
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Suen 2024-04-20 10:32:54 -04:00
parent d6edb7e789
commit 7d6eef2557
11 changed files with 294 additions and 136 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ Portions Copyright (C)2024 Leo <>
Portions Copyright (C)2024 yue weikai <>
Portions Copyright (C)2024 Indigo Ray <>
Portions Copyright (C)2024 复予 <>
Portions Copyright (C)2024 BlackImpostor <>
Portions Copyright (C)2024 孙鑫然 <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the

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@ -4,39 +4,39 @@
- Aux+drop any item to drop everything.=- Aux+jatuhkan item apa pun untuk menjatuhkan semuanya.
- Be wary of dark caves/chasms; you are responsible for getting yourself out.=- Waspada terhadap gua/jurang yang gelap, Anda bertanggung jawab untuk mengeluarkan diri anda sendiri.
- Can't dig trees or grass? Search for sticks in the canopy.=- Tidak bisa menggali pohon atau rumput? Cari tongkat di dedaunan.
- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see.=- Tempat pendakian juga menghasilkan cahaya yang sangat redup, Naikkan 'gamma' untuk melihat.
- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see.=- Titik pendakian juga menghasilkan cahaya yang sangat redup, Naikkan 'gamma' untuk melihat.
- Climbing spots may be climbed once black particles appear.=- Titik pendakian mungkin akan naik setelah partikel hitam muncul.
- Crafting is done by building recipes in-world.=- Kerajinan dilakukan dengan membuat resep di dalam dunia.
- DONE: @1=- SELESAI: @1
- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots.=- Node yang dipindahkan dapat dipanjat seperti titik pendakian.
- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots.=- Simpul yang dipindahkan dapat dipanjat seperti titik pendakian.
- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory.=- Jatuhkan dan ambil item untuk mengatur ulang inventaris Anda.
- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay.=- Jatuhkan item ke tanah untuk membuat node tumpukan. Mereka tidak membusuk.
- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay.=- Jatuhkan item ke tanah untuk membuat tumpukan simpul. Mereka tidak membusuk.
- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.=- Untuk resep berukuran besar, item tengah biasanya ditempatkan terakhir.
- Hold/repeat right-click on walls/ceilings barehanded to create climbing spots.=- Tahan/ulangi klik kanan pada dinding/langit-langit dengan tangan kosong untuk membuat titik pendakian.
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- Terjebak tanpa harapan? Coba tanyakan pada ruang obrolan komunitas (lihat di 'Tentang').
- If a recipe exists, you will see a special particle effect.=- Jika ada resep, Anda akan melihat efek partikel khusus.
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- Jika penggalian membutuhkan waktu lebih dari 5 detik, Anda tidak memiliki alat yang tepat.
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- Item yang diambil coba masuk ke dalam slot yang dipilih saat ini terlebih dahulu.
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- Jika ingin mengambil item, cobalah untuk memilih slot yang diinginkan terlebih dahulu.
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- Resep berukuran besar biasanya lebih simetris.
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- Belajar menggunakan bintang untuk navigasi jarak jauh.
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- Node yang digali tanpa alat yang tepat tidak dapat diambil, hanya dapat dipindahkan saja.
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- Simpul yang digali tanpa alat yang tepat tidak dapat diambil, hanya dapat dipindahkan saja.
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- Urutan dan tampilan penempatan yang spesifik mungkin penting untuk kerajinan.
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- Bijih mungkin tersembunyi, tetapi terungkap melalui petunjuk halus di medan.
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- Resep berdasarkan waktu, meninju lebih cepat tidak mempercepat.
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- Bijih mungkin tersembunyi, tetapi terungkap melalui petunjuk halus di medan bebatuan.
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- Resep berdasarkan waktu, 'memukul' lebih cepat tidak mempercepat.
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- Jongkok+aux+jatuhkan item untuk menjatuhkan semua item yang cocok.
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- Jongkok+jatuhkan untuk menghitung satu item dari tumpukan.
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- Beberapa resep mengharuskan "memukul" sebuah node.
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- Beberapa resep mengharuskan 'memukul' sebuah simpul.
- Something seems tedious? Find better tech, subtle factors, or a better way.=- Sepertinya ada yang membosankan? Temukan teknologi yang lebih baik, faktor halus, atau cara yang lebih baik.
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- Tumpukan dapat dipukul, jumlah item yang tepat mungkin penting.
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- Desain game ini menantang, terkadang membuat frustrasi. JANGAN MENYERAH!
- There is NO inventory screen.=- TIDAK ada layar inventaris.
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- Untuk aksi memukul, pukul node berulang kali, TANPA menggali.
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- Untuk aksi 'memukul', pukul simpul berulang kali, TANPA menggali.
- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.=- Untuk berlari lebih cepat, berjalan/berenang ke depan atau memanjat/berenang ke atas terus menerus.
- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition.=- Alat yang digunakan sebagai bahan harus dalam keadaan sangat baik.
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- Kesulitan menyalakan api? Coba gunakan tongkat panjang, lebih banyak tinder.
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=- Item yang digunakan, wajah target, dan node di sekitarnya mungkin penting.
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- Anda tidak perlu memukul terlalu cepat (sekitar 1 pukulan per detik).
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- Kesulitan menyalakan api? Coba gunakan tongkat yang lebih panjang, lebih banyak tinder.
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=- Item yang digunakan, wajah target, dan simpul di sekitarnya mungkin penting.
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- Anda tidak perlu 'memukul' terlalu cepat (sekitar 1 pukulan per detik).
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 Ditemukan, @2 Tersedia, @3 di Masa Mendatang
@1 rejected. (protocol version @2)=@1 Ditolak. (versi protokol @2)
@1 |....=@1 +....
@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ Dirt=Tanah
Discover and invent in a surreal, unsympathetic world of cubes, patterns, and abstractions.=Temukan dan ciptakan dunia kubus, pola, dan abstraksi yang nyata dan tidak simpatik.
Displaced Node=Node Dipindahkan
Displaced Node=Simpul Dipindahkan
Dry Rush=Rumput Silongga Kering
Dry Rush=Rush Kering
Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)=NodeCore edisi akses awal dengan fitur terbaru (dan mungkin bug)
@ -324,12 +324,12 @@ Red Cluster Flower=Bunga Cluster Merah
Red Cup Flower=Bunga Cup Merah
Red Rosette Flower=Bunga Rosette Merah
Red Star Flower=Bunga Star Merah
Rush=Rumput Silongga
Rush=Rush Air
Sandstone Bricks=Batu Bata Pasir
Sandstone=Batu Pasir
Sedge=Rumput Teki
See included LICENSE file for full details and credits=Lihat file LISENSI untuk rincian lengkap dan kredit
Shining Lens=Lensa Sinar
Spackling=Campuran Batu Awan
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Stone-Tipped Pick=Beliung Batu
Stone-Tipped Spade=Sekop Batu
Stone-Tipped Stylus=Alat Batu
Stump=Bonggol Kayu
Stump=Bonggol Pohon
Tarstone Bricks=Batu Bata Tar
Tarstone=Batu Tar
Tempered Lode Adze=Pahat Logam Keras
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ WORLD FROZEN=DUNIA BEKU
Wet Adobe Mix=Campuran Tanah Liat Basah
Wet Aggregate=Agregat Basah
Wet Render=Plester Basah
Wet Render=Plaster Basah
Wet Spackling=Campuran Batu Awan Basah
Wet Sponge=Spons Basah
Wet Tarry Aggregate=Campuran Agregat Basah
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ craft a torch from staff and coal lump=Membuat Obor dari Tongkat Panjang dan Gum
cure pliant concrete fully=Menyembuhkan Beton Lunak sepenuhnya
cut down a tree=Menebang Pohon
cycle through all charcoal glyphs=Menelusuri semua Tulisan Arang
dig a node with a hinged panel and tool=Menggali node dengan Panel Engsel dan Alat
dig a node with a hinged panel and tool=Menggali simpul dengan Panel Engsel dan Alat
dig leaves=Menggali Daun
dig up a tree stump=Menggali Bonggol Pohon
dig up cobble=Menggali Batu Bulat
@ -506,13 +506,13 @@ dig up sand=Menggali Pasir
discovered - @1=Ditemukan - @1
drop all your items at once=Jatuhkan semua Item Anda sekaligus
drop an item=Jatuhkan Item
dry out a rush=Mengeringkan Rumput Silongga
dry out a rush=Mengeringkan Rush
dry out a sponge=Mengeringkan Spons
etch pliant concrete with a stylus=Mensketsa Beton Lunak dengan pola Stilus
ferment peat into humus=Memfermentasi Gambut menjadi Pupuk
find a flower=Menemukan Bunga
find a rush=Menemukan Rumput Silongga
find a sedge=Menemukan Rumput Teki
find a rush=Menemukan Rush
find a sedge=Menemukan Teki
find a sponge=Menemukan Spons
find a stick=Menemukan Tongkat
find an eggcorn=Menemukan Biji
@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ gate a prism=Pagar Prisma
go for a swim=Pergi untuk Berenang
grind dead plants into peat=Menggiling Tanaman Mati menjadi Gambut
grow a flower on soil near moisture=Menumbuhkan Bunga pada tempat yang lembab
grow a rush on soil near moisture=Menumbuhkan Rumput Silongga disekitar tempat lembab
grow a sedge on grass near moisture=Menumbuhkan Rumput Teki pada Rumput disekitar tempat lembab
grow a rush on soil near moisture=Menumbuhkan Rush disekitar tempat lembab
grow a sedge on grass near moisture=Menumbuhkan Teki pada Rumput disekitar tempat lembab
harden stone=Mengeraskan Batu
harvest a sponge=Memanen Spons
hold your breath=Menahan nafasmu
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ insert wooden pin into wooden panel=Memasukkan Peniti Kayu kedalam Panel Kayu
leach raked dirt to sand=Bersihkan Tanah Garuk untuk menjadi Pasir
leach raked humus to dirt=Bersihkan Pupuk Garuk untuk menjadi Tanah
light a torch=Menyalakan Obor
lux-infuse a lode tool=Infus-lus Alat Logam
lux-infuse a lode tool=Menginfus Lus ke Alat Logam
make fire by rubbing sticks together=Membuat Api dengan menggosokkan dua Tongkat secara bersamaan
melt down lode metal from lode cobble=Melelehkan Mineral Logam dari Batu Logam
melt sand into molten glass=Melelehkan Pasir menjadi Cairan Kaca
@ -555,19 +555,19 @@ melt stone into pumwater=Melelehkan Batu menjadi Cairan Batu
mix crude glass into ash to make spackling=Mencampurkan Kaca ke Abu untuk membuat Campuran Batu Awan
mix dirt into ash to make adobe mix=Mencampurkan Tanah ke Abu untuk membuat Campuran Tanah Liat
mix gravel into ash to make aggregate=Mencampurkan Kerikil ke Abu untuk membuat Agregat
mix sand into ash to make render=Mencampurkan Pasir ke Abu untuk membuat Plester
mix sand into ash to make render=Mencampurkan Pasir ke Abu untuk membuat Plaster
mold molten glass into clear glass=Mencetak Cairan Kaca menjadi Kaca Bening
mold molten glass into float glass=Mencetak Cairan Kaca menjadi Kaca Apung
navigate by touch in darkness=Menavigasi dengan menyentuh ke dalam kegelapan
observe a lux reaction=Mengobservasi reaksi Lus
observe lux criticality=Mengobservasi kekritisan Lus
pack dry rushes into wicker=Membungkus Rumput Silongga Kering ke Anyaman
pack dry rushes into wicker=Membungkus Rush Kering ke Anyaman
pack high-quality charcoal=Membungkus Arang berkualitas tinggi
pack sedges into thatch=Membungkus Rumput Teki ke Jerami
pack sedges into thatch=Membungkus Teki ke Jerami
pack stone chips back into cobble=Membungkus Serpihan Batu ke Batu Bulat
pack up a complete tote=Membungkus Tas seluruhnya
pick a sedge=Mengambil Rumput Teki
place a node with a hinged panel=Menaruh node dengan Panel Engsel
pick a sedge=Mengambil Teki
place a node with a hinged panel=Menaruh simpul dengan Panel Engsel
plant an eggcorn=Menanam Biji
produce light from a lens=Menghasilkan cahaya dari Lensa
propel hinged panel with focused light=Mendorong Panel Engsel dengan cahaya terfokus

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- Ударять нужно не так часто (около 1 удара в секунду).
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 обнаружено, @2 доступно, @3 в будущем
@1 rejected. (protocol version @2)=@1 отклонено. (версия протокола @2)
About=Чуть Подробнее
Active Lens=Активная Линза
Active Prism=Активная Призма
Additional Mods Loaded: @1=Загружено дополнительных модов: @1

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@ -19,35 +19,38 @@
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 如果都用了5秒多还没挖完那你就得试试别的工具了.
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾取的物品会尽量先放入当前选定的物品栏中。
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- 更好的方法通常更适合.
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- 學會觀星來長途移動。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 錯誤的工具只能拾起位移的方塊。
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- 順序與放置面可能影響製作。
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- 礦石可能隱藏,地勢有微小線索。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打更快不加快製作。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品會丟掉同樣的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品會從物品疊中丟出一個物品。
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- 有些配方需要「敲打」方塊。
- Something seems tedious? Find better tech, subtle factors, or a better way.=- 遇到棘手問題時,發展科技,觀察微小變因,或尋找更好的方法。
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- 堆疊可以被敲打,精確的數量可能影響。
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- 這個遊戲被刻意設計的很有挑戰性,有時令人挫折。不 要 放 棄
- There is NO inventory screen.=- 「沒有」物品欄畫面。
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- 「敲打」是快速的打擊方塊,而非挖掘。
- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.=- 持續地向前/向上移動會愈來愈快。
- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition.=- 被當成原料的工具必須接近全新。
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- 生火有困難?試著使用更長的木棒與更多的可燃物。
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=- 環繞的物品、面向與環繞的方塊可能影響。
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- 你不必打得很快(約一秒一次)。
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 個發現、 @2 個可發現、 @3 個延伸
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- 学会使用星星进行远距离导航。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=-挖掘方块没有正确的工具不能获得物品,只能破坏并且不会掉落。
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- 特定的顺序和放置方向对合成来说很重要。
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- 矿石可能不会是裸露的,但位置会被地形的细微线索所揭示。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=配方取决于时间,更快的节奏并不会加速制作。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 同时按下潜行键,辅助键丢弃物品会丢出所有与之相同的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 按下潜行键丢弃物品每次只会丢出一个物品。
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- 一些制作配方需要 “击打” 一个方块。
- Something seems tedious? Find better tech, subtle factors, or a better way.=- 有些事情似乎很乏味?使用更好的技术,掌控微妙的因素,或找到更好的办法。
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- 堆栈可能会受到猛击,精确的数量可能会有所影响。
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- 这个子游戏被设计得非常具有挑战性,有时会令人沮丧。千万不要放弃!!!
- There is NO inventory screen.=- 这里不显示物品栏界面。
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- 重复击打一个方块,不使用挖掘的方法。
- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.=- 持续向前或向上移动会越来越快。
- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition.=- 用作原料的工具必须保持完好。
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- 生火时遇到了麻烦?尝试使用更长的木棍和更多的引火物。
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=-手中的物品,目标的脸和周围的方块对交互来说可能很重要。
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- 你不需要击打得很快(每秒一次即可)。
@1 (@2)=@1@2
@1 .....=@1.....
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 被发现的,@2可用的@3将来的
@1 rejected. (protocol version @2)=@1 拒绝。(协议版本 @2
Active Lens=活化的透鏡
Active Prism=活化的稜鏡
Additional Mods Loaded: @1=已載入額外的模組: @1
Admin Tool=管理工具
Adobe Bricks=土胚磚塊
Adobe Mix=
Active Lens=活跃的镜头
Active Prism=活跃的棱镜
Additional Mods Loaded: @1=附加 Mod 已载入:@1
Admin Tool=管理工具
Adobe Bricks=风干砖坯
Adobe Mix=混合黏
Annealed Lode Adze=冷卻類鋼鋤
Annealed Lode Bar=冷卻類鋼條
Annealed Lode Frame=冷卻類鋼框
@ -280,8 +283,10 @@ temper a lode tool head=調溫一類鋼工具頭
throw an item really fast=急速丟出物品
weaken stone by soaking=泡水弱化石頭
weld glowing lode pick and spade heads together=將紅熱的的鎬頭跟鏟頭接在一起
wet a concrete mix=沾溼混凝土粉
wet a concrete mix=打湿混凝土混合料
wilt a flower=让一朵花凋零
work annealed lode on a tempered lode anvil=在調溫類鋼砧上敲打類鋼
work glowing lode on a lode anvil=在類鋼砧上敲打紅熱的類鋼
work glowing lode on a stone anvil=在石砧上敲打紅熱的類鋼
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭寫字
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭在地上写字
~ @1% translated to your language (@2)=@1%翻译成你的语言(@2

View File

@ -19,35 +19,38 @@
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 如果都用了5秒多还没挖完那你就得试试别的工具了.
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾取的物品会尽量先放入当前选定的物品栏中。
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- 更好的方法通常更适合.
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- 學會觀星來長途移動。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 錯誤的工具只能拾起位移的方塊。
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- 順序與放置面可能影響製作。
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- 礦石可能隱藏,地勢有微小線索。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打更快不加快製作。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品會丟掉同樣的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品會從物品疊中丟出一個物品。
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- 有些配方需要「敲打」方塊。
- Something seems tedious? Find better tech, subtle factors, or a better way.=- 遇到棘手問題時,發展科技,觀察微小變因,或尋找更好的方法。
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- 堆疊可以被敲打,精確的數量可能影響。
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- 這個遊戲被刻意設計的很有挑戰性,有時令人挫折。不 要 放 棄
- There is NO inventory screen.=- 「沒有」物品欄畫面。
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- 「敲打」是快速的打擊方塊,而非挖掘。
- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.=- 持續地向前/向上移動會愈來愈快。
- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition.=- 被當成原料的工具必須接近全新。
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- 生火有困難?試著使用更長的木棒與更多的可燃物。
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=- 環繞的物品、面向與環繞的方塊可能影響。
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- 你不必打得很快(約一秒一次)。
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 個發現、 @2 個可發現、 @3 個延伸
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- 学会使用星星进行远距离导航。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=-挖掘方块没有正确的工具不能获得物品,只能破坏并且不会掉落。
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- 特定的顺序和放置方向对合成来说很重要。
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- 矿石可能不会是裸露的,但位置会被地形的细微线索所揭示。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=配方取决于时间,更快的节奏并不会加速制作。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 同时按下潜行键,辅助键丢弃物品会丢出所有与之相同的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 按下潜行键丢弃物品每次只会丢出一个物品。
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- 一些制作配方需要 “击打” 一个方块。
- Something seems tedious? Find better tech, subtle factors, or a better way.=- 有些事情似乎很乏味?使用更好的技术,掌控微妙的因素,或找到更好的办法。
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- 堆栈可能会受到猛击,精确的数量可能会有所影响。
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- 这个子游戏被设计得非常具有挑战性,有时会令人沮丧。千万不要放弃!!!
- There is NO inventory screen.=- 这里不显示物品栏界面。
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- 重复击打一个方块,不使用挖掘的方法。
- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.=- 持续向前或向上移动会越来越快。
- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition.=- 用作原料的工具必须保持完好。
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- 生火时遇到了麻烦?尝试使用更长的木棍和更多的引火物。
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=-手中的物品,目标的脸和周围的方块对交互来说可能很重要。
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- 你不需要击打得很快(每秒一次即可)。
@1 (@2)=@1@2
@1 .....=@1.....
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 被发现的,@2可用的@3将来的
@1 rejected. (protocol version @2)=@1 拒绝。(协议版本 @2
Active Lens=活化的透鏡
Active Prism=活化的稜鏡
Additional Mods Loaded: @1=已載入額外的模組: @1
Admin Tool=管理工具
Adobe Bricks=土胚磚塊
Adobe Mix=
Active Lens=活跃的镜头
Active Prism=活跃的棱镜
Additional Mods Loaded: @1=附加 Mod 已载入:@1
Admin Tool=管理工具
Adobe Bricks=风干砖坯
Adobe Mix=混合黏
Annealed Lode Adze=冷卻類鋼鋤
Annealed Lode Bar=冷卻類鋼條
Annealed Lode Frame=冷卻類鋼框
@ -280,8 +283,10 @@ temper a lode tool head=調溫一類鋼工具頭
throw an item really fast=急速丟出物品
weaken stone by soaking=泡水弱化石頭
weld glowing lode pick and spade heads together=將紅熱的的鎬頭跟鏟頭接在一起
wet a concrete mix=沾溼混凝土粉
wet a concrete mix=打湿混凝土混合料
wilt a flower=让一朵花凋零
work annealed lode on a tempered lode anvil=在調溫類鋼砧上敲打類鋼
work glowing lode on a lode anvil=在類鋼砧上敲打紅熱的類鋼
work glowing lode on a stone anvil=在石砧上敲打紅熱的類鋼
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭寫字
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭在地上写字
~ @1% translated to your language (@2)=@1%翻译成你的语言(@2

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=- 環繞的物品、面向與環繞的方塊可能影響。
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- 你不必打得很快(約一秒一次)。
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 個發現、 @2 個可發現、 @3 個延伸
@1 rejected. (protocol version @2)=@1 拒绝。(协议版本 @2
Active Lens=活化的透鏡
Active Prism=活化的稜鏡
@ -281,7 +282,9 @@ throw an item really fast=急速丟出物品
weaken stone by soaking=泡水弱化石頭
weld glowing lode pick and spade heads together=將紅熱的的鎬頭跟鏟頭接在一起
wet a concrete mix=沾溼混凝土粉
wilt a flower=让一朵花凋零
work annealed lode on a tempered lode anvil=在調溫類鋼砧上敲打類鋼
work glowing lode on a lode anvil=在類鋼砧上敲打紅熱的類鋼
work glowing lode on a stone anvil=在石砧上敲打紅熱的類鋼
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭寫字
~ @1% translated to your language (@2)=@1%翻译成你的语言(@2

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"since": {
"de": "2024-02-19T19:55:25.226222+01:00",
"ru": "2023-12-19T20:04:10.175410+01:00",
"ru": "2024-04-18T16:18:14.852724+02:00",
"pl": "2022-03-27T11:19:59.247928+02:00",
"uk": "2024-02-26T06:03:12.812981+01:00",
"el": "2023-03-27T20:43:15.883336+02:00",
"zh_Hans": "2024-03-24T06:14:56.007877+01:00",
"zh_Hans": "2024-04-17T15:55:32.883300+02:00",
"sk": "2023-05-05T22:30:26.309472+02:00",
"zh_Hant": "2023-10-22T09:37:21.365270+02:00",
"it": "2023-10-12T12:00:21.252516+02:00",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"lzh": "2023-03-27T20:47:11.223249+02:00",
"tok": "2023-06-17T22:33:06.754723+02:00",
"hu": "2024-01-01T12:30:37.299699+01:00",
"id": "2024-03-29T14:44:11.699583+01:00",
"id": "2024-04-06T04:54:20.201363+02:00",
"ko": "2024-01-11T10:40:08.159202+01:00",
"jbo": "2024-03-16T00:05:19.199882+01:00"
@ -332,6 +332,24 @@
"first": "2024",
"last": "2024"
"": {
"raw": {
"id": 79359,
"full_name": "BlackImpostor",
"username": "SkyBuilder1717"
"first": "2024",
"last": "2024"
"": {
"raw": {
"id": 83404,
"full_name": "孙鑫然",
"username": "The_Knight"
"first": "2024",
"last": "2024"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-01-04 11:53+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29 15:47+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-07 03:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Just Playing <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian <"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see."
msgstr ""
"- Tempat pendakian juga menghasilkan cahaya yang sangat redup, Naikkan "
"- Titik pendakian juga menghasilkan cahaya yang sangat redup, Naikkan "
"'gamma' untuk melihat."
msgid "Pumwater"
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ msgid "Hashy Pliant Sandstone"
msgstr "Batu Pasir Hasy Lunak"
msgid "Dry Rush"
msgstr "Rumput Silongga Kering"
msgstr "Rush Kering"
msgid "Loose Cobble"
msgstr "Batu Bulat Gembur"
@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ msgstr "@1 (@2)"
msgid "- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder."
msgstr ""
"- Kesulitan menyalakan api? Coba gunakan tongkat panjang, lebih banyak "
"- Kesulitan menyalakan api? Coba gunakan tongkat yang lebih panjang, lebih "
"banyak tinder."
msgid "Azure Cluster Flower"
msgstr "Bunga Cluster Biru Muda"
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ msgstr ""
"mengeluarkan diri anda sendiri."
msgid "- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging."
msgstr "- Untuk aksi memukul, pukul node berulang kali, TANPA menggali."
msgstr "- Untuk aksi 'memukul', pukul simpul berulang kali, TANPA menggali."
msgid "Player's Guide: Pummeling Recipes"
msgstr "Panduan Pemain: Resep Memukul"
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ msgid "Crafting"
msgstr "Kerajinan"
msgid "- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up."
msgstr "- Resep berdasarkan waktu, meninju lebih cepat tidak mempercepat."
msgstr "- Resep berdasarkan waktu, 'memukul' lebih cepat tidak mempercepat."
msgid "Boxy Pliant Cloudstone"
msgstr "Batu Awan Box Lunak"
@ -424,12 +424,13 @@ msgstr "Offline @1 menit(s)"
msgid "- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced."
msgstr ""
"- Node yang digali tanpa alat yang tepat tidak dapat diambil, hanya dapat "
"- Simpul yang digali tanpa alat yang tepat tidak dapat diambil, hanya dapat "
"dipindahkan saja."
msgid "- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay."
msgstr ""
"- Jatuhkan item ke tanah untuk membuat node tumpukan. Mereka tidak membusuk."
"- Jatuhkan item ke tanah untuk membuat tumpukan simpul. Mereka tidak "
msgid "Horzy Stone"
msgstr "Batu Horzi"
@ -568,8 +569,8 @@ msgstr "Tanah Liat Bindi Lunak"
msgid "- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first."
msgstr ""
"- Item yang diambil coba masuk ke dalam slot yang dipilih saat ini terlebih "
"- Jika ingin mengambil item, cobalah untuk memilih slot yang diinginkan "
"terlebih dahulu."
msgid "Crude Glass"
msgstr "Kaca Kasar"
@ -585,7 +586,8 @@ msgstr "Rumput"
msgid "- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter."
msgstr ""
"- Item yang digunakan, wajah target, dan node di sekitarnya mungkin penting."
"- Item yang digunakan, wajah target, dan simpul di sekitarnya mungkin "
msgid "Infused Annealed Lode Mattock"
msgstr "Cangkul Logam Lemah Infus"
@ -711,7 +713,7 @@ msgid "Cloudstone"
msgstr "Batu Awan"
msgid "Displaced Node"
msgstr "Node Dipindahkan"
msgstr "Simpul Dipindahkan"
msgid "@1 |...."
msgstr "@1 +...."
@ -830,7 +832,7 @@ msgid "@1 |||.."
msgstr "@1 +++.."
msgid "- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots."
msgstr "- Node yang dipindahkan dapat dipanjat seperti titik pendakian."
msgstr "- Simpul yang dipindahkan dapat dipanjat seperti titik pendakian."
msgid "Braced Wooden Form"
msgstr "Kerangka Kayu"
@ -900,7 +902,7 @@ msgstr "Palu Logam Keras Infus"
msgid "- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain."
msgstr ""
"- Bijih mungkin tersembunyi, tetapi terungkap melalui petunjuk halus di "
"medan bebatuan."
msgid "Movement"
msgstr "Gerakan"
@ -975,10 +977,11 @@ msgid "Bonded Sandstone Bricks"
msgstr "Batu Bata Pasir Terikat"
msgid "- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second)."
msgstr "- Anda tidak perlu memukul terlalu cepat (sekitar 1 pukulan per detik)."
msgstr ""
"- Anda tidak perlu 'memukul' terlalu cepat (sekitar 1 pukulan per detik)."
msgid "- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node."
msgstr "- Beberapa resep mengharuskan \"memukul\" sebuah node."
msgstr "- Beberapa resep mengharuskan 'memukul' sebuah simpul."
msgid "Glowing Lode Prill"
msgstr "Butiran Logam Bercahaya"
@ -1062,7 +1065,7 @@ msgid "craft a torch from staff and coal lump"
msgstr "Membuat Obor dari Tongkat Panjang dan Gumpalan Batu Bara"
msgid "Sedge"
msgstr "Rumput Teki"
msgstr "Teki"
msgid "Red Bell Flower"
msgstr "Bunga Bell Merah"
@ -1077,10 +1080,10 @@ msgid "Red Star Flower"
msgstr "Bunga Star Merah"
msgid "Render"
msgstr "Plester"
msgstr "Plaster"
msgid "Rush"
msgstr "Rumput Silongga"
msgstr "Rush Air"
msgid "Sandstone Bricks"
msgstr "Batu Bata Pasir"
@ -1269,7 +1272,7 @@ msgid "Wet Aggregate"
msgstr "Agregat Basah"
msgid "Wet Render"
msgstr "Plester Basah"
msgstr "Plaster Basah"
msgid "Wet Spackling"
msgstr "Campuran Batu Awan Basah"
@ -1344,7 +1347,7 @@ msgid "find a flower"
msgstr "Menemukan Bunga"
msgid "find a sedge"
msgstr "Menemukan Rumput Teki"
msgstr "Menemukan Teki"
msgid "find a sponge"
msgstr "Menemukan Spons"
@ -1362,7 +1365,7 @@ msgid "find charcoal"
msgstr "Menemukan Arang"
msgid "grow a sedge on grass near moisture"
msgstr "Menumbuhkan Rumput Teki pada Rumput disekitar tempat lembab"
msgstr "Menumbuhkan Teki pada Rumput disekitar tempat lembab"
msgid "leach raked dirt to sand"
msgstr "Bersihkan Tanah Garuk untuk menjadi Pasir"
@ -1377,10 +1380,10 @@ msgid "mix dirt into ash to make adobe mix"
msgstr "Mencampurkan Tanah ke Abu untuk membuat Campuran Tanah Liat"
msgid "pick a sedge"
msgstr "Mengambil Rumput Teki"
msgstr "Mengambil Teki"
msgid "pack sedges into thatch"
msgstr "Membungkus Rumput Teki ke Jerami"
msgstr "Membungkus Teki ke Jerami"
msgid "rake dirt"
msgstr "Tanah Garuk"
@ -1398,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid "work annealed lode on a tempered lode anvil"
msgstr "Mengerjakan Logam Lunak pada Meja Tempa yang dikeraskan"
msgid "find a rush"
msgstr "Menemukan Rumput Silongga"
msgstr "Menemukan Rush"
msgid "find an eggcorn"
msgstr "Menemukan Biji"
@ -1431,7 +1434,7 @@ msgid "Stone-Tipped Hatchet"
msgstr "Kapak Batu"
msgid "Stump"
msgstr "Bonggol Kayu"
msgstr "Bonggol Pohon"
msgid "Tempered Lode Adze"
msgstr "Pahat Logam Keras"
@ -1608,7 +1611,7 @@ msgid "cycle through all charcoal glyphs"
msgstr "Menelusuri semua Tulisan Arang"
msgid "dig a node with a hinged panel and tool"
msgstr "Menggali node dengan Panel Engsel dan Alat"
msgstr "Menggali simpul dengan Panel Engsel dan Alat"
msgid "dig leaves"
msgstr "Menggali Daun"
@ -1641,7 +1644,7 @@ msgid "drop an item"
msgstr "Jatuhkan Item"
msgid "dry out a rush"
msgstr "Mengeringkan Rumput Silongga"
msgstr "Mengeringkan Rush"
msgid "dry out a sponge"
msgstr "Mengeringkan Spons"
@ -1695,7 +1698,7 @@ msgid "grind dead plants into peat"
msgstr "Menggiling Tanaman Mati menjadi Gambut"
msgid "grow a rush on soil near moisture"
msgstr "Menumbuhkan Rumput Silongga disekitar tempat lembab"
msgstr "Menumbuhkan Rush disekitar tempat lembab"
msgid "harden stone"
msgstr "Mengeraskan Batu"
@ -1722,7 +1725,7 @@ msgid "light a torch"
msgstr "Menyalakan Obor"
msgid "lux-infuse a lode tool"
msgstr "Infus-lus Alat Logam"
msgstr "Menginfus Lus ke Alat Logam"
msgid "melt down lode metal from lode cobble"
msgstr "Melelehkan Mineral Logam dari Batu Logam"
@ -1740,7 +1743,7 @@ msgid "mix gravel into ash to make aggregate"
msgstr "Mencampurkan Kerikil ke Abu untuk membuat Agregat"
msgid "mix sand into ash to make render"
msgstr "Mencampurkan Pasir ke Abu untuk membuat Plester"
msgstr "Mencampurkan Pasir ke Abu untuk membuat Plaster"
msgid "mold molten glass into clear glass"
msgstr "Mencetak Cairan Kaca menjadi Kaca Bening"
@ -1758,7 +1761,7 @@ msgid "observe lux criticality"
msgstr "Mengobservasi kekritisan Lus"
msgid "pack dry rushes into wicker"
msgstr "Membungkus Rumput Silongga Kering ke Anyaman"
msgstr "Membungkus Rush Kering ke Anyaman"
msgid "pack high-quality charcoal"
msgstr "Membungkus Arang berkualitas tinggi"
@ -1770,7 +1773,7 @@ msgid "pack up a complete tote"
msgstr "Membungkus Tas seluruhnya"
msgid "place a node with a hinged panel"
msgstr "Menaruh node dengan Panel Engsel"
msgstr "Menaruh simpul dengan Panel Engsel"
msgid "plant an eggcorn"
msgstr "Menanam Biji"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-19 19:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \"sotis.oph\" <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-19 15:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: BlackImpostor <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <"
"Language: ru\n"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n"
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "Трава"
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ msgid "Active Lens"
msgstr "Активная Линза"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Подробнее"
msgstr "Чуть Подробнее"
msgid "- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second)."
msgstr "- Ударять нужно не так часто (около 1 удара в секунду)."

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-27 05:07+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-25 06:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 复予 <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-18 14:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 孙鑫然 <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <"
"Language: zh_Hans\n"
@ -85,3 +85,125 @@ msgstr "- 更好的方法通常更适合."
msgid "About"
msgstr "关于"
msgid "- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced."
msgstr "-挖掘方块没有正确的工具不能获得物品,只能破坏并且不会掉落。"
msgid "- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain."
msgstr "- 矿石可能不会是裸露的,但位置会被地形的细微线索所揭示。"
msgid "- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up."
msgstr "配方取决于时间,更快的节奏并不会加速制作。"
msgid "- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items."
msgstr "- 同时按下潜行键,辅助键丢弃物品会丢出所有与之相同的物品。"
msgid "- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack."
msgstr "- 按下潜行键丢弃物品每次只会丢出一个物品。"
msgid "- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node."
msgstr "- 一些制作配方需要 “击打” 一个方块。"
msgid "- Something seems tedious? Find better tech, subtle factors, or a better way."
msgstr "- 有些事情似乎很乏味?使用更好的技术,掌控微妙的因素,或找到更好的办法。"
msgid "- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter."
msgstr "- 堆栈可能会受到猛击,精确的数量可能会有所影响。"
msgid "- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!"
msgstr "- 这个子游戏被设计得非常具有挑战性,有时会令人沮丧。千万不要放弃!!!"
msgid "- There is NO inventory screen."
msgstr "- 这里不显示物品栏界面。"
msgid "- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging."
msgstr "- 重复击打一个方块,不使用挖掘的方法。"
msgid "- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously."
msgstr "- 持续向前或向上移动会越来越快。"
msgid "- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition."
msgstr "- 用作原料的工具必须保持完好。"
msgid "- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder."
msgstr "- 生火时遇到了麻烦?尝试使用更长的木棍和更多的引火物。"
msgid "- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter."
msgstr "-手中的物品,目标的脸和周围的方块对交互来说可能很重要。"
msgid "@1 (@2)"
msgstr "@1@2"
msgid "@1 ....."
msgstr "@1....."
msgid "- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting."
msgstr "- 特定的顺序和放置方向对合成来说很重要。"
msgid "- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation."
msgstr "- 学会使用星星进行远距离导航。"
msgid "- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second)."
msgstr "- 你不需要击打得很快(每秒一次即可)。"
msgid "@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future"
msgstr "@1 被发现的,@2可用的@3将来的"
msgid "@1 rejected. (protocol version @2)"
msgstr "@1 拒绝。(协议版本 @2"
msgid "@1 |...."
msgstr "@1 |...."
msgid "@1 ||..."
msgstr "@1 ||..."
msgid "@1 |||.."
msgstr "@1 |||.."
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Lens"
msgstr "活跃的镜头"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Prism"
msgstr "活跃的棱镜"
msgid "Additional Mods Loaded: @1"
msgstr "附加 Mod 已载入:@1"
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "黏土坯"
msgid "Adobe Mix"
msgstr "混合黏土"
msgid "Aggregate"
msgstr "混凝料"
msgid "Amalgamation"
msgstr "混合"
msgid "Admin Tool"
msgstr "管理员工具"
msgid "@1 ||||."
msgstr "@1 ||||."
msgid "@1 |||||"
msgstr "@1 |||||"
msgid "Adobe Bricks"
msgstr "风干砖坯"
msgid "~ @1% translated to your language (@2)"
msgstr "@1%翻译成你的语言(@2"
msgid "write on a surface with a charcoal lump"
msgstr "用木炭在地上写字"
msgid "wet a concrete mix"
msgstr "打湿混凝土混合料"
msgid "wilt a flower"
msgstr "让一朵花凋零"

View File

@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ return {
sk = 147,
tok = 17,
uk = 606,
zh_CN = 22,
zh_CN = 62,
zh_TW = 301,