, open[math_random(1, #open)], node)
local reposeq
local qqty
local qmax = 100
local function reposeall()
for _, v in pairs(reposeq) do v() end
reposeq = nil
qqty = nil
label = "falling repose",
nodenames = {"group:falling_repose"},
neighbors = {"air"},
interval = 2,
chance = 5,
arealoaded = 1,
action = function(pos)
if not reposeq then
reposeq = {}
qqty = 0
minetest.after(0, reposeall)
local f = function() nodecore.falling_repose_check(pos) end
if #reposeq > qmax then
local i = math_random(1, qqty)
if i < qmax then reposeq[i] = f end
reposeq[#reposeq + 1] = f
qqty = qqty + 1