Stone, lode, and lux tools now all have their handles burn, and eject the non-flammable portions of the tool. Now using a unified on_ignite hook for when flammable things catch fire. The call is made BEFORE the node is replaced, and has an opportunity to look at node metadata and eject anything non-flammable. It can be a function, e.g. for shelves, or a static value in the same format that the function would return (e.g. for lode tools which need string values for temper substitutions). If it returns a string or itemstack, it will eject that from the position where the node burned. If it returns a table it will eject all the values of that table.
121 lines
3.1 KiB
121 lines
3.1 KiB
-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
= ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local function toolhead(name, groups, prills)
local n = name:lower()
if type(groups) == "string" then groups = {groups} end
local function toolcap(nn)
local t = {}
for _, k in ipairs(groups) do t[k] = nn end
return nodecore.toolcaps(t)
nodecore.register_lode("toolhead_" .. n, {
type = "craft",
description = "## Lode " .. name .. " Head",
inventory_image = modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
modname .. "_toolhead_" .. n .. ".png",
stack_max = 1
nodecore.register_lode("tool_" .. n, {
type = "tool",
description = "## Lode " .. name,
inventory_image = modname .. "_tool_handle.png^(" ..
modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
modname .. "_tool_" .. n .. ".png)",
stack_max = 1,
tool_capabilities = toolcap(4),
bytemper = function(t, d)
if t.name == "tempered" then
d.tool_capabilities = toolcap(5)
groups = { flammable = 4 },
metal_alt_hot = modname .. ":prill_hot " .. prills,
tool_wears_to = modname .. ":prill_# " .. prills,
on_ignite = modname .. ":prill_# " .. prills
for _, t in pairs({"annealed", "tempered"}) do
label = "assemble lode " .. n,
normal = {y = 1},
nodes = {
{match = modname .. ":toolhead_" .. n .. "_" .. t,
replace = "air"},
{y = -1, match = "nc_woodwork:staff", replace = "air"},
items = {
{y = -1, name = modname .. ":tool_" .. n .. "_" .. t},
toolhead("Mallet", "thumpy", 3)
toolhead("Spade", "crumbly", 2)
toolhead("Hatchet", "choppy", 2)
toolhead("Pick", "cracky", 1)
local function forge(from, fromqty, to, prills)
return nodecore.register_craft({
label = "anvil making lode " .. (to or "prills"),
action = "pummel",
toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
nodes = {
match = {name = modname .. ":" .. from .. "_annealed",
count = fromqty},
replace = "air"
y = -1,
match = modname .. ":block_tempered"
items = {
to and (modname .. ":" .. to .. "_annealed") or nil,
prills and {name = modname .. ":prill_annealed", count = prills,
scatter = 5} or nil
forge("prill", 3, "toolhead_mallet")
forge("toolhead_mallet", nil, "toolhead_spade", 1)
forge("toolhead_spade", nil, "toolhead_hatchet")
forge("toolhead_hatchet", nil, "toolhead_pick", 1)
forge("toolhead_pick", nil, nil, 1)
toolhead("Mattock", {"cracky", "crumbly"}, 3)
local function mattock(a, b)
return nodecore.register_craft({
label = "assemble lode mattock head",
action = "pummel",
toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
normal = {y = 1},
nodes = {
y = a,
match = modname .. ":toolhead_pick_hot",
replace = "air"
y = b,
match = modname .. ":toolhead_spade_hot",
replace = "air"
items = {
modname .. ":toolhead_mattock_hot"
mattock(0, -1)
mattock(-1, 0)