Translation update
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Portions Copyright (C)2022 Pexauteau Santander <
Portions Copyright (C)2022 Yic95 <>
Portions Copyright (C)2022 3raven <>
Portions Copyright (C)2022 Arsenicus <>
Portions Copyright (C)2022 Ezilei Correia <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
# textdomain: nc_api
(C)2018-2021 by Aaron Suen <>=(C)2018-2021 por Aaron Suen <>
- "Furnaces" are not a thing; discover smelting with open flames.=- Não existem "Fornos"; descubra derretimento em chamas abertas.
- Be wary of dark caves/chasms; you are responsible for getting yourself out.=- Desconfie de cavernas/abismos escuros; você é responsável por sair.
- Can't dig trees or grass? Search for sticks in the canopy.=- Não consegue cavar madeira ou terra? Procure por palitos nas copas das arvores.
- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see.=- Pontos de escalada também produzem luz muito fraca; aumentar a gama de exibição para ver.
- Climbing spots may be climbed once black particles appear.=- Pontos de escalada podem ser escalados assim que as partículas pretas aparecerem.
- Crafting is done by building recipes in-world.=- A Criação de itens é feita construindo as receitas pelo mundo.
- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots.=- Nós deslocados podem ser escalados como pontos de escalada.
- Do not use F5 debug info; it will mislead you!=- Não use as informações de debug do F5; Apenas irão lhe confundir!
- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory.=- Solte e pegue itens para reorganizar seu inventário.
- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay.=- Jogue itens no chão para criar pilhas de nós. Eles não desaparecem.
- FUTURE: @1=- FUTURO: @1
- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.=- Para receitas maiores, o item central geralmente é colocado por último.
- Hold/repeat right-click on walls/ceilings barehanded to climb.=- Segure/repita o clique direito em paredes/tetos para escalar com mãos nuas.
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- Irremediavelmente preso? Tente perguntar às salas de bate-papo da comunidade (Sobre a aba).
- If a recipe exists, you will see a special particle effect.=- Se uma receita existe, você verá um efeito especial de partícula sair do node.
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- Se demorar mais de 5 segundos para cavar, você não tem a ferramenta certa.
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- Os itens pegados são primeiramente armazenados no espaço atualmente selecionado.
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- Receitas maiores geralmente são mais simétricas.
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- Aprenda a usar as estrelas para navegação de longa distância.
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- Nós escavados sem a ferramenta certa não podem ser pegos, apenas deslocados.
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- A ordem e a face em que os itens são colocados pode importar no processo de criação.
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- Minérios talvez estejam escondidos, mas podem ser revelados por dicas sutis pelo terreno.
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- Receitas são cronometradas, bater mais forte não afetará a velocidade delas.
@ -18,18 +29,26 @@
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- O jogo é feito para ser desafiante, algumas fezes frustrante. NÃO DESISTA!
- There is NO inventory screen.=- NÃO EXISTE tela de inventário.
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- Para esmurrar, bata num node repetidamente, SEM QUEBRÁ-LO.
- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.=- Para correr mais rápido, ande/nade para a frente ou suba/nade para cima continuamente.
- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition.=- As ferramentas usadas como ingredientes devem estar em muito boas condições.
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- Problemas ao acender uma chama? Tente usar gravetos mais longos, mais inflamáveis.
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=- O item segurado, a face do objeto alvo e os nodes ao redor podem importar durante a criação de algo.
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- Você não precisa bater muito rápido(basta 1 batida por segundo).
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 descoberto, @2 disponível, @3 futuro
Active Lens=Lente Ativa
Active Prism=Prisma Ativo
Additional Mods Loaded: @1=Adicionais Mods Carregados: @1
Adobe Bricks=Tijolos Adobe
Adobe Mix=Mistura de Adobe
Annealed Lode Adze=Enxó de Veio Mineral Recozido
Annealed Lode Bar=Barra de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Frame=Quadro de Veio Mineral Recozido
Annealed Lode Hatchet Head=Cabeça de Machado de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Hatchet=Machado de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Ladder=Escada de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Mallet Head=Cabeça de Marreta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Mallet=Marreta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Mattock Head=Cabeça de Enxada de Veio Mineral Recozida
@ -37,12 +56,18 @@ Annealed Lode Mattock=Enxada de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Pick Head=Cabeça de Picareta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Pick=Picareta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Prill=Lascas de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Rake=Ancinho de Veio Mineral Recozido
Annealed Lode Rod=Vara de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Spade Head=Cabeça de Pá de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Spade=Pá de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode=Veio Mineral Recozido
Ash Lump=Nódulo de Cinzas
Azure Bell Flower=Flor de Sino Azul
Azure Cluster Flower=Flor de Cacho Azul
Azure Cup Flower=Flor de Copo Azul
Azure Rosette Flower=Flor Roseta Azul
Azure Star Flower=Flor Estrela Azul
Bindy Adobe=Adobe Liguento
Bindy Pliant Adobe=Adobe Flexível Liguenta
Bindy Pliant Sandstone=Arenito Flexível Liguento
@ -52,6 +77,7 @@ Bindy Sandstone=Arenito Liguento
Bindy Stone=Pedra Liguenta
Bindy Tarstone=Pedra de Alcatrão Liguenta
Black Bell Flower=Flor Sino Preta
Blank=Vazio(Em Branco)
Bonded Stone Bricks=Tijolos de Pedra Ligados
Boxy Adobe=Adobe Quadrado
@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
# textdomain: nc_api
(C)2018-2021 by Aaron Suen <>=(C)2018-2021 por Aaron Suen <>
- "Furnaces" are not a thing; discover smelting with open flames.=-"Fornalhas" não existem; descubra como cozinhar com chamas à céu aberto.
- Be wary of dark caves/chasms; you are responsible for getting yourself out.=- Desconfie de cavernas/abismos escuros; você é responsável por sair.
- Can't dig trees or grass? Search for sticks in the canopy.=- Não consegue quebrar árvores ou cavar? Procure por gravetos na cobertura.
- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see.=- Pontos de escalada também produzem luz muito fraca; aumentar a gama de exibição para ver.
- Climbing spots may be climbed once black particles appear.=- Pontos de escalada podem ser escalados assim que as partículas pretas aparecerem.
- Crafting is done by building recipes in-world.=- A Criação de Itens é feita construindo as receitas pelo mundo.
- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots.=- Nós deslocados podem ser escalados como pontos de escalada.
- Do not use F5 debug info; it will mislead you!=- Não use as informações de debug do F5; Apenas irão lhe confundir!
- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory.=- Solte e pegue itens para reorganizar seu inventário.
- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay.=- Derrube itens no chão para criar pilhas de nodes. Eles não somem.
- FUTURE: @1=- FUTURO: @1
- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.=- Para receitas maiores, o item central geralmente é colocado por último.
- Hold/repeat right-click on walls/ceilings barehanded to climb.=- Segure/repita o clique direito em paredes/tetos para escalar com mãos nuas.
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- Irremediavelmente preso? Tente perguntar às salas de bate-papo da comunidade (Sobre a aba).
- If a recipe exists, you will see a special particle effect.=- Se uma receita existe, você verá um efeito especial de partícula sair do node.
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- Se demorar mais de 5 segundos para cavar, você não tem a ferramenta certa.
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- Os itens pegados são primeiramente armazenados no espaço atualmente selecionado.
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- Receitas maiores geralmente são mais simétricas.
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- Aprenda a usar as estrelas para navegação de longa distância.
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- Nós escavados sem a ferramenta certa não podem ser pegos, apenas deslocados.
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- A ordem e a face em que os itens são colocados pode importar no processo de criação.
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- Minérios talvez estejam escondidos, mas podem ser revelados por dicas sutis pelo terreno.
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- Receitas são cronometradas, bater mais forte não afetará a velocidade delas.
@ -18,18 +28,26 @@
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- O jogo é feito para ser desafiante, algumas fezes frustrante. NÃO DESISTA!
- There is NO inventory screen.=- NÃO EXISTE tela de inventário.
- To pummel, punch a node repeatedly, WITHOUT digging.=- Para esmurrar, bata num node repetidamente, SEM QUEBRÁ-LO.
- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously.=- Para correr mais rápido, ande/nade para a frente ou suba/nade para cima continuamente.
- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition.=- As ferramentas usadas como ingredientes devem estar em muito boas condições.
- Trouble lighting a fire? Try using longer sticks, more tinder.=- Problemas ao acender uma chama? Tente usar gravetos mais longos, mais inflamáveis.
- Wielded item, target face, and surrounding nodes may matter.=- O item segurado, a face do objeto alvo e os nodes ao redor podem importar durante a criação de algo.
- You do not have to punch very fast (about 1 per second).=- Você não precisa bater muito rápido(basta 1 batida por segundo).
@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future=@1 descoberto, @2 disponível, @3 futuro
Active Lens=Lente Ativa
Active Prism=Prisma Ativo
Additional Mods Loaded: @1=Adicionais Mods Carregados: @1
Adobe Bricks=Tijolos Adobe
Adobe Mix=Mistura de Adobe
Annealed Lode Adze=Enxó de Veio Mineral Recozido
Annealed Lode Bar=Barra de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Frame=Quadro de Veio Mineral Recozido
Annealed Lode Hatchet Head=Cabeça de Machado de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Hatchet=Machado de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Ladder=Escada de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Mallet Head=Cabeça de Marreta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Mallet=Marreta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Mattock Head=Cabeça de Enxada de Veio Mineral Recozida
@ -37,12 +55,18 @@ Annealed Lode Mattock=Enxada de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Pick Head=Cabeça de Picareta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Pick=Picareta de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Prill=Lascas de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Rake=Ancinho de Veio Mineral Recozido
Annealed Lode Rod=Vara de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Spade Head=Cabeça de Pá de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode Spade=Pá de Veio Mineral Recozida
Annealed Lode=Veio Mineral Recozido
Ash Lump=Nódulo de Cinzas
Azure Bell Flower=Flor de Sino Azul
Azure Cluster Flower=Flor de Cacho Azul
Azure Cup Flower=Flor de Copo Azul
Azure Rosette Flower=Flor Roseta Azul
Azure Star Flower=Flor Estrela Azul
Bindy Adobe=Adobe Liguento
Bindy Pliant Adobe=Adobe Flexível Liguenta
Bindy Pliant Sandstone=Arenito Flexível Liguento
@ -52,6 +76,7 @@ Bindy Sandstone=Arenito Liguento
Bindy Stone=Pedra Liguenta
Bindy Tarstone=Pedra de Alcatrão Liguenta
Black Bell Flower=Flor Sino Preta
Blank=Vazio(Em Branco)
Bonded Stone Bricks=Tijolos de Pedra Ligados
Boxy Adobe=Adobe Quadrado
@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
- FUTURE: @1=- 延伸:@1
- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.=- 在较大的合成模式中,中间的物品一般最后放置。
- Hold/repeat right-click on walls/ceilings barehanded to climb.=- 空手在牆或天花板上,按住或連點右鍵來攀爬。
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- 遊戲沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- 沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。
- If a recipe exists, you will see a special particle effect.=- 如果配方存在,你會看到特殊粒子效果。
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 挖方塊挖超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進到選取的物品欄。
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 挖方塊超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進入選取的物品欄。
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- 較大的合成配方通常較為對稱。
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- 學會觀星來長途移動。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 方塊不能被錯誤的工具拾起,除了位移的。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 錯誤的工具不能拾起除位移以外的方塊。
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- 順序與放置面可能影響製作。
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- 礦石可能隱藏,地勢有微小線索。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打得更快不會加快速度。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品來丟掉相符的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打更快不加快製作。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品會丟掉相符的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個物品。
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- 有些配方需要「敲打」方塊。
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- 堆疊可以被敲打,精確的數量可能影響。
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- 這個遊戲被刻意設計的很有挑戰性,有時令人挫折。不 要 放 棄 !
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ DEVELOPMENT VERSION=開發版
Displaced Node=位移的方塊
Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)=有最新功能(也許)與錯誤的 Nodecore
@ -149,3 +150,11 @@ carve wooden tool heads from planks=把木材削成木工具頭
convert a wooden form to a frame=由木成型框製作木框
convert a wooden frame to a form=由木框製作成型框
put a stone tip onto a wooden tool=在木製工具上放置一石片
split a tree trunk into planks=分原木為木材
squeeze out a sponge=擰海綿
stick a lens/prism in place=黏住透鏡或稜鏡
temper a lode cube=調溫類鋼方塊
temper a lode tool head=調溫一類鋼工具頭
throw an item really fast=急速丟出物品
wet a concrete mix=沾溼混凝土粉
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭寫字
@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
- FUTURE: @1=- 延伸:@1
- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.=- 在较大的合成模式中,中间的物品一般最后放置。
- Hold/repeat right-click on walls/ceilings barehanded to climb.=- 空手在牆或天花板上,按住或連點右鍵來攀爬。
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- 遊戲沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- 沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。
- If a recipe exists, you will see a special particle effect.=- 如果配方存在,你會看到特殊粒子效果。
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 挖方塊挖超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進到選取的物品欄。
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 挖方塊超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進入選取的物品欄。
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- 較大的合成配方通常較為對稱。
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- 學會觀星來長途移動。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 方塊不能被錯誤的工具拾起,除了位移的。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 錯誤的工具不能拾起除位移以外的方塊。
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- 順序與放置面可能影響製作。
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- 礦石可能隱藏,地勢有微小線索。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打得更快不會加快速度。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品來丟掉相符的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打更快不加快製作。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品會丟掉相符的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個物品。
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- 有些配方需要「敲打」方塊。
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- 堆疊可以被敲打,精確的數量可能影響。
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- 這個遊戲被刻意設計的很有挑戰性,有時令人挫折。不 要 放 棄 !
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ DEVELOPMENT VERSION=開發版
Displaced Node=位移的方塊
Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)=有最新功能(也許)與錯誤的 Nodecore
@ -149,3 +150,11 @@ carve wooden tool heads from planks=把木材削成木工具頭
convert a wooden form to a frame=由木成型框製作木框
convert a wooden frame to a form=由木框製作成型框
put a stone tip onto a wooden tool=在木製工具上放置一石片
split a tree trunk into planks=分原木為木材
squeeze out a sponge=擰海綿
stick a lens/prism in place=黏住透鏡或稜鏡
temper a lode cube=調溫類鋼方塊
temper a lode tool head=調溫一類鋼工具頭
throw an item really fast=急速丟出物品
wet a concrete mix=沾溼混凝土粉
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭寫字
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
# textdomain: nc_api
(C)2018-2021 by Aaron Suen <>=(C)2018-2021 由 Aaron Suen <> 製作
- "Furnaces" are not a thing; discover smelting with open flames.=- 「熔爐」不是物品;試著用明火熔鍊。
- Aux+drop any item to drop everything.=- 按輔助鍵再丟任意物品來丟掉所有物品。
(C)2018-2021 by Aaron Suen <>=(C)2018-2021,作者為 Aaron Suen <>
- "Furnaces" are not a thing; discover smelting with open flames.=- 「熔爐」不是物品;用明火熔鍊。
- Aux+drop any item to drop everything.=- 輔助鍵 + 丟任意物品丟掉所有物品。
- Be wary of dark caves/chasms; you are responsible for getting yourself out.=- 小心洞穴或深谷;你必須自己上來。
- Can't dig trees or grass? Search for sticks in the canopy.=- 無法砍樹或挖草地?試著從樹冠尋找木棒。
- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see.=- 攀爬點也會產生微光;調高 gamma 值來看見。
- Can't dig trees or grass? Search for sticks in the canopy.=- 無法砍樹或挖草?從樹冠尋找木棒。
- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see.=- 調高 gamma 值查看攀登點發出的微光。
- Climbing spots may be climbed once black particles appear.=- 出現黑色粒子即可爬上攀爬點。
- Crafting is done by building recipes in-world.=- 在世界中建出配方來製作物品。
- Crafting is done by building recipes in-world.=- 製作物品時,需在世界中建出配方。
- DONE: @1=- 完成:@1
- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots.=- 位移的方塊可以像攀登點一樣爬上。
- Do not use F5 debug info; it will mislead you!=- 不要使用 F5 除錯訊息;他會誤導你!
- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory.=- 丟掉再拾起物品來重新排列你的物品欄。
- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay.=- 丟物品在地面上來形成堆疊方塊。它們不會腐爛。
- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots.=- 位移的方塊也可爬上。
- Do not use F5 debug info; it will mislead you!=- 不要使用 F5 除錯訊息;它會誤導你!
- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory.=- 丟掉再拾起物品來重整物品欄。
- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay.=- 在地面上丟物品來形成方塊堆。它們永不腐爛。
- FUTURE: @1=- 延伸:@1
- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.=- 較大的合成配方中,中心物品通常最後放置。
- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last.=- 較大的合成配方中,中心物通常最後放置。
- Hold/repeat right-click on walls/ceilings barehanded to climb.=- 空手在牆或天花板上,按住或連點右鍵來攀爬。
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- 遊戲沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。
- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab).=- 沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。
- If a recipe exists, you will see a special particle effect.=- 如果配方存在,你會看到特殊粒子效果。
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 挖方塊挖超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進到選取的物品欄。
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool.=- 挖方塊超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。
- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first.=- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進入選取的物品欄。
- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical.=- 較大的合成配方通常較為對稱。
- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation.=- 學會觀星來長途移動。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 方塊不能被錯誤的工具拾起,除了位移的。
- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced.=- 錯誤的工具不能拾起除位移以外的方塊。
- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting.=- 順序與放置面可能影響製作。
- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain.=- 礦石可能隱藏,地勢有微小線索。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打得更快不會加快速度。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品來丟掉相符的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個。
- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up.=- 配方以時間為基準,打更快不加快製作。
- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items.=- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品會丟掉相符的物品。
- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack.=- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個物品。
- Some recipes require "pummeling" a node.=- 有些配方需要「敲打」方塊。
- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter.=- 堆疊可以被敲打,精確的數量可能影響。
- The game is challenging by design, sometimes frustrating. DON'T GIVE UP!=- 這個遊戲被刻意設計的很有挑戰性,有時令人挫折。不 要 放 棄 !
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ DEVELOPMENT VERSION=開發版
Displaced Node=位移的方塊
Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)=有最新功能(也許)與錯誤的 Nodecore
@ -149,3 +150,11 @@ carve wooden tool heads from planks=把木材削成木工具頭
convert a wooden form to a frame=由木成型框製作木框
convert a wooden frame to a form=由木框製作成型框
put a stone tip onto a wooden tool=在木製工具上放置一石片
split a tree trunk into planks=分原木為木材
squeeze out a sponge=擰海綿
stick a lens/prism in place=黏住透鏡或稜鏡
temper a lode cube=調溫類鋼方塊
temper a lode tool head=調溫一類鋼工具頭
throw an item really fast=急速丟出物品
wet a concrete mix=沾溼混凝土粉
write on a surface with a charcoal lump=用木炭寫字
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
"el": "2022-03-19T02:03:25.191711+01:00",
"zh_Hans": "2022-03-27T05:19:46.987426+02:00",
"sk": "2022-03-30T22:24:30.066342+02:00",
"zh_Hant": "2022-04-30T07:29:23.749852+02:00",
"zh_Hant": "2022-05-03T16:36:33.574934+02:00",
"it": "2022-04-25T23:00:14.359351+02:00",
"fr": "2022-04-26T08:59:17.210597+02:00"
"fr": "2022-04-26T08:59:17.210597+02:00",
"pt_BR": "2022-05-04T00:33:58.762880+02:00"
"user": {
"": {
@ -115,6 +116,14 @@
"first": "2022",
"last": "2022"
"": {
"raw": {
"full_name": "Ezilei Correia",
"username": "ezileicorreia"
"first": "2022",
"last": "2022"
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-12 14:44+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-02 12:25+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Terifo <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) <"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-05-04 12:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ezilei Correia <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) <"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.0.4\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n"
msgid "(C)2018-2019 by Aaron Suen <>"
msgstr "(C)2018-2019 por Aaron Suen <>"
@ -1105,3 +1105,101 @@ msgstr "Tijolos de Pedra Ligados"
msgid "Blank"
msgstr "Vazio(Em Branco)"
msgid "(C)2018-2021 by Aaron Suen <>"
msgstr "(C)2018-2021 by Aaron Suen <>"
msgid "- Be wary of dark caves/chasms; you are responsible for getting yourself out."
msgstr "- Desconfie de cavernas/abismos escuros; você é responsável por sair."
msgid "- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see."
msgstr ""
"- Pontos de escalada também produzem luz muito fraca; aumentar a gama de "
"exibição para ver."
msgid "- Climbing spots may be climbed once black particles appear."
msgstr ""
"- Pontos de escalada podem ser escalados assim que as partículas pretas "
msgid "- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots."
msgstr "- Nós deslocados podem ser escalados como pontos de escalada."
msgid "- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory."
msgstr "- Solte e pegue itens para reorganizar seu inventário."
msgid "- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last."
msgstr ""
"- Para receitas maiores, o item central geralmente é colocado por último."
msgid "Azure Bell Flower"
msgstr "Flor de Sino Azul"
msgid "Black Bell Flower"
msgstr "Flor Sino Preta"
msgid "- FUTURE: @1"
msgstr "- FUTURO: @1"
msgid "- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab)."
msgstr ""
"- Irremediavelmente preso? Tente perguntar às salas de bate-papo da "
"comunidade (Sobre a aba)."
msgid "- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool."
msgstr ""
"- Se demorar mais de 5 segundos para cavar, você não tem a ferramenta certa."
msgid "- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation."
msgstr "- Aprenda a usar as estrelas para navegação de longa distância."
msgid "- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced."
msgstr ""
"- Nós escavados sem a ferramenta certa não podem ser pegos, apenas "
msgid "- To run faster, walk/swim forward or climb/swim upward continuously."
msgstr ""
"- Para correr mais rápido, ande/nade para a frente ou suba/nade para cima "
msgid "- Tools used as ingredients must be in very good condition."
msgstr ""
"- As ferramentas usadas como ingredientes devem estar em muito boas "
msgid "@1 (@2)"
msgstr "@1 (@2)"
msgid "@1 discovered, @2 available, @3 future"
msgstr "@1 descoberto, @2 disponível, @3 futuro"
msgid "Additional Mods Loaded: @1"
msgstr "Adicionais Mods Carregados: @1"
msgid "Adobe Bricks"
msgstr "Tijolos Adobe"
msgid "Annealed Lode Adze"
msgstr "Enxó de Veio Mineral Recozido"
msgid "Annealed Lode Rake"
msgstr "Ancinho de Veio Mineral Recozido"
msgid "Azure Cluster Flower"
msgstr "Flor de Cacho Azul"
msgid "Azure Cup Flower"
msgstr "Flor de Copo Azul"
msgid "Azure Rosette Flower"
msgstr "Flor Roseta Azul"
msgid "Azure Star Flower"
msgstr "Flor Estrela Azul"
msgid "Annealed Lode Frame"
msgstr "Quadro de Veio Mineral Recozido"
msgid "Annealed Lode Ladder"
msgstr "Escada de Veio Mineral Recozida"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-17 04:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-30 13:14+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-05-04 12:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Yic95 <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) <"
@ -15,28 +15,28 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n"
msgid "- Climbing spots also produce very faint light; raise display gamma to see."
msgstr "- 攀爬點也會產生微光;調高 gamma 值來看見。"
msgstr "- 調高 gamma 值查看攀登點發出的微光。"
msgid "(C)2018-2021 by Aaron Suen <>"
msgstr "(C)2018-2021 由 Aaron Suen <> 製作"
msgstr "(C)2018-2021,作者為 Aaron Suen <>"
msgid "- @1"
msgstr "- @1"
msgid "- Aux+drop any item to drop everything."
msgstr "- 按輔助鍵再丟任意物品來丟掉所有物品。"
msgstr "- 輔助鍵 + 丟任意物品丟掉所有物品。"
msgid "- Be wary of dark caves/chasms; you are responsible for getting yourself out."
msgstr "- 小心洞穴或深谷;你必須自己上來。"
msgid "- Can't dig trees or grass? Search for sticks in the canopy."
msgstr "- 無法砍樹或挖草地?試著從樹冠尋找木棒。"
msgstr "- 無法砍樹或挖草?從樹冠尋找木棒。"
msgid "- Climbing spots may be climbed once black particles appear."
msgstr "- 出現黑色粒子即可爬上攀爬點。"
msgid "- Crafting is done by building recipes in-world."
msgstr "- 在世界中建出配方來製作物品。"
msgstr "- 製作物品時,需在世界中建出配方。"
msgid "- DONE: @1"
msgstr "- 完成:@1"
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ msgid "- Learn to use the stars for long distance navigation."
msgstr "- 學會觀星來長途移動。"
msgid "- Recipes are time-based, punching faster does not speed up."
msgstr "- 配方以時間為基準,打得更快不會加快速度。"
msgstr "- 配方以時間為基準,打更快不加快製作。"
msgid "- Sneak+aux+drop an item to drop all matching items."
msgstr "- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品來丟掉相符的物品。"
msgstr "- 潛行時按輔助鍵丟物品會丟掉相符的物品。"
msgid "- There is NO inventory screen."
msgstr "- 「沒有」物品欄檢視畫面。"
@ -175,22 +175,22 @@ msgid "Stump"
msgstr "根"
msgid "- Drop items onto ground to create stack nodes. They do not decay."
msgstr "- 丟物品在地面上來形成堆疊方塊。它們不會腐爛。"
msgstr "- 在地面上丟物品來形成方塊堆。它們永不腐爛。"
msgid "- Do not use F5 debug info; it will mislead you!"
msgstr "- 不要使用 F5 除錯訊息;他會誤導你!"
msgstr "- 不要使用 F5 除錯訊息;它會誤導你!"
msgid "- Drop and pick up items to rearrange your inventory."
msgstr "- 丟掉再拾起物品來重新排列你的物品欄。"
msgstr "- 丟掉再拾起物品來重整物品欄。"
msgid "- "Furnaces" are not a thing; discover smelting with open flames."
msgstr "- 「熔爐」不是物品;試著用明火熔鍊。"
msgstr "- 「熔爐」不是物品;用明火熔鍊。"
msgid "- For larger recipes, the center item is usually placed last."
msgstr "- 較大的合成配方中,中心物品通常最後放置。"
msgstr "- 較大的合成配方中,中心物通常最後放置。"
msgid "- Hopelessly stuck? Try asking the community chatrooms (About tab)."
msgstr "- 遊戲沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。"
msgstr "- 沒有進展?試著在社群聊天室發問(「關於」頁)。"
msgid "- Larger recipes are usually more symmetrical."
msgstr "- 較大的合成配方通常較為對稱。"
@ -199,16 +199,16 @@ msgid "- Order and specific face of placement may matter for crafting."
msgstr "- 順序與放置面可能影響製作。"
msgid "- If it takes more than 5 seconds to dig, you don't have the right tool."
msgstr "- 挖方塊挖超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。"
msgstr "- 挖方塊超過 5 秒代表你使用了錯誤的工具。"
msgid "- Nodes dug without the right tool cannot be picked up, only displaced."
msgstr "- 方塊不能被錯誤的工具拾起,除了位移的。"
msgstr "- 錯誤的工具不能拾起除位移以外的方塊。"
msgid "- Items picked up try to fit into the current selected slot first."
msgstr "- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進到選取的物品欄。"
msgstr "- 拾起的物品會先嘗試進入選取的物品欄。"
msgid "- Displaced nodes can be climbed through like climbing spots."
msgstr "- 位移的方塊可以像攀登點一樣爬上。"
msgstr "- 位移的方塊也可爬上。"
msgid "- Ores may be hidden, but revealed by subtle clues in terrain."
msgstr "- 礦石可能隱藏,地勢有微小線索。"
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ msgid "@1 ||||."
msgstr "@1 ||||."
msgid "- Sneak+drop to count out single items from stack."
msgstr "- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個。"
msgstr "- 潛行時丟物品來從物品疊中丟出一個物品。"
msgid "- Stacks may be pummeled, exact item count may matter."
msgstr "- 堆疊可以被敲打,精確的數量可能影響。"
@ -500,3 +500,30 @@ msgstr "完整地把木材削成木棒"
msgid "convert a wooden form to a frame"
msgstr "由木成型框製作木框"
msgid "temper a lode cube"
msgstr "調溫類鋼方塊"
msgid "split a tree trunk into planks"
msgstr "分原木為木材"
msgid "write on a surface with a charcoal lump"
msgstr "用木炭寫字"
msgid "squeeze out a sponge"
msgstr "擰海綿"
msgid "wet a concrete mix"
msgstr "沾溼混凝土粉"
msgid "Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)"
msgstr "有最新功能(也許)與錯誤的 Nodecore"
msgid "stick a lens/prism in place"
msgstr "黏住透鏡或稜鏡"
msgid "temper a lode tool head"
msgstr "調溫一類鋼工具頭"
msgid "throw an item really fast"
msgstr "急速丟出物品"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user