For one thing, it's a bit overpowered when you go
right from infused still digging lode ore as loose
cobble, right to boosted-infused digging it as raw
For another, uncobbled lux stone is purposefully
labeled as just plain stone to force the player to
pay attention to light cues, but this would make
inventory management problematic once smooth
lux stone has been collected with boosted tools.
Stone is hardened by creating an elecric field via the Peltier
effect that causes internal crystals to align. Or something like
Stone hardens over time when touching both lava and water.
All stratafiable stone types (lode sign, lode ore, lux ore) are
Comb through issues. Shelve some of them. Fix a couple.
Add some ideas and reorganize/recombine others.
Lux tools should infuse in any open container, so shelves should
work fine too.
If items have a common "stackfamily" property in definition, then
they combine stacks; name and metadata are effectively ignored and
any name is considered acceptable for the combined stack name.
This is used by Lux to allow it to stack naturally instead of the
player having to lay them out spaced on the ground to "cool" them
all to the same level, since all Lux changes dynamically anyway.