- Storeboxes are now scalable.
- Standardize touch-hurt operation.
- Touch-hurt damage on scaling.
- Now possible to alter scaling time via scaling_time
group (percent of original scaling time)
- Player hp_max is 8 now, so most injuries will block
a whole slot each time.
- Player can be reduced to 1 slot, not 2. The 2 slots
was from back in the day when players needed to go
to the surface to heal faster, to help them get up
there. Now the 1 slot is only needed in case the
player is trapped in fire or something.
- Damage effects now don't stop playing just because
the player has reached maximum injury, and healing
is also delayed by continued injury.
If the falling item/node causes enough damage to
trigger a "hurt" effect, then it loses much of its energy
and bounces upward off the player.
This will also reduce the "scraping" effect when nodes
fall through a player. Hopefully the damage from
falling things is a little more consistent now.
- Eliminate health and breath stat bars.
- Players no longer lose walking speed or mobility.
- Players lose inventory slots in proportion to injury; they're
stuffed with an "injury" item, and items they displace are
ejected. Slots are displaced in random order.
- Healing rate is much faster, so players are usually mildly
inconvenienced by injury, but can soon enough pick up their
stuff and leave.
- Health and breath HUDs are gone. Health is visible based on
number of lost slots, and breath uses a vignette to narrow
tunnel vision for O2 loss.
Overall, the old health system has been more of an immersion-
breaking annoyance than anything. This allows health to get out
of the way of the primary gameplay.
UNFINISHED: Need a replacement for the old "suicide to get unstuck"
Encumbrance is calculated from inventory slots filled (ignoring
count within stacks), compared to health; players can freely carry
the same proportion of slots as their health.
Players who are encumbered lose up to 80% of their walking speed
(i.e. for a full hotbar and no health).
This is another disadvantage for being injured, and an incentive
for players to take care of their health.
- Players heal over time at variable speed, depending on subtle
environmental factors.
- This frees us up to work on the death mechanic, since it's no
longer the only way to restore health and prevent an untimely