Aaron Suen 1ef418acfc De-genericize metallurgy groups
When this was setup, it was named generically
in order to support future functionality that
used the same heating/tempering/annealing
mechanics.  Ironically this has actually only
caused problems.

Standard game mechanics will not mimic one
another, especially something this complex.
Anything worth making a system for nodecore
that's as complex as lode-working deserves its
own distinct mechanics rather than recycling
lode-working.  So vanilla NC will not reuse the
metal-working logic anyway.

Mods were able to reuse the existing logic, but
ironically the only one mod that would actually
have benefitted from it (i.e. uses very similar
heating/tempering/annealing) just copied and
pasted the code from NodeCore anyway, which
not only didn't take advantage of the existing
mechanic provided, but actually made the mod
break the game when installed, because the
mod would replace functionality in use by
vanilla with an older version, and the copying
will always keep that functionality locked in to
an older version, breaking whenever future
changes to the base mechanic are made.

Rename the base mechanic to (1) get out of
the way of the existing mod, and (2) make it
more clear that this is NOT generic functionality
that can be used to create new metals, but
only specifically for lode, and if somebody else
wants a clone of this logic, they would need to
rename it to make sense.
2021-12-29 11:34:30 -05:00

138 lines
3.7 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
= ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local function toolhead(name, groups, prills)
local n = name:lower()
if type(groups) == "string" then groups = {groups} end
local function toolcap(nn)
local t = {}
for _, k in ipairs(groups) do t[k] = nn end
return nodecore.toolcaps(t)
nodecore.register_lode("toolhead_" .. n, {
type = "craft",
description = "## Lode " .. name .. " Head",
inventory_image = modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
modname .. "_toolhead_" .. n .. ".png",
stack_max = 1,
tool_head_capabilities = toolcap(4),
bytemper = function(t, d)
if t.name == "tempered" then
d.tool_head_capabilities = toolcap(5)
else if t.name == "hot" then
d.tool_head_capabilities = toolcap(3)
nodecore.register_lode("tool_" .. n, {
type = "tool",
description = "## Lode " .. name,
inventory_image = modname .. "_tool_handle.png^(" ..
modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
modname .. "_tool_" .. n .. ".png)",
stack_max = 1,
tool_capabilities = toolcap(4),
bytemper = function(t, d)
if t.name == "tempered" then
d.tool_capabilities = toolcap(5)
d.skip_register = (t.name == "hot") or nil
groups = {flammable = 4},
lode_alt_hot = modname .. ":prill_hot " .. prills,
tool_wears_to = prills > 1 and (modname .. ":prill_# " .. (prills - 1)) or nil,
on_ignite = modname .. ":prill_# " .. prills
for _, t in pairs({"annealed", "tempered"}) do
label = "assemble lode " .. n,
normal = {y = 1},
indexkeys = {modname .. ":toolhead_" .. n .. "_" .. t},
nodes = {
{match = modname .. ":toolhead_" .. n .. "_" .. t,
replace = "air"},
{y = -1, match = "nc_woodwork:staff", replace = "air"},
items = {
{y = -1, name = modname .. ":tool_" .. n .. "_" .. t},
toolhead("Mallet", "thumpy", 3)
toolhead("Spade", "crumbly", 2)
toolhead("Hatchet", "choppy", 2)
toolhead("Pick", "cracky", 1)
local function forge(from, fromqty, to, prills)
return nodecore.register_lode_anvil_recipe(-1, function(temper)
return {
label = "forge lode " .. (to or "prills"),
action = "pummel",
toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
indexkeys = {modname .. ":" .. from .. "_" .. temper},
nodes = {
match = {
name = modname .. ":" .. from .. "_" .. temper,
count = fromqty
replace = "air"
items = {
to and (modname .. ":" .. to .. "_" .. temper) or nil,
prills and {
name = modname .. ":prill_" .. temper,
count = prills,
scatter = 5
} or nil
forge("prill", 3, "toolhead_mallet")
forge("toolhead_mallet", nil, "toolhead_spade", 1)
forge("toolhead_spade", nil, "toolhead_hatchet")
forge("toolhead_hatchet", nil, "toolhead_pick", 1)
forge("toolhead_pick", nil, nil, 1)
toolhead("Mattock", {"cracky", "crumbly"}, 3)
local function mattock(a, b)
return nodecore.register_craft({
label = "assemble lode mattock head",
action = "pummel",
toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
normal = {y = 1},
indexkeys = {modname .. (a == 0 and ":toolhead_pick_hot" or ":toolhead_spade_hot")},
nodes = {
y = a,
match = modname .. ":toolhead_pick_hot",
replace = "air"
y = b,
match = modname .. ":toolhead_spade_hot",
replace = "air"
items = {
modname .. ":toolhead_mattock_hot"
mattock(0, -1)
mattock(-1, 0)