Aaron Suen 00aa460942 Some damage buffs.
- Player hp_max is 8 now, so most injuries will block
  a whole slot each time.
- Player can be reduced to 1 slot, not 2.  The 2 slots
  was from back in the day when players needed to go
  to the surface to heal faster, to help them get up
  there.  Now the 1 slot is only needed in case the
  player is trapped in fire or something.
- Damage effects now don't stop playing just because
  the player has reached maximum injury, and healing
  is also delayed by continued injury.
2020-02-19 19:48:51 -05:00

27 lines
774 B

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local minetest, nodecore
= minetest, nodecore
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local hand = minetest.registered_items[""]
local injured = modname .. ":injured"
minetest.register_craftitem(injured, {
description = "Injury",
stack_max = 1,
inventory_image = modname .. "_injured.png",
wield_image = hand.wield_image,
wield_scale = hand.wield_scale,
on_drop = function(stack) return stack end,
on_place = function(stack) return stack end,
virtual_item = true
item = injured,
getqty = function(player)
return 1 - nodecore.getphealth(player) / 8