115 lines
3.9 KiB
115 lines
3.9 KiB
-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local ItemStack, ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
= ItemStack, ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local function craftcheck(recipe, pos, node, data, xx, xz, zx, zz)
local function rel(x, y, z)
return {
x = pos.x + xx * x + zx * z,
y = pos.y + y,
z = pos.z + xz * x + zz * z
data.wield = ItemStack(data.wield or data.crafter and data.crafter:get_wielded_item())
if recipe.check and not recipe.check(pos, data, rel) then return end
if recipe.wield and (not data.wield or not nodecore.match(
{stack = data.wield}, recipe.wield)) then return end
if recipe.normal then
if data.pointed.type ~= "node" or
recipe.normal.y ~= data.pointed.above.y - data.pointed.under.y then return end
local rx = recipe.normal.x * xx + recipe.normal.z * zx
if rx ~= data.pointed.above.x - data.pointed.under.x then return end
local rz = recipe.normal.x * xz + recipe.normal.z * zz
if rz ~= data.pointed.above.z - data.pointed.under.z then return end
local mindur = recipe.duration or 0
if recipe.toolgroups then
if not data.wield then return end
local dg = data.wield:get_tool_capabilities().groupcaps
local t
for gn, lv in pairs(recipe.toolgroups) do
local gt = dg[gn]
gt = gt and gt.times
gt = gt and gt[lv]
if gt and (not t or t > gt) then t = gt end
if not t then return end
mindur = mindur + t
if mindur > 0 and (not data.duration or data.duration < mindur) then
if data.inprogress then return data.inprogress(data, recipe) end
for _, v in pairs(recipe.nodes) do
if v ~= recipe.root and v.match then
local p = rel(v.x, v.y, v.z)
if not nodecore.match(p, v.match) then return end
if recipe.before then recipe.before(pos, rel, data) end
for _, v in pairs(recipe.nodes) do
if v.replace then
local p = rel(v.x, v.y, v.z)
local r = v.replace
while type(r) == "function" do
r = r(p, v)
if r and type(r) == "string" then
r = {name = r}
if r then minetest.set_node(p, r) end
if recipe.items then
for _, v in pairs(recipe.items) do
nodecore.item_eject(rel(v.x or 0, v.y or 0, v.z or 0),
v.name, v.scatter, v.count, v.velocity)
if recipe.consumewield then
nodecore.consume_wield(data.crafter, recipe.consumewield)
elseif recipe.toolgroups and recipe.toolwear and data.crafter then
nodecore.wear_wield(data.crafter, recipe.toolgroups, recipe.toolwear)
if recipe.after then recipe.after(pos, rel, data) end
minetest.log((data.crafter and data.crafter:get_player_name() or "unknown")
.. " completed recipe \"" .. recipe.label .. "\" at " ..
minetest.pos_to_string(pos) .. " upon " .. node.name)
return true
function nodecore.craft_check(pos, node, data)
data = data or {}
local function go(rc, xx, xz, zx, zz)
return craftcheck(rc, pos, node, data, xx, xz, zx, zz)
node.x = pos.x
node.y = pos.y
node.z = pos.z
data.node = node
local reg = minetest.registered_items[node.name]
local groups = reg and reg.groups or {}
if groups.is_stack_only then
local stack = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory():get_stack("solo", 1)
node.name = stack:get_name()
node.count = stack:get_count()
node.wear = stack:get_wear() end
for _, rc in ipairs(nodecore.craft_recipes) do
if nodecore.match(node, rc.root.match) and data.action == rc.action then
if go(rc, 1, 0, 0, 1) then return true end
if not rc.norotate then
if go(rc, 0, -1, 1, 0) then return true end
if go(rc, -1, 0, 0, -1) then return true end
if go(rc, 0, 1, -1, 0) then return true end
if not rc.nomirror then
if go(rc, -1, 0, 0, 1) then return true end
if go(rc, 0, 1, 1, 0) then return true end
if go(rc, 1, 0, 0, -1) then return true end
if go(rc, 0, -1, -1, 0) then return true end