50 lines
1.4 KiB
50 lines
1.4 KiB
-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local dofile
= dofile
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
-- luacheck: push
-- luacheck: globals config readtext readbinary
readtext = readtext or function() end
readbinary = readbinary or function() end
local alpha = config and config.branch == "dev"
return {
pkg = alpha and "nodecore_alpha" or "nodecore",
version = dofile("./mods/nc_api/version.lua"),
type = "game",
title = "NodeCore" .. (alpha and " ALPHA" or ""),
short_description = (alpha
and "Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and bugs)"
or "Minetest's top original voxel game about emergent mechanics and exploration"),
tags = {
content_warnings = {},
license = "MIT",
media_license = "MIT",
long_description = readtext('.cdb-header.md') .. "\n\n"
.. (alpha and readtext('.cdb-alpha.md') or readtext('.cdb-release.md'))
.. "\n\n" .. readtext('.cdb-footer.md'),
repo = "https://gitlab.com/sztest/nodecore",
website = "https://nodecore.mine.nu",
issue_tracker = "https://discord.gg/NNYeF6f",
forums = 24857,
maintainers = {"Warr1024"},
screenshots = (alpha
and {readbinary('.cdb-alpha.jpg'), readbinary('.cdb-release.jpg')}
or {readbinary('.cdb-release.jpg')})
-- luacheck: pop