Aaron Suen f4aa27299e New concrete mod provides access to smooth-stone.
Bash gravel down into ash to produce dry aggregate.

Dampen the aggregate to produce wet aggregate.  The ash chemically
reacts with gravel to produce a cement.

Let the wet aggregate dry and it will cure into smooth-stone.
It will tend to flow and wander if left uncontained though.
2019-08-23 22:45:08 -04:00

45 lines
1.3 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local minetest, nodecore
= minetest, nodecore
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
minetest.register_node(modname .. ":aggregate", {
description = "Aggregate",
tiles = {"nc_terrain_gravel.png^(nc_fire_ash.png^[mask:nc_concrete_mask.png)"},
groups = {
crumbly = 2,
falling_node = 1,
falling_repose = 1
crush_damage = 1,
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_chompy")
local wettile = "nc_terrain_stone.png^(nc_fire_ash.png^[mask:nc_concrete_mask.png)"
local wetdef = {
description = "Wet Aggregate",
tiles = {wettile},
special_tiles = {wettile, wettile},
liquid_viscosity = 15,
liquid_renewable = false,
liquid_range = 1,
liquid_alternative_flowing = modname .. ":wet_flowing",
liquid_alternative_source = modname .. ":wet_source",
walkable = false,
diggable = false,
drowning = 1,
post_effect_color = {a = 240, r = 32, g = 32, b = 32},
sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_chompy")
minetest.register_node(modname .. ":wet_source", nodecore.underride({
drawtype = "liquid",
liquidtype = "source"
}, wetdef))
minetest.register_node(modname .. ":wet_flowing", nodecore.underride({
drawtype = "flowingliquid",
liquidtype = "flowing",
paramtype2 = "flowingliquid"
}, wetdef))