It was always weird that the player character could sense hinged panels even when the faces shown were completely undifferentiated from their non-panel counterparts. Add a fairly subtle visual indicator that makes it obvious why the player can spot them. Players can still hide doors in plain sight, they may just need to take more advantage of shadows and other geometry tricks to ensure they don't stand out against a field of similar nodes, or use psychological tricks to distract other players from spotting the patterns.
336 lines
7.2 KiB
336 lines
7.2 KiB
-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
= ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local function regterrain(def)
def.name = def.name or def.description:gsub("%W", "_"):lower()
def.fullname = modname .. ":" .. def.name
def.tiles = def.tiles or {def.fullname:gsub("%W", "_") .. ".png"}
def.is_ground_content = true
if def.liquidtype then
def.liquid_alternative_flowing = def.fullname .. "_flowing"
def.liquid_alternative_source = def.fullname .. "_source"
def.fullname = def.fullname .. "_" .. def.liquidtype
def.special_tiles = def.special_tiles or {def.tiles[1], def.tiles[1]}
def.mapgen = def.mapgen or {def.name}
minetest.register_node(def.fullname, def)
for _, v in pairs(def.mapgen) do
minetest.register_alias("mapgen_" .. v, def.fullname)
local function clone(t)
local c = minetest.deserialize(minetest.serialize(t))
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == "function" then c[k] = v end
return c
local function regliquid(def)
local t = clone(def)
t.drawtype = "liquid"
t.liquidtype = "source"
t = clone(def)
t.mapgen = {}
t.drawtype = "flowingliquid"
t.liquidtype = "flowing"
t.paramtype2 = "flowingliquid"
t.buildable_to = true
local strata = {}
description = "Stone",
mapgen = {
groups = {
stone = 1,
rock = 1,
smoothstone = 1,
cracky = 2
drop_in_place = modname .. ":cobble",
strata = strata,
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
strata[1] = modname .. ":stone"
for i = 1, nodecore.hard_stone_strata do
name = "hard_stone_" .. i,
description = "Stone",
tiles = {nodecore.hard_stone_tile(i)},
silktouch = false,
groups = {
stone = i + 1,
rock = i,
cracky = i + 2,
hard_stone = i
drop_in_place = modname .. ((i > 1)
and (":hard_stone_" .. (i - 1)) or ":stone"),
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
strata[i + 1] = modname .. ":hard_stone_" .. i
description = "Cobble",
is_ground_content = false,
tiles = {modname .. "_gravel.png^" .. modname .. "_cobble.png"},
mapgen = {
groups = {
cobble = 1,
rock = 1,
cracky = 1,
cobbley = 1,
nc_door_scuff_opacity = 56
alternate_loose = {
repack_level = 2,
groups = {
cracky = 0,
crumbly = 2,
falling_repose = 3
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_chompy")
crush_damage = 2,
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
for _, v in ipairs({
}) do
minetest.register_alias("mapgen_" .. v, "air")
description = "Dirt",
soil_degrades_to = modname .. ":sand",
alternate_loose = {
soil_degrades_to = modname .. ":sand_loose",
groups = {
dirt_loose = 1,
falling_repose = 2,
soil = 2,
grassable = 1
mapgen = {
groups = {
dirt = 1,
crumbly = 1,
soil = 1,
grassable = 1
crush_damage = 1,
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_crunchy")
name = "dirt_with_grass",
description = "Grass",
tiles = {
modname .. "_grass_top.png",
modname .. "_dirt.png",
modname .. "_dirt.png^(" .. modname .. "_grass_top.png^[mask:"
.. modname .. "_grass_sidemask.png)"
mapgen = {
groups = {
crumbly = 2,
soil = 1,
green = 1,
grass = 1
drop_in_place = modname .. ":dirt",
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_grassy")
description = "Gravel",
alternate_loose = {
groups = {
crumbly = 2,
falling_repose = 2
groups = {
gravel = 1,
crumbly = 1,
falling_node = 1
crush_damage = 1,
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_chompy")
description = "Sand",
alternate_loose = {
groups = {
falling_repose = 1
groups = {
sand = 1,
crumbly = 1,
falling_node = 1
mapgen = {
crush_damage = 0.5,
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_swishy")
local function anim(name, len)
return {
name = name,
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = len
backface_culling = false
local function gray(suff)
local t = modname .. "_water" .. suff .. ".png"
local g = modname .. "_water_gray" .. suff .. ".png"
return t .. "^(" .. g .. "^[opacity:64)^[opacity:160"
description = "Water",
mapgen = {"water_source"},
tiles = {anim(modname .. "_water.png^[opacity:192", 4)},
special_tiles = {
anim(modname .. "_water_flow.png^[opacity:192", 4),
anim(modname .. "_water_flow.png^[opacity:192", 4)
use_texture_alpha = "blend",
paramtype = "light",
liquid_viscosity = 1,
liquid_renewable = true,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drowning = 2,
drop = "",
groups = {coolant = 1, water = 2, moist = 2},
post_effect_color = {a = 103, r = 30, g = 76, b = 90},
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_watery")
name = "river_water",
description = "Water",
mapgen = {"river_water_source"},
tiles = {anim(modname .. "_water.png^[opacity:192", 4)},
special_tiles = {
anim(modname .. "_water_flow.png^[opacity:192", 4),
anim(modname .. "_water_flow.png^[opacity:192", 4)
use_texture_alpha = "blend",
paramtype = "light",
liquid_viscosity = 1,
liquid_renewable = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drowning = 2,
liquid_range = 2,
drop = "",
groups = {coolant = 1, water = 2, moist = 2},
post_effect_color = {a = 103, r = 30, g = 76, b = 90},
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_watery")
name = "water_gray",
description = "Water",
tiles = {anim(gray(""), 4)},
special_tiles = {
anim(gray("_flow"), 4),
anim(gray("_flow"), 4)
use_texture_alpha = "blend",
paramtype = "light",
liquid_viscosity = 1,
liquid_renewable = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drowning = 2,
drop = "",
groups = {coolant = 1, water = 2, moist = 2},
post_effect_color = {a = 103, r = 91, g = 97, b = 103},
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_watery")
name = "lava",
tiles = {anim(modname .. "_lava.png", 8)},
special_tiles = {
anim(modname .. "_lava_flow.png", 8),
anim(modname .. "_lava_flow.png", 8)
description = "Pumwater",
mapgen = {"lava_source"},
paramtype = "light",
liquid_viscosity = 7,
liquid_renewable = false,
light_source = 13,
walkable = false,
drowning = 2,
damage_per_second = 8,
drop = "",
groups = {
igniter = 1,
lava = 2,
damage_touch = 1,
damage_radiant = 8
post_effect_color = {a = 240, r = 255, g = 64, b = 0},
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_bubbly")