This gets rid of the 5.4+ "deprecated get_player_velocity" warning and modernizes the code to use get_velocity() everywhere, while still remaining compatible with 5.3 for now (tested). The polyfill had to be on joinplayer because the nc_player_pickup auto-one-time method of using after() won't reliably patch the player before some other globalstep tries to read player velocity. When MT 5.5 is released and 5.3 support ends, the polyfill just needs to be removed to clean it up. Also tidied up and consistentized the logging for other hooks.
144 lines
4.8 KiB
144 lines
4.8 KiB
-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local math, minetest, nodecore, pairs, string, table, tonumber, type
= math, minetest, nodecore, pairs, string, table, tonumber, type
local math_ceil, math_floor, math_pi, math_sin, string_format,
string_sub, table_concat
= math.ceil, math.floor, math.pi, math.sin, string.format,
string.sub, table.concat
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local function addcolor(id, value)
local theta = tonumber(value, 16) / 32768 * math_pi
local r = math_sin(theta + math_pi * 0/3) * 63 + 160
local g = math_sin(theta + math_pi * 2/3) * 63 + 160
local b = math_sin(theta + math_pi * 4/3) * 63 + 160
return string_format("(%s_color%d.png^[multiply:#%02x%02x%02x)",
modname, id, math_ceil(r), math_ceil(g), math_ceil(b))
local colorcache = {}
local function getcolors(name, layers)
if name == "singleplayer" then return end
local found = colorcache[name]
if found then
layers[#layers + 1] = found
local hash = minetest.sha1(name)
found =
addcolor(1, string_sub(hash, 1, 4)) .. "^" ..
addcolor(2, string_sub(hash, 5, 8)) .. "^" ..
addcolor(3, string_sub(hash, 9, 12)) .. "^" ..
addcolor(4, string_sub(hash, 13, 16))
colorcache[name] = found
layers[#layers + 1] = found
nodecore.player_skin = nodecore.player_skin or function(player, options)
if type(options) ~= "table" then options = {} end
local name = options.playername or player:get_player_name()
local layers = {modname .. "_base.png"}
getcolors(name, layers)
local privs = options.privs or minetest.get_player_privs(
options.privname or name)
if options.noarms or not privs.interact then
layers[#layers + 1] = modname .. "_no_interact.png"
layers[#layers + 1] = "[makealpha:254,0,253"
if options.nomouth or not privs.shout then
layers[#layers + 1] = modname .. "_no_shout.png"
return table_concat(layers, "^"), layers
nodecore.player_anim_data = nodecore.player_anim_data or {
stand = {x = 0, y = 0},
sit = {x = 1, y = 1},
lay = {x = 2, y = 2},
walk = {x = 3, y = 27},
walk_mine = {x = 28, y = 52},
mine = {x = 53, y = 77},
swim_mine = {x = 78, y = 108, speed = 0.6},
swim_up = {x = 109, y = 133, speed = 0.6},
swim_down = {x = 134, y = 158, speed = 0.6},
wave = {x = 159, y = 171, speed = 0.8}
for k, v in pairs(nodecore.player_anim_data) do
v.name = k
v.speed = 30 * (v.speed or 1)
local function walkspeed(player, anim)
if not anim.speed then return anim end
local phys = player:get_physics_override()
local speed = math_floor(phys.speed * 10) / 10
if speed == 1 then return anim end
local t = {}
for k, v in pairs(anim) do
t[k] = (k == "speed") and (speed * v) or v
return t
nodecore.player_anim = nodecore.player_anim or function(player, data)
local hp = player:get_hp()
if hp <= 0 then
return nodecore.player_anim_data.lay
local ctl = player:get_player_control()
local walk = (ctl.up or ctl.down) and not (ctl.up and ctl.down)
or (ctl.right or ctl.left) and not (ctl.right and ctl.left)
local wielddef = player:get_wielded_item():get_definition()
local mine = ctl.LMB and not (wielddef and wielddef.wield_no_anim_mine)
or ctl.RMB and not (wielddef and wielddef.wield_no_anim_place)
if data then
if mine then data.animcontrol_mine_exp = nodecore.gametime + 0.25 end
mine = mine or data.animcontrol_mine_exp and data.animcontrol_mine_exp >= nodecore.gametime
local aux = ctl.aux1
if data then
if aux then data.animcontrol_aux_exp = nodecore.gametime + 1 end
aux = aux or data.animcontrol_aux_exp and data.animcontrol_aux_exp >= nodecore.gametime
if not nodecore.player_swimming(player) then
if walk and mine then return walkspeed(player, nodecore.player_anim_data.walk_mine) end
if walk then return walkspeed(player, nodecore.player_anim_data.walk) end
if mine then return nodecore.player_anim_data.mine end
if aux then return nodecore.player_anim_data.wave end
return nodecore.player_anim_data.stand
if mine then return walkspeed(player, nodecore.player_anim_data.swim_mine) end
if not (walk or ctl.jump or ctl.sneak or (ctl.left or ctl.right)
and not (ctl.left and ctl.right)) then
local t = {}
for k, v in pairs(nodecore.player_anim_data.swim_up) do
t[k] = (k == "speed") and (0.1 * v) or v
return t
local v = player:get_velocity()
if v and v.y >= -0.5 then return walkspeed(player, nodecore.player_anim_data.swim_up) end
return walkspeed(player, nodecore.player_anim_data.swim_down)
nodecore.player_visuals_base = nodecore.player_visuals_base or function(player)
local mesh = player:get_meta():get_string("custom_mesh") or ""
return {
visual = "mesh",
visual_size = {x = 0.9, y = 0.9, z = 0.9},
mesh = mesh and mesh ~= "" and mesh or modname .. ".b3d"