The inability to make solid white surfaces
has been a significant limitation to in-game
artistic expression for a while; this is an
inexpensive fix for that.
It was always weird that the player character could
sense hinged panels even when the faces shown were
completely undifferentiated from their non-panel
counterparts. Add a fairly subtle visual indicator that
makes it obvious why the player can spot them.
Players can still hide doors in plain sight, they may
just need to take more advantage of shadows and
other geometry tricks to ensure they don't stand out
against a field of similar nodes, or use psychological
tricks to distract other players from spotting the
- Apply logic as first-class support so we can still
have custom after_dig_node hooks.
- Shared flag nodecore.silktouch_digging that can
be used in after_dig_node callbacks to determine
if we're in the middle of a silk-touch dig.
- Add coal particles to tarstone digging if the coal
is destroyed/dispersed during the dig operation.
Once coal is mixed into the stone, it's "locked"
away. Breaking the hardened stone releases the
coal as a fine powder that's not recoverable.
I'd rather violate the 1st law of thermodynamics and
not preserve the coal here than violate the 2nd law
and have it neatly "unmix" itself back into a lump.
Left to do:
- Adjust wet->pliant curing recipe (maybe use soaking
with ambient heat instead of cook/cool)
- Pliant->cured recipes/soaking.
- Stylus, pattern cycling recipes.
- Original texture by WintersKnight94.
- Node definitions and recipes adapted from original.
- Added some hooks in a few other places to make new
recipes work.
- Chip smooth stone with a lode pick or better to make brick.
- Bricks fall but don't repose.
- Apply mortar (wet aggregate) to bond stone bricks
- Bonded bricks can be moved but don't fall anymore.
Bash gravel down into ash to produce dry aggregate.
Dampen the aggregate to produce wet aggregate. The ash chemically
reacts with gravel to produce a cement.
Let the wet aggregate dry and it will cure into smooth-stone.
It will tend to flow and wander if left uncontained though.