CDB now used WebP for thumbnails, de facto requiring that users of the site actually support the format, so since it's already mandatory, take advantage of it. WebP compresses notably better than JPEG for comparable quality, so we can make the NodeCore CDB page and screenshots load faster.
78 lines
2.2 KiB
78 lines
2.2 KiB
-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local dofile, pairs, string, table
= dofile, pairs, string, table
local string_format, table_concat, table_sort
= string.format, table.concat, table.sort
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
-- luacheck: push
-- luacheck: globals config readtext readbinary
readtext = readtext or function() end
readbinary = readbinary or function() end
local alpha = config and config.branch == "dev"
local tags = {
local screenshots = {readbinary(alpha and '.cdb-alpha.webp' or '.cdb-release.webp')}
for i = 1, 5 do
screenshots[#screenshots + 1] = readbinary('.cdb-screen' .. i .. '.webp')
local version = dofile("./mods/nc_api/version.lua")
local pkgmeta = dofile("./mods/nc_api/pkgmeta.lua")
local weblate = "https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/minetest/nodecore/"
local transtext = {}
local translated = dofile("./mods/nc_api/translated.lua")
local langs = dofile("./.cdb-langs.lua")
for k, v in pairs(translated) do
if k ~= "en" then
local n = langs[k]
n = n and (n.l or n.en) or k
transtext[#transtext + 1] = v == translated.en
and string_format("[%s](%s%s/)✔", n, weblate, k)
or string_format("[%s](%s%s/)(%d%%)",
n, weblate, k, v / translated.en * 100)
transtext = "\n\n" .. table_concat(transtext, " — ")
return {
pkg = alpha and "nodecore_alpha" or "nodecore",
version = version,
type = "game",
title = pkgmeta.title(alpha),
short_description = pkgmeta.desc(alpha),
dev_state = alpha and "BETA" or "ACTIVELY_DEVELOPED",
tags = tags,
content_warnings = {},
license = "MIT",
media_license = "MIT",
long_description = readtext('.cdb-header.md') .. "\n\n"
.. (alpha and readtext('.cdb-alpha.md') or readtext('.cdb-release.md'))
.. "\n\n" .. readtext('.cdb-footer.md') .. transtext,
repo = "https://gitlab.com/sztest/nodecore",
website = "https://nodecore.mine.nu",
issue_tracker = "https://discord.gg/NNYeF6f",
donate_url = "https://liberapay.com/NodeCore",
forums = 24857,
maintainers = {"Warr1024"},
screenshots = screenshots
-- luacheck: pop