- Automatically load detail edits from meta JSON, allowing release of new descriptions to sync with release of package versions. - Load long description from external markdown file. - Automatically calculate provides/depends info if needed.
75 lines
1.7 KiB
75 lines
1.7 KiB
const needle = require('needle');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const config = require('./config');
const cookiejar = {};
async function fetch(uri, meth, data, opts, ...rest) {
meth = meth || 'get';
opts = opts || {};
opts.headers = opts.headers || {};
opts.headers.Referer = uri;
opts.cookies = cookiejar;
const r = await needle(meth, uri, data, opts, ...rest);
Object.keys(r.cookies).forEach(k => cookiejar[k] = r.cookies[k]);
const $ = cheerio.load(r.body.toString());
let err;
$('h1').each(function() {
const t = $(this).text();
err = t;
throw Error(`${uri} returned oops: ${err}`);
return $;
function getfields($, sel) {
const fields = {};
$('input').each(function() {
const e = $(this);
const n = e.attr('name');
if(!n) return;
const v = e.attr('value');
if(v) fields[n] = v;
return fields;
async function login_core() {
const uri = config.root + '/user/sign-in';
console.log('fetching sign-in page...');
let $ = await fetch(uri);
const fields = getfields($);
fields.username = config.user;
fields.password = config.pass;
console.log('submitting sign-in form...');
$ = await fetch(uri, 'post', fields);
let success;
$('h1').each(function() {
success = success || /^\s*Redirecting\b/i.test($(this).text());
throw Error('sign-in no redirect: ' + $('body').text());
let loginprom;
async function login() {
loginprom = login_core();
return await loginprom;
function findopt($, sel, name) {
let v;
$(sel).each(function () {
const o = $(this);
const t = o.text();
if (t.toLowerCase().startsWith(name.toLowerCase()))
v = o.attr('value');
return v;
module.exports = {fetch, getfields, login, findopt};