Aaron Suen 0929d007ce Use nodecore.interval where appropriate
Fixes deprecated get_connected_players() at load time issue
2020-06-23 06:43:34 -04:00

82 lines
2.3 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local math, minetest, nodecore, pairs, vector
= math, minetest, nodecore, pairs, vector
local math_exp, math_floor, math_random, math_sqrt
= math.exp, math.floor, math.random, math.sqrt
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local maxdist = 8
local function getdps(pos)
if nodecore.quenched(pos) then return 0 end
local rel = {
x = math_random() * 2 - 1,
y = math_random() * 2 - 1,
z = math_random() * 2 - 1
local len = vector.length(rel)
if len == 0 or len > 1 then return end
rel = vector.multiply(rel, maxdist / len)
for pt in minetest.raycast(pos, vector.add(pos, rel), false, true) do
local p = pt.under
local n = minetest.get_node(p)
local def = minetest.registered_items[n.name]
local dps = def and def.groups and def.groups.damage_radiant
if dps and dps > 0 then
local r = vector.subtract(pos, p)
local dsqr = vector.dot(r, r) / 2 + 1
return dps / dsqr
if not (nodecore.air_pass(n) or def and def.sunlight_propagates)
then return 0 end
return 0
local heat = {}
label = "radiant heat damage",
action = function(player, _, dtime)
if nodecore.stasis or not nodecore.player_visible(player) then return end
local pos = player:get_pos()
pos.y = pos.y + 1
local dps = getdps(pos)
if not dps then return end
local w = math_exp(-dtime)
local pname = player:get_player_name()
heat[pname] = (heat[pname] or 0) * w + dps * (1 - w)
nodecore.interval(1, function()
if nodecore.stasis then return end
for _, p in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
if nodecore.player_visible(p) then
local pname = p:get_player_name()
local ow = heat[pname]
local img = ""
if ow and ow > 0.1 then
nodecore.addphealth(p, -ow, "radiant")
ow = math_sqrt(ow - 0.1) * 255
if ow > 255 then ow = 255 end
img = "nc_player_health_radiant.png^[opacity:" .. math_floor(ow)
nodecore.hud_set(p, {
label = "radiant",
hud_elem_type = "image",
position = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5},
text = img,
direction = 0,
scale = {x = -100, y = -100},
offset = {x = 0, y = 0},
quick = true