Aaron Suen 89236813e4 Allow admin command to "degrade" a dais
This effectively destroys the dais, converting it back
into its source materials in-place, not destroying any
contents/customizations, returning craft inputs,
and clearing the dais status for that player.

This can be used to return materials to the world
after a player has been destroyed, similar to how
YCTIWY automatically drops inventory.
2023-10-10 00:29:10 -04:00

141 lines
3.6 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local ipairs, minetest, nodecore, table
= ipairs, minetest, nodecore, table
local table_concat
= table.concat
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local exmachina = nodecore[modname]
local function expandify(q, e, m, c)
local t = {e}
for _ = 1, q do t[#t + 1] = m end
t[#t + 1] = c or m
for _ = 1, q do t[#t + 1] = m end
t[#t + 1] = e
return t
-- _ = air
-- c = cobble
-- e = eggcorn
-- f = bottom frame
-- u = upper frame
-- x = core
local fffff = table_concat(expandify(exmachina.extent, "f", "f"))
local fcfcf = table_concat(expandify(exmachina.extent, "f", "c", "f"))
local ffxff = table_concat(expandify(exmachina.extent, "f", "f", "x"))
local uuuuu = table_concat(expandify(exmachina.extent, "u", "u"))
local u___u = table_concat(expandify(exmachina.extent, "u", "_"))
local e___e = table_concat(expandify(exmachina.extent, "e", "_"))
local empty = table_concat(expandify(exmachina.extent, "_", "_"))
local bot = expandify(exmachina.extent, fffff, fcfcf, ffxff)
local sec = expandify(exmachina.extent, e___e, empty)
local mid = expandify(exmachina.extent, u___u, empty)
local top = expandify(exmachina.extent, uuuuu, u___u)
local full = {bot, sec}
for _ = 2, exmachina.height do full[#full + 1] = mid end
full[#full + 1] = top
exmachina.schematic_final = nodecore.ezschematic(
_ = {name = "air", prob = 255},
c = {name = "nc_terrain:cobble", prob = 255},
x = {name = modname .. ":core", prob = 255},
f = {name = modname .. ":frame", prob = 255},
e = {name = modname .. ":frame", prob = 255},
u = {name = modname .. ":frame", prob = 255},
exmachina.schematic_trans = nodecore.ezschematic(
_ = {name = modname .. ":field", prob = 255},
c = {name = modname .. ":field", prob = 255},
x = {name = modname .. ":nexus", prob = 255},
f = {name = modname .. ":field", prob = 255},
e = {name = modname .. ":field", prob = 255},
u = {name = modname .. ":field", prob = 255},
local function schemremove(prob)
return nodecore.ezschematic(
_ = {name = "air", prob = prob},
c = {name = "nc_terrain:cobble", prob = prob},
x = {name = "nc_terrain:dirt_loose", prob = 255},
f = {name = "nc_terrain:cobble", prob = 255},
e = {name = "air", prob = 255},
u = {name = "air", prob = 255},
exmachina.schematic_banish = schemremove(255)
exmachina.schematic_degrade = schemremove(0)
local function mkcraftnodes(key)
local data = {}
for y, ys in ipairs(full) do
for z, zs in ipairs(ys) do
for x = 1, zs:len() do
local match = key[zs:sub(x, x)]
if match then
data[#data + 1] = {
x = x - exmachina.extent - 2,
y = y - 1,
z = z - exmachina.extent - 2,
match = match
return data
local aireq = {air_equivalent = true}
exmachina.craftnodes_summon = mkcraftnodes({
_ = aireq,
c = "nc_terrain:cobble",
x = "nc_tree:eggcorn_planted",
f = "nc_terrain:cobble",
e = "nc_tree:eggcorn",
u = aireq,
exmachina.craftnodes_banish = mkcraftnodes({
_ = aireq,
c = "nc_terrain:cobble",
x = modname .. ":core",
f = modname .. ":frame",
e = modname .. ":frame",
u = modname .. ":frame",
exmachina.craftnodes_operating = {}
local keepers = {
[modname .. ":core"] = true,
[modname .. ":frame"] = true,
local mismatch = {groups = {[modname] = false}, count = false}
for i, v in ipairs(exmachina.craftnodes_banish) do
exmachina.craftnodes_operating[i] = {
x = v.x,
y = v.y,
z = v.z,
match = keepers[v.match] and v.match or mismatch