When the player is moving forward, take autorun speed into account for distance to lead, to better counteract server latency and let players run at higher speeds. When standing still, still extend the light in the player's looking direction a little bit, to get more favorable "rounding".
232 lines
6.6 KiB
232 lines
6.6 KiB
-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local ItemStack, minetest, nodecore, pairs, setmetatable, vector
= ItemStack, minetest, nodecore, pairs, setmetatable, vector
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
-- Register nodes that can be replaced by dynamic lights
local canreplace = {air = 0}
local true_airlike = {
drawtype = "airlike",
pointable = false,
walkable = false,
climbable = false,
buildable_to = true,
floodable = true,
air_equivalent = true,
paramtype = "light",
light_source = 0,
sunlight_propagates = true,
minetest.after(0, function()
for k, v in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
local ok = not canreplace[k]
for dk, dv in pairs(true_airlike) do
ok = ok and v[dk] == dv
if ok then canreplace[k] = 0 end
-- API for checking if dynamic lights are valid
local ttl = 0.25
local active_lights = {}
local function setup_light(pos, check)
active_lights[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)] = {
exp = nodecore.gametime + ttl,
check = check
nodecore.dnt_set(pos, modname .. ":dynalight_check")
local function check_light(pos)
local data = active_lights[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)]
if not data then return minetest.remove_node(pos) end
if nodecore.gametime < data.exp then return end
if data.check and data.check() then
data.exp = nodecore.gametime + ttl
nodecore.dnt_set(pos, modname .. ":dynalight_check")
return true
name = modname .. ":dynalight_check",
nodenames = {"group:dynamic_light"},
ignore_stasis = true,
time = ttl,
autostart = true,
autostart_time = 0,
action = check_light
-- Register dynamic light nodes
local function dynamic_light_node(level) return modname .. ":light" .. level end
nodecore.dynamic_light_node = dynamic_light_node
for level = 1, nodecore.light_sun - 1 do
local name = dynamic_light_node(level)
local def = {
description = minetest.registered_nodes.air.description,
light_source = level,
air_equivalent = true,
groups = {dynamic_light = level}
for k, v in pairs(true_airlike) do def[k] = def[k] or v end
minetest.register_node(":" .. name, def)
canreplace[name] = level
minetest.register_alias("nc_torch:wield_light", dynamic_light_node(8))
-- API for adding dynamic lights to world
local function dynamic_light_add(pos, level, check, exact)
if not pos then return end
local old = minetest.get_node(pos)
local name = old.name
local curlight = canreplace[name]
if not curlight then
if exact then return end
return dynamic_light_add({x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}, level, check, true)
or dynamic_light_add({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}, level, check, true)
or dynamic_light_add({x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, level, check, true)
or dynamic_light_add({x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, level, check, true)
or dynamic_light_add({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 1}, level, check, true)
or dynamic_light_add({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 1}, level, check, true)
if level < 1 then return end
if level > nodecore.light_sun - 1 then level = nodecore.light_sun - 1 end
local setname = dynamic_light_node(level)
pos = vector.round(pos)
if curlight <= level then
local ll = nodecore.get_node_light(pos)
if ll and ll > level then return end
if curlight > level and not check_light(pos) then return end
if name ~= setname then nodecore.set_node_check(pos, {name = setname}, old) end
setup_light(pos, check)
return true
nodecore.dynamic_light_add = dynamic_light_add
-- Automatic player wield lights
local function lightsrc(stack)
local def = minetest.registered_items[stack:get_name()] or {}
return def.light_source or 0
local function player_wield_light_pos(player, speed)
local pos = player:get_pos()
pos.y = pos.y + player:get_properties().eye_height
local ld = player:get_look_dir()
speed = player:get_player_control().up and speed or 0.5
pos.x = pos.x + ld.x * speed
pos.z = pos.z + ld.z * speed
return vector.round(pos)
local function player_wield_light(player, data)
local glow = 0
local srcidx, srcstack
for idx, stack in pairs(player:get_inventory():get_list("main")) do
local src = lightsrc(stack)
if src > glow then
glow = src
srcidx = idx
srcstack = stack:get_name()
if glow < 1 then return end
local speed = data and data.physics and data.physics.speed or 1
local pos = player_wield_light_pos(player, speed)
local pname = player:get_player_name()
return dynamic_light_add(pos, glow, function()
local pl = minetest.get_player_by_name(pname)
if not pl then return end
local pp = player_wield_light_pos(pl, speed)
if not vector.equals(pos, pp) then return end
return pl:get_inventory():get_stack("main", srcidx)
:get_name() == srcstack
label = "player wield light",
action = function(player, data)
if nodecore.player_visible(player) then
return player_wield_light(player, data)
-- Automatic entity light sources
local function entlight(self, ...)
local stack = ItemStack(self.node and self.node.name or self.itemstring or "")
local src = lightsrc(stack)
if src > 0 then
local pos = self.object:get_pos()
if not pos then return ... end
pos = vector.round(pos)
nodecore.dynamic_light_add(pos, src, function()
local curpos = self.object and self.object:get_pos()
return curpos and vector.equals(vector.round(curpos), pos)
return ...
for _, name in pairs({"item", "falling_node"}) do
local def = minetest.registered_entities["__builtin:" .. name]
local ndef = {
on_step = function(self, ...)
return entlight(self, def.on_step(self, ...))
setmetatable(ndef, def)
minetest.register_entity(":__builtin:" .. name, ndef)
-- shade for light-scattering effect
local shadenode = modname .. ":shade"
minetest.register_node(shadenode, nodecore.underride({
description = minetest.registered_nodes.air.description,
air_equivalent = true,
sunlight_propagates = false
}, true_airlike))
name = modname .. ":shadenode_check",
nodenames = {shadenode},
time = 4,
autostart = true,
action = function(pos)
return minetest.remove_node(pos)
function nodecore.dynamic_shade_add(pos, above)
local old = minetest.get_node(pos)
local name = old.name
if canreplace[name] then
return nodecore.set_node_check(pos, {name = shadenode}, old)
if above and above > 0 then
return nodecore.dynamic_shade_add({
x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z
}, above - 1)